Chapter 2

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((Rin's POV))

"Uggggh... What the hell? What's on my face."
I sat up quickly as I heard a yelp. My eyes fell on a now awake Kuro.
"Sorry Rin," the demon cat spoke.
"No, it's my fault," I said petting him.
I stood up, and yawned.
"What time is it...?"
Kuro hopped off the bed as I picked up my clock.
"8:40?!?! I'M LATE!!"
"Wait Rin! You-"
That's all I heard of the demon familiar before running out as I pulled my school jacket on.

• • •

"And that concludes our-"
"SORRY I'M LATE!" I yelled as I ran into Yukio's class.
My brother didn't look to happy with me... In fact he looked enraged.
"Rin, why don't you sit down and let me finish my sentence!"
"Right... Sorry."
I went to go over towards Shiemi, my girlfriend, but someone was sitting next to her.
It was Em.
'Looks like I'm sitting alone,' I thought sadly.
After deciding not to sit next to Izymo to at least not to be alone, I sat down at an empty desk. Yukio cleared his throat.
"What I was saying before I was interrupted. That concludes our lesson today. You can start studying for your test tomorrow."
I nearly wanted to pass out. Test?!?!
"Hey, that isn't fair! I should get an extra day since I was late!" I yelled standing up.
"Who's fault is it for being late," he replied packing up his stuff from the lesson.
"It's technically yours!!"
"Rin, you need to learn to have an alarm clock. I'm not going to fight with you right now. If you are so upset about my choice then see me after class."
Suddenly, I felt a bit embarrassed. Damn, why does he hate me so much?!?!? My eyes locked on the bright green ones staring back. Em.. God that was embarrassing! She probably knows the real personality of me now.
"Right... Sorry..."
Slowly taking my seat again, I tried to at least study. I failed completely.
This day couldn't get any worse.

• • •

I plopped myself in the grass next to Shiemi.
"Hi Rin!"
She opened her lunch case. Honestly, I wasn't surprised a lot of it came from her garden.
"That looks good!"
"Thanks. They probably aren't as good as your lunches though."
"Yeah, I'm hungry so-"
Then I realized it, what Kuro was trying to tell me earlier. I forgot my lunch!!!!
"Rin... Are you okay?"
"No... I forgot my lunch..."
She gave me a little smile before moving closer to me.
"You can share with me if you want."
"No, I can't do that."
"Rin, we are dating now. I think it's okay if we share."
She picked up some grapes, and plopped one in my mouth. A giggle escaped her lips.
"Wow... That's really good Shiemi!"
"They came from the garden!"
Before I could reply that I knew, a new voice spoke.
I turned to find those green eyes again.
"Hey Em!" Shiemi said.
"What are you doing...?" She asked quietly.
"Oh, I forgot my lunch so my lovely girlfriend wanted me to share with her."
She kissed my cheek softly, making me blush deeply.
We continued to feed each other. It didn't seem that much time passed, but our lunch period was over when the bell rang.
"That was fun," she said laughing.
"Hell yeah! Come on Em, we have...."
When I looked again to see were she was sitting, she was gone. Did she leave already? Shit, we were kind of ignoring her.
"What's wrong Rin?"
"Uhh, nothing. I'll see you later."
I gave her a hug, still feeling terrible.

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