Chapter Twenty •Snake•

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Lovely POV.

"Hurry the fuck up" I yelled all of us was in the car expect Egypt. William and Sebastian was in the front as Stella and Britney was in the back leaving me and Egypt in the middle. We are in Stella family van. We are going shopping for furniture and I can't wait. Egypt walk over pushing me in as she got in closing the door.

We pull off and it was silence a bit it felt weird.

"So quiet" Egypt yelled in my ear I swear I don't know why I'm her friend sometimes.

Do you not like silence?" William ask turning around looking back.

"Nope, but I love to hear my husband talk anytime" she smirk and he chuckle rolling his eyes turning back around.

"How many times do I have to say Egypt I'm marry". he sigh smiling.

"Yea to me.. duh " she said tilt her head and he shook his. "Hey let me tell you a secret" she said going to his ear. He turn around shooting her a glare. Egypt giggle kissing his lips , William stood there in shock. "Mine" she lick her lips I couldn't help but laugh.

"I swear your something Egypt " he said.

"I see you blushing Willy " Britney tease. We pull up to stop and Sebastian got out opening the door helping me out. William did the same for Egypt as she pat his head, wonder what she said to him. We all walk no in the store and I took out a list to see which room we doing.

"Tony coming with the moving van right?" Sebastian ask me and I nod.

"Yea so first we are going to pick out your office stuff ok " he nod as we went to the section.

"I heard your going to open early " William comment looking at a lamp.

"Thinking about it yes " Sebastian yawn sitting in a chair.

"what the color " I smile and he look surprise a bit.

"I never thought about that" he scratch his head.

"Well what's your favorite color " I yawn and he raise an eyebrow.

"Black "

"Ok humm William" I point to him.

"Silver " he quickly said and I look over to the girls.

"Baby blue " they all said and I smile.

"There's the color, black suite and blue tie with sliver Jews " I clap my hands.

"Alright I have another, boss" Britney point at Sebastian "underboss" she point towards William " and Lovely your the consigliere , Egypt your caporegime " she smile folding her arms.

"Yea but we still need two more consigliere " Sebastian sigh.

"Bitch I can be all " Egypt sat on a desk and William sigh.

"So if we send you in with 10 guys who have 3 guns all on them you come back alive " he question which was a big mistake. Egypt rolled her eyes.

"All jokes aside yes I will come out alive " she said with all seriousness .

"Are you crazy? " we all said and she sigh.

"Look my dad was strict and he was kinda like that but we don't call us Mafia we just called us drug dealers and gangsters.. he taught me everything I know and I can handle myself very well with 5 guys so I can deal with killing 5 more " she cross her arms.

"So you going to be in charge of the soldiers and associate " William ask and she shoot him a glare.

"Like I said all jokes aside I can take care of my damn self, and Bitch I'm a good ass leader so you best to believe I can carry out orders " she said and it was silent until Sebastian laugh.

"You the first person to shut his ass up, hey I tell you what if Lovely think you can do it then you have my word of helping me run my soldiers and associate " he smile and I look down thinking about it and through out my life Egypt say shit and she does it I sigh.

"As much as it kills me to say but yea Egypt you.. got this " I gave a small smile and she hug me. I look over to Stella to see her still on her phone I frown she been on it since she got her. I walk over to her and snatch the phone reading it. I couldn't help but felt angry.

"The hells wrong with you " I through her phone and she twitch glaring at me.

"Whats wrong with you" she scream and I slap her.

"A lot why the hell did you sent that " I scream feeling someone pull me away from her.

"Hey what's wrong " William said.

"This Bitch text your dad saying that we all plotting against him " I yelled and they all look at her. Egypt held her phone looking at it.

"Holy shit we have a snake " Egypt smirk griping the phone

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