Chapter 42

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((Rin's POV))

The funeral, even though Vicky wouldn't want the ceremony to be, was still sad. Everyone was wearing black, talking quietly, and there was no happy music like Vicky wanted.

I stood in the corner mostly the whole time because I wasn't really a fan of depressing things.

After about an hour of just standing there, Yukio found me not interacting. He didn't look too pleased with me.

"Have you talked to at least Shima yet?" He hissed at me.


"Why? Be a decent friend and help him through this," he ordered me.

"Doesn't Bon got the whole comforting thing covered? I'll talk to him later when all of this is over."

Yukio didn't say anything in response to that as he glanced away from me. I could hint a small frown forming on his face.

"She was your friend too you know," he simply said as he walked away. "At least think your decision through."

I was left alone, standing in the corner again all by myself; however, my loneliness didn't last very long because Em walked over. She was wearing the same dress from that one dance so long ago since it was black.

"Come here often?" She managed to joke a little.

"You're wearing the same dress as that dance," I stated. "Isn't that against female logic? Never wear the same dress again?"

"It's not against my logic," she laughed slightly. "Plus I didn't have enough money to buy a new one."



That's when the awkward silence arrived, coming in like it was a long awaited snowstorm. The one thing I hated was awkward silences, so I cleared my throat to get rid of any form of quietness between us.

"Is her casket open?" he managed to ask me.

"Yes," she whispered a little.

"Is Sarah okay? I kinda heard what happened."

"Well at this point she seems to be okay, but she could be lying to me and Carter."

"I didn't think Eyebrows was dating someone, especially Paku. I didn't think they liked each other on that level," I said as I leaned against the wall. "I mean, she kinda led Sarah on a little from the stuff I heard."

"Sarah's trying to solve things out, but Izumo is making it complicated. She won't talk to Sarah at all."

"Really? Damn, that sucks," I sighed as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Love is a thing I don't really mess with, as seen from my previous relationship. Love is a thing I never want to understand..."

Em simply nodded to my statement. Her green eyes showed that she agreed behind her huge glasses.

"Yeah, I've had bad experiences too," she sighed as she looked away from me.

My eyes caught Shima walking around in gloom. He was talking with a bunch of people, telling him that they were sorry for his loss.

"Where are Vicky's parents?" I looked at Em again. "Aren't they coming?"

"They're sending her body home for another layout. Her parents will attend that one. Her body will be buried there as well. Sarah, Carter, Shima, and I are all heading there tomorrow."

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