Chapter Forty Four •gossip and stomach pain •

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three weeks past

Lovely POV

It's been a month staying home and to be honest I fucking LOVE it do know how hard last month was omg a girl almost die. But real shit I love it here, yes I still work and give out plans post you name it. but theses last few week my stomach been hurting like crazy and especially on my lower back I don't if strain it or did some shit, Today I was going to Egypt and William house .. o..yea see William left his wife like actually left like divorce bitch it's over so I am happy for them but yet sad for Egypt ..see William daughter o my god little girl acts like a teen she do to damn much and get's too smart with people ..I pray for her. I knock on the door and waited for a minute until Egypt open up she look tired as fuck. I tilt my head and frown coming in.

"Clear put up a fight with me and William fucking 4 year old brat bit the shit out of my hand and that cause me to smack the shit out of her ass" Egypt said and I laugh.

"is her face red?" I ask and she brought me in the kitchen with her.

"fuuuck no ...her ass cheeks are, honey you don't know how hard it was to pin her over my lap and whop the shit out of her ,you see I ain't her mommy so she gonna have to give me some fucking respect..did you know that little motherfucker know how to swear and shit I had to put soap in her mouth but that didn't faze her " she complain and it just make me laugh more. "so what's up with you" she said pouring two cups of coffee.

"I might go to the doctors and see if I have the stomach virus" I mumble feeling my side hurt and my feet to. "c..can we sit in the living room?" I ask and she nod, we walk in and I sat on the little sofa kicking my shoes off she pass me the coffee and I thank her.

"Your stomach hurting that bad that you might have to go to the doctors?" she ask sipping her coffee and I nod.

"I was going to tell Sebastian about it but you know how he get's if something happens" I mutter rolling my eyes and I heard her laugh.

"Shit he need to know are asses been through a lot girl, You know I heard Vanessa coming to are little cook out" Egypt said wiggling her eyebrows and I sit up.

"oh girl please pour the T, I need to know" I said and putting my full attention on her and she put her cup down looking around.

"Alright so you know the cook out is tomorrow and everyone from this unit is invited so she coming ALSO oh bitch I can't wait to William comes home, Why in the hell I was on his phone right and the white boy had her ass on top of his text list a bitch is mad " Egypt said and I shook my head.

"He could have just got a recent tex-

"recent text MY ASS when we even together he is on that phone Also you aint gonna believe this shit what I am about to tell yah ..there's a fucking thing two" She slap her hands together and I gasp.

"Another one?" I ask and she nod.

"She has a Twin and ooo bitch hold up " she sip her coffee getting up walking to the hallway closet taking out a little photo album siting next to me, she open pointing to little Sebastian and the little girl. "Went to visit his mom to talk about Britney new boyfriend because a bitch is nosy and to bring it up this bitch here I heard her ass is the sneaky one of them all it's like Stella but she went hell was born like this and-

"wait" I held my hand up and the other holding my stomach and she frown rubbing my back which made me feel worst. "yo E take me to the hospital please" I mumble and she nod.

"sure thing" she said getting up walking over to put her flats on, I was putting my shoes back on and she help me up. "come on girl let's go check you out" she said opening the door, We was taking my car since William had the car for work. she open the door helping me in and close it while running over getting into the drivers seat. I lay back griping my stomach ,it feels like I have someone sitting on my balder area or just punching the shit out of me. ..shit I have to pee.

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