Chapter Forty Seven • Stress out •

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Egypt POV

I stare at the girls and glare at them I wanna fight that's what keep's repeating in my head, I want to fight, I wanna beat Vanessa ass and her sister and then I want to beat William.

"Egypt" Britney tap my shoulder and I look at her, she was hugging lovely as she was crying I frown grabbing her hand.

"Come on let's just go to Britney place " I said and she nod we was walking past the twins bit I stop and got in front of them. "If you Bitch think of William or Sebastian I will tie both of you up to a pole and slowly take out your eyes with a rusty bloody knife and leave y'all there for weeks " I said and they twitch when I jump at them, Briteny, Lovely and I walk out of the house going to my car, Britney went to her car.

Gina POV

I frown as I look down feeling the backyard with tension, I walk over to Sebastian taping his shoulder he turn around looking down at me.

"Yes?" He said and I can see that he was trying to control his angry, I gave him a warm smile.

"Let me talk with you for a minute " I said and he look like he was thinking and then nod. I grab his hand walking in the house and we sat on the couch.

"May I ask what's the reason why you and lovely is not ready at this time "I said wanting to fix the problem.

"Excuse me from what I'm about to say but your daughter fucking got kidnap.. twice she been hurt and abuse from enemies and it's just a no, why the hell do I need a baby at this time if he or she's in danger " he said and I sigh face palming myself.

"Honey your whole family in danger just by running in the Mafia, you always gonna have to watch your back, even if you wait 3 years you don't know who's coming for yah" I said and he was going to say something but close his mouth, I smirk. "I heard you hurt her twice " I comment and he raise an eyebrow.

"Who told you that" he ask and I giggle.

"Your mother, you made her upset throwing the old ring away and now this " I said and he blush looking down.

"I gave her a new -

I cut him off "giving your soon to be wife gift aint shit boy, if you want tell her you sorry and you better mean it to, for God sake stop being a hard ass and just tell the girl you love he-

" actions speak better than word " he said cutting me of, how rude.

"The hell it don't who the Fuck taught you that because words fucking last forever, if you fucking love my God damn daughter you wouldn't depend on showering her with gift and shit just to just her ass up you should spend time with her and talk to her also if you cut me off again you ain't to old to get your ass beat " I said and he sigh. "I'm not playing either so what sorry sounds weak but it can fix a lot of things" O said and I got up and gave him a smile. "I will see you later " I turn around go back and eat my lunch.

Egypt POV

I sat on the couch looks down tapping my foot. I look over at Lovely.

"Is that true?" I ask and Britney look at her and they both nod. "Why the hell didn't y'all tell me " I said feeling my heart sunk a little.

"Egypt you look really happy with William and we didn't want you -

I cut Britney off "no it's fine I would try to do the same but I just feel like O had got played again " I stared to feel tears forming in my eyes, I never cried over a fucking man before and it feels weird as hell. "I hate your bother so much... he makes me feel so confuse and weird " I run my hand through my hair feeling a tear slid down my cheek.

"Thats love for you ..I happiness but also brings put the worst " Britney mumble. And I just.. broke down

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