THIRTY SEVEN. Emergencies

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"Tell me you figured out what drugs Cal took, because my gut's saying everything ever made." Phil storms in, looking frustrated. I put down my phone, hiding the contents of what I was doing.

"I haven't fully sequenced the formula yet, if only for the multitude of trace drugs found, but my initial list includes anabolism-androgenic steroids, a liver enzyme blocker, various metabolic enhancers, methamphetamine, what appears to be gorilla testosterone, and no lie a drop of peppermint."

"Peppermint. One drop." I ask, laughing.

"I know." She agrees. "I think it's an ill-conceived attempt at super strength."

"Other than Cap, every attempt has been ill-conceived. Will he survive it?

She sighs, shaking her head. "A single vial would send any normal man to the hospital. Skye's father took three. He should be dead." She said. Phil bites his lip before turning around and leaving the lab again. Fitz and Simmons were doing their own thing, with other SHIELD scientists doing theirs. I slowly bring up my phone again, unlocking it and turning the sound down very low. The familiar tune greets my ears and I smile widely.

"Oh, bring it on." I whisper.

"Do I hear the Pokémon theme song?" Fitz asks, looking up confused.

"No..." I answer loudly, making many of the scientists turn to me, amused. "Ok, maybe." I say, before hopping off and walking around. I gotta catch 'em all somehow. They all go back to their work and I spend ages burying myself in the virtual world on Pokémon. Until we got a call ahead from Phil and another agent telling us to prepare the medical room.

"Skye's father is having a reaction." Simmons yells, clearing the bed. He is brought in and placed onto the bed carefully. Fitz rips open his over shirt and Simmons readies the defibrillator.

"Clear." She yells, sending an electric pulse through the man's heart. He was limp, red faced and was all sweaty. He didn't look too good, and I had a bad feeling about the outcome.

"No response." Fitz announces.

"We can't lose him." Phil demands, making Fitz complain.

"I thought you said he wanted to kill us." He alleged.

"He's Skye's father. We have to try." He responds, letting Simmons brush by him. I stood in the corner of the room, out of everyone's way.

"I'm doing what I can. Get me an adrenaline injector, one milligram." Simmons ordered Fitz. He went rushing around the table, looking through draws and under papers. "Fitz, I need it now." She raised her voice. Fitz gave the needle to her and she stabbed it into Cal's neck. He immediately sprung up, his body rolling off the bed and onto the floor. Phil kept his hands on my shoulders to keep me from running to him. We lost sight of his body, but we could hear him grunting. Soon, he pulled himself up and what greeted us, was not Cal. He looks crazy, infuriated and not like the man he came in as.

"You were looking for a monster?" He taunts, staring straight at Phil. "Huh. This is what I was missing." He picked up the needle before throwing it over his shoulder.

"Cal." Phil warns, pushing me behind him. "Cal listen to me." Cal lifted the bed, throwing it into the wall and coming closer to where we were standing. We quickly step back, and Phil closes the glass doors that separated the room from the Lab. Simmons and Fitz stood in front of me protectively.

"Cal, I can take you to Daisy, but you need to calm down." Phil warns him.

"This is me calm, Phil." He yells, bashing his fists against the glass. I step back, wincing at every slam against the glass.

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