EIGHT. Monaco and House-calls.

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To my utter surprise, Tony had decided that Pepper deserved the position of CEO more than he did (or that he couldn't bother doing his job) but I hope you could sense the sarcasm because everyone saw it coming from day one hundred and fifty-six. Pepper was always the leader of the company, she was always completing all of Tony's paper work and organising promotional deals or meetings with other important people; she ran the company with her heart and soul, so she definitely deserved the position as CEO and any benefits that came with it.

A few days after they had both told me, the day came for Tony to legally sign over the company to Pepper with documentation. Tony and Happy were training in the boxing ring, while I was sitting in the corner of the room on the couch as I relax after taking my finals for school – I was finally finished for life! I heard the clacking of heels walking down the ramp into the Gym signalling that Pepper and her new assistant were walking in. I met the red head upstairs earlier that day when Pepper was showing her around the home, I didn't talk to her though as I didn't want to interrupt the small tour. I did, however, wave and smile although the red head only gave me a small smile back and carried on.

Pepper walks into the room alone, smiling happily in the direction of Tony. "The notary's here! Can you please come sign the transfer paperwork?" She calls out to Tony as she makes her way over to the seat next to me.

"I'm on happy time." Pepper sits down and waits for Tony, watching him throw punches at Happy. Pepper's new assistant finally walks in holding onto a large file while looking around the room and at Tony. "I promise you this is the only time I will ask you to sign over your company." Pepper calls out sarcastically as the red-head opens up the transfer papers with a pen.

"I need you to initial each box." She tells Pepper lightly, pointing to each section. I sit up, staring at the women intently as they did what they had to do.

"Alright, thank you Miss Rushman." Pepper tells her as she hands the pen back.

"What's your name, lady?" My brother asks, looking over at her. Of course, he must ask for her name. She has the company's future in her hands AND she's a pretty girl.

"Rushman. Natalie Rushman." She answers instantly, her green eyes swept around the room and landed on me, her head cocking slightly at my pale form. I shivered under her hard look but stared back intently, this woman was interesting.

"Front and centre. Come into the church." Tony interrupts our small staring contest, Natalie looks away from me and starts walking towards the ring where Tony was relaxing and drinking chlorophyll from a drink bottle.

"No. You're seriously not gonna ask..." Pepper tries to stop Tony from bringing her into the ring, but he insists.

"If it pleases the court, which it does." Tony tries to tell her but Natalie shakes her head.

"It's no problem." Natalie tells Pepper as she passes over the whole folder, so she could be hands free.

"I have a feeling that Natalie Rushman is about to embarrass the hell out of someone." I lean down to whisper to Pepper.

"I'm sorry. He's very eccentric." Pepper apologises again, keeping an eye on the two. I watch as Natalie steps into the ring, bending over to go under the ropes.

"Can you give her a lesson?" I see Tony tell Happy, walking out and heading towards the chair Pepper was sitting on. She moves over so he could sit down, and I move seats to sit down on their laps in between them. I am the ultimate third wheeler.

"Who is she?" He asks, sipping the chlorophyll from his cup. Pepper thought it was a health craze that Tony wanted us on, but it was actually just helping to minimise the poisoning in our blood. It was working I guess, my blood toxicity went back down to 45% in a few days while Tony has gone down almost 15%.

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