THIRTY. Abu Bakar

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It was hours before I even saw a glimpse of light again, and still it was only through the cloth bag over my head. The men around me were speaking a mixture of German and Hungarian, I recognised it from all those years ago when I was captured with Tony, but this time Yinsen wasn't there to help me translate. When the vehicle stopped, I had lost all feeling in my torso due to the immense pain, and I was pulled up roughly.

"Take her to Abu." A male voice spit out, shoving me out of the car and straight onto a rocky floor. The small, sharp stones dug into my hands, and I wasn't able to keep myself from collapsing.

"Get up." I hear, hands pulling me up to my feet. I stumbled, my knees bending under my exhaustion and pain. "Come on girl, move it." He says again, pushing me forward but I just couldn't walk fast enough. He was pretty much dragging me blindly towards wherever they were holding me. The orange hue that I could faintly see through the bag disappeared, telling me that I was now inside a base. The smell that invaded my senses made me gag, it was like a mixture of rat dropping and burned lead. It smelt and tasted toxic to me, this wasn't a place for someone to stay in. More hands fell onto my body, dragging me somewhere. I couldn't struggle. I was too weak.

"Hängen Sie sie hier oben. Der Regisseur wird später kommen." I hear someone say. My feet are lifted up and I groan in pain.

"Please, no..." I mumble, trying to put them back on the ground, but something cool was snapped shut on them. Then to my horror, my feet were pulled up, and I was hanging upside down by my feet.

"Enjoy, sweetheart." Someone laughs, then the sound of a door shutting echoes through the room. The blood was beginning to rush to my head, making it feel as if it was going to burst open at any given second. I was feeling quite delirious just hanging there, my head covered, and my hands tied behind my back. Gravity was trying to push me down, but the chains were resisting which was putting pressure on me. I could feel the metal digging into my skin, I could feel the cuts beginning to bleed and my head starting to pound.

The sound of a door opening fills the silence of the room, screaming at me and warning me of a new presence.

"Hello, Avery." His cool slur greeted me. "How's it hanging?" He asks gleefully. If I wasn't in this position, I probably would have laughed.

"Get me down, Ward." I grit my teeth, my face probably red underneath the fabric.

"Why? You aren't enjoying being held against your will?" He asks again, pushing me slightly so I was swinging gently.

"Phil going to get you." I tell him. "You can't win. Hydra will fail." I warn. He rips the bag off my head and I blink at the sudden environment change. Ward stood there is a long black coat, black clothes peeking out from beneath it.

"No, he won't get me." He laughs gleefully. "He's too caught up in Tripp's death and your sudden disappearance. They think you're dead too." He pouts playfully. My heart obtains a shoot of pain through it, hearing Tripp's name.

"Tripp's death?" I mumble, looking down... er... up.

"Oh yes. He was caught in the same room of the obelisk. He's not an Inhuman obviously, so he turned to stone. I believe poor little Daisy saw it all." He circles me, watching me as if I was his prey.

"Who's Daisy." I ask, trying to watch him.

"Skye. You do know that she isn't who she thinks she is." Ward bends down, watching my face intently. "She's an Inhuman. Her mother dead and her father lost her when she was only a baby. Her real name is Daisy Johnson." He informs me.

"You're lying." I tell him, knowing that SHIELD would have had this information somewhere.

"No. Hydra doesn't like liars." He says, standing back up from his crouching position. "So, seen the news lately?" He asks me, swigging a drink from a glass tumbler, leaning against the wall. I look at him, narrowing my eyes.

"What do you think?" I deadpan, looking around at the room from my upside-down position. He laughs, turning on the TV.

"It seems that Anthony has been causing some trouble."

"Witnesses repots seeing Iron Man flying through the sky, destroying the peace around rural towns in Massachusetts. Assault charges have been brought up, when he threatened to hurt an airport security officer, asking about the unusual appearance of a girl that looked like his late sister, Avery Stark."

"How easy it would be, to ring him up right now and tell him the truth." Ward whispers, watching the TV.

"Please don't." I say quietly. "He doesn't need any more pain in his life."

"Oh, don't worry. Although, I am quite interested in some of the technology you guys have made. Where do you keep it all?" He wonders, grabbing a chair and bringing it in front of me. "I know you've probably both made thousands of things together. Where do you keep them?" I stay quiet, thinking of the old Stark warehouse in the middle of nowhere. He watches me before chuckling lightly. "Staying quiet, huh?" He asks. "Alright then. I'm just going to send in a couple of my friends. You have fun with then, alright?"

"Wait!" I yell, making him stop. I purse my lips, knowing exactly who he was going to send in. When I don't answer, he walks out leaving the door open.

"Don't hold back." I hear him say to someone.

"Of course, Director." The familiar voice growls back. The face that I had spent years on trying to forget, entered the room. He looked the same, despite of having a large burn covering his forehead and eye. The same man who tortured Tony. The same man who helped kidnapped us for Obadiah Stane. Abu Bakar – member of the Ten Rings. "Hello Miss Stark." He shows off his crooked, yellow teeth. "How are you?"

"You- You- No." I stutter, watching him come closer.

"Spit it out, Kid. We don't have time for you to pull this shit." He lifts up the side of his shirt and lifts a knife from a holder on his hip. "I'm sure you know what this is for." He teases, running the tip lightly around my neck.

"What do you want." I mumble, shivering at the cool touch of the weapon.

"Payback." I what he simply answered, beforeslicing the knife against my stomach.    

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