Ch2 ~ Burning Sensation...

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Jimin's POV

Following the events that happened in the bar, Yoongi hyung and I ended up sitting next to eachother with Hobie hyung and Kookie either side of us both. I couldn't look at him, his presence was too much of a sight to behold and I couldn't handle another heart attack.

"Hyung, you really don't look so good." Kookie's eyes wandered around the expanse of my face, "should I call Minji to pick you up?" He asked, concerned.

"Yeah man, you look wasted." Hobie hyung intervened.

"No no, I'm fine really." I lied. I felt like dying of embarrassment inside, I didn't want him seeing me like this on our first meeting. Wait- what?! The voice of my conscience hollared. He patronised me, my inner voice. He always told me to do things I didn't wanna do. Like tell the teacher he didn't give you a sheet or just tell him you don't want to talk about it! Or even put your hand up! You know the answer! I was a very shy kid, still am around the edges but it's not as bad these days.

Big bang's 'Bang Bang Bang' came up on the dance floor and both Kookie and Hobie hyung shot up. Noticing the other's abrupt excitment, Hobie hyung squealed "Kookie! Let's go dance!" leaving Yoongi and I completely alone at the bar. The loud silence between us was evident in anyone's view, we didn't even make eye contact with one another, it was like a survival game to see which of us was man enough to actually look the other in the eye. I think it was a good 5 minutes until one of us actually said anything to one another.

"So..." He started, and I turned my head to face the elder, my intention being, to make a good first impression on him. "I still haven't heard you introduce yourself yet." He smiled. Well, that intention went out the window, you haven't even properly told him your name yet.

"Oh yes! Ofcourse!" I said, flustered by his forwardness. I cleared my throat and turned my body fully to face him head on. "I'm Jimin, I'm 22." I said shakily.

He chuckled, completely relaxed. "I'm Yoongi, I'm 24." He smiled coyly playing with the straw of his cocktail. "How do you know Hobie then?" He asked, randomly might I add.

"He went to highschool with me back in the day," I took a vodka shot, it burned down my throat as I swallowed it and thought of another question to keep the conversation going. "What's your major?"

"Advanced music composition." He beamed. "You?"

"Performing arts, music and dance." I answered.

"Jinja?" He seemed surprised. "You dance?"

"Yes I dance." I scoffed.

"You wanna put that to the test?" He said, as another song from a beloved idol came on. CL's 'hello bitches' blared throughout the entire club and collided with our ears as Yoongi's smile widened immensely. He took my vodka shot and drank it swiftly, grabbing my hand as he set it down violently on the table, startling the female bar tender. "C'mon." He whispered, pulling me onto the dance floor...

Hoseok's POV

I walked back to the bar, Kookie's head under my arm as we bawled with laughter, howling over the ridiculous amount of fun we were having. Ahhh, it was a blast dancing until we were swimming in our own sweat.

"That. Was. Amazing!" Kookie screamed as he ordered 2 shots of whiskey and handing me one. "Kampai! (A/N: Cheers!)" We swallowed it down and held the shot glasses to the air in victory of who knows what? It only mattered that we were happy.

Suddenly, Kookie's eagle like orbs pointed to the crowd of people on the dance floor. "Hyung!" He slapped my shoulder, making me jump, and gave me a reason to slap him back. "Ow!"

"What do you mean ow?!" I shot back. "You slapped me first!"

"But look!!" He pointed to where he had been looking, and there I saw, 2 of my best friends jirating on the dance floor to CL's 'hello bitches'. Jimin and Yoongi, jumping up and down with laughing faces and their arms flailing around like maniacs. This was probably the most energetic I'd ever seen Yoongi, he was mostly the slow, laid back kind of person, but tonight, maybe it was just the alcohol but he was showing an entirely new side of himself.

"Well would you look at that?" I beamed smugly. "Someone finally got the balls to make a move." I sipped on another shot of whiskey.

"Yoongi hyung?" He asked innocently. "But they-"

"No no no no no! Shh!" I quietened him down. "This will develop further!" I defended my ship. "I have a plan." I whipped out my phone and dialed a number, punching them in as I swatted Kookie's eyes away from my lockscreen.

"AHH I SAW IT! IT'S TAE!" Kookie's ever widening grin got wider as he uttered those words.

"SHUT UP!" My cheeks became a flaming red as I put the phone to my ear. It rang once...twice...thre-

"Yeoboseyo?" The voice of a young girl answered, groggy and low.

"Min-ah!" My hollared. "Hey! It's been a while." I greeted her.

"Hobie oppa?" She squealed at the nostalgia, the grogginess of her voice instantly deteriorating. "Wah! Orenmanida! (A/N: It's been a while)"

"It has yeah, but listen, I need a favour..."


Jimin's POV

Worn out after that energetic round of dancing, we retreated back to the bar to find that Hobie and Kookie were already there.

"Yah~." Hobie smiled deviously. "Bonding are we?" He handed me and Yoongi a shot of vodka and jestured for us to drink. Naturally, we took it, throwing our heads back as the alcohol hit our throats. I cringed at the taste and the burning sensation that travelled down my throat.

"You could call it that." Yoongi answered, after he had downed the shot. "Gimme another one." He told the bar tender, she nodded, fetched the vodka and poured it into his shot glass.

"He's gonna get wasted tonight." Hobie hyung stated. "You take him home." He commanded.

"What?!" I stared at him, shocked. "But we only just met! How's that gonna work?!"

"Simple, you carry him home to your house since I don't know where his house is either." I was surprised at Hobie's proposition.

"You've known him longer, way longer than I have, and he even went to your school!" I reasoned with him.

"Kai bai boh!" He challenged me, I accepted opennly, putting my hand to the back of me, pulling a rock formation with my palm.

"KAI BAI BOH!" We both shouted and threw out our hands in front of eachother. "HAH! I WIN! YOU TAKE HIM HOME!" Hobie hyung roared in victory and eventually, pulled the smuggest expression I'd ever seen.

I hung my head in shame as I gazed at the fist that should have been an open hand. "Jiminah..." Hobie pulled me under his arm and whispered closely to my ear. "You can thank me later!"

"YAH!" I smacked him off me.

"I SEE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT HIM! YOU'RE SO ATTRACTED TO HIM!" His eyes glinting like the stars had blessed my fate.

"HOBIE!" I whined, I really hated to admit it, but he was right. I was attracted to this guy, so much so that my heart almost leapt out of my ribcage.

"Do you want me to call your sister so that she can pick you up?"

"FORGET IT! I'LL CALL HER MYSELF WHEN HE GETS WASTED!" I laughed, half about to cry and half about to scream for joy.


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