NINE. Live while you're Alive.

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The next day, Pepper was officially starting her job as CEO of Stark Industries. She was dressed up in a fancy skirt and blouse, wearing her signature heals and her hair up in a high-styled ponytail. But before she left, she was able to witness the episode that I had when I finally saw Tony. "Anthony Edward Stark!" I almost growl, using the strictest tone I could muster out of my small body when I see my brother the next morning. I had fallen asleep last night after giving Phil a makeover due to the fact that I had been crying all day. If I wasn't so pissed off, I may have laughed at Tony's expression as he slowly turned to face me like I was a mother scolding a child.

"Hey Ava!" He greets with a chuckle, sounding nervous. I storm up to him, using my fists to pound on his shoulder as hard as I could while I began yelling at him.

"Don't give me that! What on earth were you thinking, you almost killed yourself!" I screech, I could only see red in my vision as I focused on my cowering brother.

"I didn't mean to," He defended himself. "How was I supposed to know some wacko was going to be on the track?"

My eye twitched a few times, before I began hitting him again, "Well maybe if YOU WEREN'T ON THE TRACK, YOU WOULDN'T BE HURT!" For a minute, Tony looked afraid of me and it almost made me smile. He gained his composure once I began to sit back and cry, he pulled me onto his lap and hugged me tightly while kissing my cheek.

"I'll never leave you, Ava. I promise." He whispered into my ear as I wrap my arms around his neck to hug him back. I don't think I can ever express how worried and scared I was for him the entire day yesterday, it was impossible.

"As adorable as this is, I need to be off now." Pepper interrupts lightly, "I'll see you two later." She walks out which leavs Tony and I to our cute moment, although I soon interrupt by reaching up and smacking him over the head one more time.

"That's for scaring me." I mumbled into his chest, making him whine in pain. Tony was injured so he couldn't really do anything throughout the day, instead we sat down and played some board games while leaving the TV on for some background noise. In the middle of monopoly, I heard a soundtrack of a familiar cartoon I had only heard of and hadn't seen in person yet. On the screen an animation of a familiar red sand gold suit appeared, portraying Tony as a superhero.

"Tony, look! They made a cartoon about you!" I exclaim, watching the television intently. When I didn't get a response, I look up to see Tony fast asleep with his head resting on top of the couch's back. Quietly, I snuck his phone out of his pocket and took a quick picture of us two, setting it as his main screen and lock screen. That'll do it. I turned down the TV, so we wouldn't be disturbed by any sudden loud noises and let my head fall back onto Tony's chest, so I could hear the low hum of the arc reactor. Knowing tat all was well for now, I let myself take a small cat nap.

The next time I woke up I found myself in one of Tony's cars downstairs in the lab, laying down next to said person as he moves around some hologram screens. I was curled up on the small cushioned seat, so I push myself up and rub my eyes.

"Tony? What are we doin'?" I grumble, frowning at the nausea that seemed to flip my stomach.

"Just checking out a couple of things. Don't worry about it." He assured me, eyes reading the information that was floating in front of him. Still half asleep, I didn't bother trying to read what he was skimming.

"How did I get here." I question again, looking around confused.

"Well, in your sleep you had decided to become a koala and not let go of me. I had to come down here, so I brought you with me." He shrugged, still watching the screen with interest. I look up again only to see him looking at files on Anton Vanko who was apparently a physicist.

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