TWENTY ONE. What's so good about a Painting?

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"Tony Stark was seen earlier today with his superhero colleagues, visiting a small café near New York Cemetery, the site where his late sister Avery Stark has been laid to rest. Wearing sunglasses and a black suit, no one was able to capture how he was looking due to the pending two-year anniversary of her death. More information later tonight, on ABC news." I look up at the TV and sigh, not missing the stalker-ish ways that news reporters dug into my life.

"Now that's actually kind of creepy." I announce. "Why must paps dig into everything, leave us alone." I whine.

"Because people love you, duh." Skye tells me, hitting my side with the edge of her hand. I was hanging upside down on the couch, my legs on the back and my head hanging off the bottom where my legs should be. It's been almost a month since I came here, and I felt at home with everyone. I hadn't been on a mission yet, but I was hoping for one to come up very soon. I had been training with May, Mack and Skye, they were continuing the lessons that I had with my 'SHIELD' trainer at the last base. During my time here, I had also met someone else who apparently was out fighting bad guys when I first got here. Antoine Mackenzie, or commonly known just as "Mack".

"But... But... It's so weird. I want to go outside to put rubbish out? Boom, pictures everywhere. I cough in my room. Boom, somehow the paps catch it on camera. I definitely do not miss it." I frown.

"You grew up with it, aren't you used to it by now?" She asks. We were all currently sitting in the main room, chilling and watching movies and TV. 'We' consist of everyone except for Fitz. He was still a little upset with everything, seeing Simmons when she wasn't actually here. He was getting better though, I had been doing things with him which apparently had always been his dream. I feel flattered to make someone so happy.

"Augh, no. Never. I hate paps with a fiery passion." I flip right side up, my face probably red with all the blood beginning to rush down.

"What if I was a pap?" She asked again.

"Get away from me." I joke, pushing her off the couch so she landed on the ground. Everyone chuckled, the news still going on. Every station was stalking about the two-year anniversary and it was getting old.

"Alright, alright. Loki's gone, we're dead. Get over it." I whine again, wanting to watch a movie rather than this boring news shit.

"Way to be sensitive kid." Tripp jokes playfully.

"I'm pretty Phil and I are more suitable to make death jokes than you guys. I'm sure I went to hell and then proceeded to annoy Satan, that's why I came back to life. He didn't want me!" I laugh.

"You know what weird? I can see that happening." Phil responds making me grin.

"He probably got annoyed of your Captain America fangirling skills." I poke back at him.

"I do not fangirl." He defends himself.

"Yeah you do." I shake my head. A beeping goes off and Phil looks down at his phone, and sighs.

"Looks like we're heading to Florida. Everyone get on the bus, including you Ava." I look up at him excited.

"What? You mean it?! I can come!?" I squeal, making everyone wince.

"It's only an intel mission. No danger needed. All of you, hurry up." I race back to my room and throw some clothes into a duffle bag, enough to last me about a week and a bit. I run back to the bus and get on, already strapping myself eagerly into the seat with the seatbelts. Everyone else follows behind me in a walking pace, sending amused looks over at me. Once we're all settled, Phil explains what we have to do.

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