FORTY TWO. Celebrations

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Disclaimer: This chapter is kind of a song fic/flashback chapter. I use lyrics from "To Build A Home" from the Cinematic Orchestra. I do not own the song nor the lyrics.

"Hey Avery!" I hear Skye- or now known as Daisy- stumbled into my room, grinning happily. I smiled back at her, expecting for at least someone to remember today but I sighed when she didn't mention anything. "You've slept the day away kid, it's almost twelve." She tells me, typing a code into the little box near the door.

"Sorry, I was a bit tired last night." I tell her. "Did you and Lincoln get anymore Inhumans?" I ask, rubbing my eyes and getting off the bed. She frowns, shaking her head.

"No.' She said sadly. "We found one but by the time we got to his last know location, he was gone."

"Sorry." I tell her, phasing so that I was on the other side of the room where I kept all my clothes. She smiled at me, giving me a knowing look.

"You're getting good at that." She tells me, making my slightly grin.

"I've been practising. I've noticed that a couple of things makes it easier. I don't have to concentrate as hard as I first had to." Daisy turns around as I got dressed, out of view of the camera. Pulling on some jeans and a T-Shirt with the Avengers on it, I tell her that I was decent. She wraps her arm around my shoulder grinning.

"So, I have a surprise for you." She tells me, getting my hopes up. "Phil has finally allowed for you to walk around during the day, but you still have to sleep in there." She tells me.

"Cool," I smile, trying to act happy. "So... is that the only thing you have to say?" I hint. She frowns, looking at me.

"Uh, yeah? Why, is there something wrong?" she worries, looking at me urgently.

"No, no no." I assure her as best as I could. "Don't worry about it. Can we go?" I tell her. She looks at me before nodding slowly.

"Anyways, let's go to the gym." She pries me through the door, shutting it behind us. "I have a feeling that we can get some of our jitters out in there. We're going to have a blast." She says.

"A blast? Training is now apparently fun." I sarcastically say. She knowingly looks at me, scanning her ID card that let us go into the gym. It was pitch black in there and I frowned, hearing scattering and movement coming from my right.

"Daisy?" I say slowly, when the door closes, and she moves from my side. The lights come on and to my amazement, almost fifty or sixty SHIELD agents (and the team) jumped up.

"SURPRISE!" they all yelled, grinning and laughing. Some people even blew the little party horns and party poppers. I burst out laughing, seeing Hunter and Mack fall over each other after colliding whilst jumping. Daisy comes back to my side, pulling me into a strong hug.

"You don't know how bad I felt not saying Happy Birthday to you as soon as I saw you." She complained, making me smile brightly.

"I did not expect this." I smile, truly happy. "How- Why?" I ask them. All the agents were talking and laughing, for once no one was focusing 100% on work. Only the team surrounded me at this moment.

"You told us a couple of months ago that you hadn't celebrated your birthday since you were eleven. You need to have a sixteenth, especially when we missed out on giving you one last year." Bobbi smiles.

"Sixteen, huh. A girl's lucky year." Mack nudges my side, teasing me. I felt an intense need to start bawling – which seemed to be a familiar feeling these past couple of weeks, but today it wasn't because I was sad or angry. It was because I was happy.

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