EIGHTEEN. Bonus; Tony's POV

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Avery's eyes close and I start to tear up.

"No no... NO! NO! DONT YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES ON ME AVERY!" I yell at her. Her eyes slightly open again and she whispers something to soft to understand, but I could see her mouth move to say the word;

"Tony..." Her eyes go glassy and her bloody chest stops moving.

"No no no! Not you. Not my baby girl. Please don't be dead. You can't be!" I feel someone's hand on my shoulder, trying to pull me away from my baby sister but all I do is pull her into my arms and sit on the floor, crying into her neck.

"No! I was supposed to protect you. I was supposed to sacrifice myself, not the other way around. Oh God. No!" I feel like I'm sitting there for minutes, even seconds but when I finally run out of tears and look up, everyone is gone except for Fury sitting on the chair and watching me. I study Avery's little face and I slowly lift my hand, and close her eye's which are still, glassy. Lifeless. Haunting.

"I'm sorry Tony." Nick says softly. His tone tells me he really is sorry, and I nod my head. I stand up with Avery's body- no, corpse in my arms.

"Where is he?" I ask gruffly, wanting to know where the man who murdered my little sister is.

"He's on your tower. The Avengers left a few minutes ago actually. Phil and Avery... they would've wanted you to go and stop him. To avenge them." I look at my sister's beautiful, young face once more and hand her over to Fury.

"Take care of her." I stroke her cheek and run off, putting on my mask.

"What have I missed?" I ask everyone. No time for pity, I immediately get into the fighting, killing the aliens and trying to get up to Loki.

"We just need to find a way to close the portal and then we need to finish of Loki," Captain hisses at his name.

"Alright then..." I'm fighting one of the hue mother ship things when Fury's voice sounds in my helmet.

"Tony, there's a nuke heading straight to New York. You need to get rid of it."

"Copy that." I speak into the suit.

"Can anybody hear me? I shut the portal. I can shut it right now! Anybody copy?"

"Close it!" Captain shouts. I make my choice almost immediately.

"No, Don't! There's a nuke coming our way that's going to explode in a few minutes. I know exactly where to put it." I grab onto the Nuke and start dragging it up towards the portal.

"Stark, you know that's a one-way trip, right?" His voice was concerned but it didn't matter. I let my sister die, so I'll sacrifice myself.

"What have I got to lose Capsicle." I joke.

"Tell Pepper that I'm sorry, but I have to do this..." I pass the barrier and I find myself in space. I let go of the nuke and my systems start to shut down. My breathing slows and soon enough, I find myself unconscious. What feels like minutes later, I'm awakened by the Hulk's terrifying roar.

"Huh? Wha? Oh, please don't tell me anybody kissed me." I cough. "What happened?" I ask

"We won..." Capsicle breathes out. I nod my head, immediately filling with anger and regret when I remembered that a certain god wasn't finished yet.

"Loki?" I growl.

"Heading there now." Together, we walk up my tower and surround Loki. I feel like blasting his face off, but Thor won't let us. Sadly.


The day is quiet and depressing. The Avengers and I are in the tower, now the Avengers tower, 2 weeks after the battle of New York. It didn't take that long to finish of repairs at it was mainly on the roof and the first 3 levels. I sit in Avery's room and hold a picture of her in my hands. She's smiling, so happy and care free. Not knowing that she was going to pass so young. I wear a black suit, wrinkled. I haven't shaved; my hair is messy and oily. Pretty much I'm not groomed at all which will be weird for the Paparazzi waiting outside. My little sister is dead, and all those bastards only care about what I'm doing. Why can't they just forget about it? It's bringing me so much pain to even think about her. A knock on my door spins me out of memories of my sister.

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