FORTY NINE. Fury is like a Teenager - Lazy

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I grabbed the large suitcase and pulled up the handle, dragging it behind me as I walked out of the room that I used as my bedroom for over 2 years. Mack stood waiting for me, holding a cardboard box with more of my stuff. We walked in comfortable silence, until we reached the hangar where a small jet was waiting for me.

Contrary to what Fury said, it was 3:15 and we hadn't left yet, which I didn't mind. Daisy was still missing, and I felt bad leaving at this moment. It was a bad time to be one agent down, but no one really cared about that. Lincoln was pouting in his room, so I said goodbye to him last night, knowing that today he wouldn't want to come out and face everyone.

"That's it." I tell them, letting Fury's agent drag my stuff into the plane.

"What about the stuff in your lab?" Fitz asked. I smile, looking at Phil cheekily.

"About that... Come with me." I tell them.

"What, but-" Fury's agent tried to stop me but I just glared at him.

"Don't try, buddy. 10 minutes and if Fury gets angry at you, tell him to suck it up." He sighs, turning around and going to sit inside of the jet. We walk as a group to my lab, and they were all talking quietly.

"This is exciting." I could hear Fitz saying. "We are entering a Stark's lab. She's hidden it from us for years."

"Careful now Fitz." I tell him, smiling. "Alright." I place my hand on the wall that revealed a glass pad scanning my hand. Phil looked at me, surprised.

"When did you put this hear?" he exclaimed.

"No one gets into my lab." I look at him.

"We can see that," May mentions. The door opens to reveal a glass door and I put in 6-digit code that opened it up.

"Welcome to my lab." I exaggerate, throwing my hands open. "Feel free to touch stuff but I think you'll be more excited over here." I point to a large blank wall.

"Is this an electrical turbulence maintenance cable?" Fitz gasps, picking up the small line. "Oo- and an Auxiliary Stealth Transmitter?" He picks up the other box.

"Over here Fitz." I call him over. "Alright. Behind this wall is something that I've been working on for ages. I think I started it February last year. I made it for anyone in the team, but there's a special on just for you Phil." I pat his arm making him smirk. I go over and place a key into a switch, letting the wall slowly rise. As they all saw what was behind it, they all let their jaws drop, even May.

"The middle one is for Phil." I smirk. "The others are for anyone really. I've made them so when you put them on they adjust to the new body size." I explain.

"These are Iron Man suits." Fitz whispered, going up and touching the cool metal.

"I know, I built them." I say amused. Phil goes up and stares at his one – painted in Red and Blue but with white accents. It had an outline of a star on the chest but wasn't very noticeable in case people mistook him for actual Captain America.

"You built us Iron Man suits." Fitz said seriously, turning to me.

"You know; I have to leave in like 5 minutes. So, Fitzsimmons, Mack, anything in this lab is now yours, including blue prints and theories. So, go berserk." I smile, seeing their expressions light up. Fitz hugs me tightly to the point of my ribs hurting, so I tap him.

"Fitz!" I laugh. "Too tight!"

"Oh, I'm sorry." He apologised. "It's just – you're giving us your stuff. What?" He exclaimed. Mack comes over, hugging me too, then Simmons does the same.

"Guys, you know I'm coming back right, I'll be gone a month top." I roll my eyes. I see May smiling at me, so I give her a small wave. She nods, walking out. I knew she wasn't big on goodbyes, I didn't really mind, I would see her soon.

"Phil!" I sung, holding my arms open. He comes over and hugs me comfortably.

"You stress me out so much sometimes." He informs me. "But god, you can honestly make me so happy too."

"Aw." I tell him. "Love you Phil." I tell him, my face in his chest. I pull away, looking at my watch again. Ok, I really need to go. I'll see you all later, please. Get Daisy back." I tell them.

"We will." Phil promised. I phased to the jet and got on, waving to the pilot who was now slightly aggravated. The jet was outside since the hangar doors were still all stuffed up, so there was no crazy take off.


Surprisingly, I was taken to the avengers Facility in New York. Great, right into the heart of it, I guess. Luckily Phil had given me a couple of cases of the Nano Masks, just in case. I step out of the jet and see the giant A symbol on the wall, making me feel queasy. Was I really doing this?

"Miss Holloway." Fury greets me, shaking my hand. I look up and glance at the camera, smiling.

"Fury." I greet him.

"Thank you for finally coming out here. I hope it wasn't too much trouble." He asks, leading me towards a set of hallways.

"Uh no, it was fine. Just another day in the office, huh?" I laugh. Fury brings me into a room and closes it.

"Alright, there are no camera's in here." She tells me. I press the hidden button on the side of my face, unveiling my real face.

"Why am I here?" I ask him. "Isn't this one of the places where, maybe, I shouldn't be?" I shout-whisper. "This is the heart of the Avengers!" He rolls his eyes, sitting down on a chair at the side of the room.

"They aren't here at the moment." He tells me. "All of them except for Stark are on a mission in Lagos. Stark is giving a talk in MIT and won't be back for a while. Relax."

"That actually doesn't settle me. What am I doing here if it's not about the Avengers." Fury sighs.

"It Lagos they were supposed to stop Brock Rumlow from stealing a biological weapon. Things ended with Miss Maximoff destroying a nearby building, killing several Wakandan humanitarian workers. People aren't happy, and the UN are showing the papers to the Avengers tomorrow." I look at him not amused.


"I thought you would want to know. We'll move you to a nearby safe house in an hour." He says, standing up. I press the button and veil my face again, frowning.

"You literally brought me all the way here, to tell me this? Why couldn't you take me to the safe house and tell me there." I ask.

"I'd have to move. I didn't want to." Is all that he said, stepping outside.

"Lazy son of a gun." I mutter, walking off in any direction. I turn the corner so I could get back to the Jet, but a tall man was blocking the way.

"I am terribly sorry." His slightly robotic voice told me. "I didn't expect you. May I ask who you are?" It was like a living, breathing Jarvis talking to me. I stare at him wide eyed.

"Uh, Isabelle." I tell him immediately. "Isabelle Holloway." The android steps to the side but focuses on me.

"I apologise, but why are you here? You look very young to be an employee." He tells me. I internally freak out, thanking May for teaching me how to lie properly.

"Fury brought me in. I'm actually leaving again soon, he just had me drop off some things for him. My dad knows him." I feed him the lie. He seemed pleased with and nodded.

"Alright. I guess this is good bye then, Miss Holloway."

"Uh, yeah. Bye." I tell him softly, watching him walk away.

Why the hell did a bright red man wearing a cape, sound like JARVIS?

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