FIFTY. Isabelle Holloway

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The next couple of days were mainly me waiting for Fury to tell me where to go. He had already told me to go to Schkeuditz in Germany, but what does he want me to do there? Wait. Honestly, this man was going to be the death of me... for the third time (if you count me being reborn an Inhuman). The excitement of seeing everyone again had passes long ago, now I was just annoyed because I could be out helping find Daisy right now. But no, I had to be locked up in a hotel room waiting for a secretive, annoying, old guy to tell me when and when not to go in and out of my own god damn room. I might've been a little salty about it.

I turn to my side under the covers on the bed and hear my phone go off. I almost pounce at it, eagerly reading the message.

"Level B6. Leipzig/Halle Airport. Captain and team gathering, Iron man coming in later."

About bloody time I get a message. The only good thing about fury, is that he gave me my own personalised suit since I wanted to be badass and secretive. I didn't want it to look like any other suit, so I made it very different. Instead of the usual Black Leather of SHIELD suits, mine was a grey, stretchy material. It felt as if it had a thin layer of foam in it, and it was easy to move in. I had soft lighter grey accents in it, mostly around the stitching.

I also had a mask, although it was made from a hard, heavy-duty plastic to keep my head all good. I put it all on, grabbing a taxi to a nearby street around the airport and phasing the rest of the way. My powers are still new, and I know my limits. I can't phase very large distances without getting tired, and I needed my energy, so I took the safe way. I climb up into the rafters and relax, waiting for any sign of movement.

A white van slowly pulls up and I see a girl stepping out. Wanda Maximoff. From the other side, I could see another man, but someone I had not met before. Clint Barton. I breathed out carefully, feeling my stomach flip under the sight of them.

"Where are they?" I hear Wanda's accented voice say.

"They're already in the airport. Should be here soon." He answered. "I hope this guy wakes up soon." He says, looking into the back of the car. "You think he's alright?"

"Yeah, he'll be fine." She smiled. A mini cooper comes driving up and I almost have to laugh at the 3 large guys stepping out of the tiny thing. Captain America and friends.

"Cap." Clint greeted him, shaking his hand.

"You know I wouldn't have called If I had any other choice." Steve told him gravely.

"Hey man, you're doing me a favour. Besides... I'm on your team." He looks back at Wanda as if to assure her of it.

"Thanks for having my back." Steve told Wanda. She shrugged.

"It was time to get off my ass." I think I was going to like her...

"What about our other recruit." Steve asked. Clint made his way back to the Van to slide open the door.

"He's ready to go. I have to put a little coffee in him, but... he should be good." The sound of the door sliding open, made the guy inside jump.

"What time zone is this?" He mumbles, looking out.

"Come on." Clint pulls him out. "Come on." He looks forward and his face lights up at the sight of Captain America.

"Captain America." He swoons.

"Mr. Lang." Steve greets him shaking his hand. The guy grasps his and furiously shakes his hand.

"It's an honour." He said, still shaking it. "I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow. This is awesome." He turns around to face Wanda. "Captain America." Then he also points at her, saying "I know you too, you're great." Mr Lang steps forward, slightly touching Steve's shoulders. "Jeez." He mumbled. "Look I wanted to say, I know you know a lot of super people so... thanks for thinking of me." He thanked him. The guy noticed Steve's + two behind him and smiled. "Hey, man." He greeted the dark skinned one.

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