THIRTY THREE. Hydra doesn't like Liars

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Days passed but I was in and out of consciousness, therefore I had no idea what was happening around me. Sometimes when I roused, I could feel myself getting wrapped up in bandages, cream being applied to some of the electrical burns and the cuts.

With Hydra's technology, I could feel the injuries starting to heal a little faster, but I knew they would leave scars. Multiple times I heard Ward's voice next to me, asking me if I was ready to give him the location of the warehouse. Honestly, I didn't know why he was so infatuated with the place, all those weapons were years old and some might even not work.

The day came when I could stay awake longer than a couple of minutes. As predicted, Ward was sitting at my bedside, leaning back with his arms crossed.

"Everything will end. Just tell me a location." He whispers, leaning forward and pushing some of my damp hair from my forehead. I don't think I could handle any more torture. I was already broken enough, and in a lot of pain. And so, I told ward.

"It's in upstate New York." I rasp to him. "Near Sterling Forest. It's private land." He smiles, standing up. I knew he wasn't going to let me go, I knew too much of what he has planned.

"I knew you would come to your senses, see that it's better just to tell us what we wanted. I'll leave you be." He turns to walk out but I stop him.

"Wait." I cough, trying to speak clearly. "Let me go, please." I try, begging him.

"Oh no, we can't do that." He says incredulously. "You know too much." He simply says, before walking out and leaving me to my own mind.


Phil's POV (Yes, again. It's needed :P)

Without Skye with us, it was hard to work around the new technology in the base. She was a master at it and even though we had Fitsimmons, they both still had troubles with working on it.

"Sir, we still haven't found anything. This is a waste; we should be out there, raiding Hydra's bases." Mack slammed his fist against the table. Everyone was tense with Tripp's death, Avery's disappearance, the returning of Sif and then Skye leaving with the rest of the Inhumans to the Afterlife.

"We can't." I spit out. "Who knows how many soldiers they've been hiding from us. We can't go in unprepared and with 3 agents down."

"It doesn't matter Coulson." He tried to argue with me. "Hydra has Avery. She's barely fourteen and she won't be able to handle them. She's been gone for almost two weeks, who knows if she's even alive."

"Don't say that." I snap at him, a rush of anger controlling my emotions. "She was taken by a terrorist group when she was 8, and she survived. She can handle Ward." I give a look to everyone who had gone silent in the room and left to go up to my office. I sigh, placing my head in my hands. I pick up the SHIELD issued phone that only had 1 number programmed on it, ringing up the only person who I could ask for help.

"Hello?" I hear her voice over the receiver. "Coulson? What's wrong."

"It's Avery." I sigh gently. "She's been taken by Hydra. Can you find her?" She doesn't answer for a couple of seconds.

"I'll try but I don't know how far I can get without alerting anyone in the tower."

"Maria, just try." I beg her, picturing her frustrated face. Avery had left an imprint on those who know she was alive. She doesn't know it, but both fury and Maria think of her as their child, asking for updates with her when they could.

"I will. Give me a day."

"Make it an hour." I say before hanging up.

We were going to find her. Alive.


Avery (Obviously)

My head turned at the sound of the door opening.

"You bitch." Ward growled, rushing in. "The only warehouse out there is the new Avengers Facility. You almost got us caught." He grabbed the front of my clothes, forcing me up.

"Ow, my ribs." He brings back his fists and punches me in the torso, making me cry out in pain.

"Why did you lie." He growls. Bringing me off the bed and pushing me against the wall.

"I swear, I didn't know!" I beg, telling the truth. Tony must've wanted a secret meeting place and moved all the weapons somewhere else. We only had one warehouse, and it was in that forest.

"You didn't know? Or didn't want me to know? Where is it." He lays another one on my face, my head whipping to the side.

"Ward, please!" I could feel my eyes watering up. "I swear, that was where the warehouse was. We only had one!"

"Liar!" He screamed, punching me again, and again and again. I blacked out a couple of times due to the forceful blows, my head beginning to bleed out. I was seeing red, literal red as the blood invaded my right eye and began to fall down my face and into my mouth. My jaw felt sore and I could taste the blood from where my teeth ripped open some cuts in my mouth.

"Tell me where it is." He growled.

"I swear I don't know. Please!" He slammed be onto the wall again, my arm hitting a pipe laying on the wall and bringing a strong stinging sensation to my wrist. My knees wobble under my dead weight, and I could feel myself falling.

"Hydra doesn't like liars." He whispers, letting me collapse to the ground. I looked up at him, his figure almost devouring my small, shaken one. I flinched, seeing him reach down but was surprised when he wiped away some of the blood from around me eyes. "Let's go." He says, pulling me up and leading me out of my cell.

We walk through multiple hallways, my eye beginning to throb and swell shut. My joints felt stiff and weak, making me believe that I wouldn't be able to walk for much longer. Soon, he pushed me to a large white room, and stood in the doorway.

"I'll let you stay here for a while, so you can think about everything that's happened." He closed the door and I heard locks bolting shut. 

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