Ch32 ~ Life On The Line...

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~The day of the accident~

For the past two days, it seemed all Jimin did was: getting hurt, agonising someone else or drinking his pain away. He was mostly drinking though, it proved the only solution to numb the pain of excruciating daggers stabbing his already tarnished heart. The alcohol ran down his throat, the ill tasting liquid burning the back of it as he downed another shot of martini. Vodka, cidre, soju, baekju, wine, he'd had it all the past two days, it was killing his liver. He was always slumped over the side of the bar seats, crying as he drank his sorrows away. Why? Why did it have to be none other than his favourite hyung who fell for him? Why did it have to be his best friend that fell for his other best friend? And why was it so imperative that he cried so easily over the matter? No one could help the way they felt, no one meant to hurt him so damn much. But then again, he couldn't help the way he felt either, be couldn't help it if the tears refused to diminish, nor could he help that he caught feelings for his best friend. So taking it out on his liver was perfectly logical.

"Jimin.." a familiar voice called quietly. "...Jimin stop drinking already, you've had enough." Jimin whipped his head back clumsily, finding that the voice belonged to someone he didn't jump at the sight of.

"Leave me alone." He muttered in a slurred voice. "Don't even try to tell me I can't drink, I am of legal age." He turned back to face his martini shot and downed it mercilessly. He hissed as it made its way down his throat for the thousandth time. "Don't let these youthful asian looks fool you, I am twenty years old!" He slammed the shot glass back down on the table, startling the bartender.

"Jimin please, you've been drinking nonstop until you pass out for like two days, this isn't healthy, I bet your abs are suffering." He put a hand to Jimin's shoulder, but Jimin shoved it off, disgusted he had the nerve to even lay another hand on him after what happened two days before.

"Why? So you can pull me into bed and take advantage of me again?" He glared at the elder. "Leave me a the fuck alone hyung, I don't need your pity." He poured himself another shot and drank it without concern for his liver.

"How many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry?" Suga raked his fingers through his hair in irritation. "And it wasn't just me taking advantage of you, it was also you taking advantage of me, trying to forget about the fact that Hobie rejected you..." he mumbled the last part, but sure enough, Jimin hears it loud and clear.

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP?!" He finally lost it, his temper, let it run wild through the passage of his mouth. "I GET THAT HE DOESN'T LIKE ME! I GET IT!" He screamed, hissing the last part with his voice still slurred. "BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO REMIND ME ABOUT IT EVERY FIVE MINUTES!" The tears streamed down his face like mini water falls. "YOU COULD'VE STOPPED ME!" He whimpered. "You could'" he continued. "You should've known..." cried out. At this point he knew that it wasn't just Jimin's fault that they had an errotic night together. It was through his fault that he didn't want Jimin to stop, he gave into his own desires when he knew very well how fragile and vulnerable Jimin was, being rejected and finding out Hoseok had feelings for Taehyung. Suga only added to the pain and confusion by confessing, but anger clouded his judgement.

"Jimin he doesn't like you like I do!" He shouted out. "He never did! Why is it so hard for you to get that into your thick head?!"

"Have you gotten it into your thick head yet that I don't like you like that either?" Lies, his infatuation with Suga only grew as he kept listening to his voice, but he wasn't going to say that out loud. He had his pride.

Suga stayed silent, he wasn't sure he was being entirely fair about this situation. He was still quite attracted to Jimin, he didn't know what it was, he was drunk, and not thinking straight but it didn't stop Suga from thinking about how angelic he looked, whatever he did. "" he maanaged. "Chim... I... I lo-"

"You're such a hypocrite." He got up and made shaky steps toward the exit.

"Now where are you going?!" Suga asked, frantically.

"To another bar!" He answered. "The peace here's been disturbed by a certain blond headed song writer." He stopped at the door way, half collapsing on the door frame.

"Jimin you can't go out there on your own." Suga argued. "You're drunk, and you're not in your right min-"

"If you follow me, I won't hesitate to jump into the road and kill myself." He threatened, heading to the edge of the side walk. "My depression, consider my depression, I'm not kidding!" He put one foot on the road of speeding, drunken drivers. Suga lunged forward half way, only to have Jimin put the other foot in harm's way. "GET BACK INTO THE BAR AND DON'T FOLLOW ME BASTARD!" he screamed, Yoongi retreated back into the bar, cursing under his breath as he stood in the open doorway.

"Jimin please! This is crazy!"

"If you follow me I'll kill myself." He said blankly. "Keep that in mind!" He walked away, up the road with one drunk foot after the other. "Don't follow me..." he muttered to no one in particular.

Suga was kicking himself for not being able to move, all he could do was watch as he disappeared into the night. What was he going to do? He couldn't go out of the bar, for fear Jimin would take his own life. He couldn't take that risk. He refused. There was too much on the line for him to follow. He paced around nervously, panicking slightly. His hands almost pulling out his damaged, poroxide hair in the process. And then, as he was about to scream out in hopeless anger and annoyance, it dawned on him, just minutes after he'd let Jimin stumble onto the danger struck roads of the night. He couldn't go out of the bar, but he could very well call someone to go look for Jimin, make sure he was ok. He fumbled in his back pocket for his mobile and punched in numbers, out the phone to his ear.

Ring... ring... ring... the person you have called is not available right now, please leave a mes-

He pressed the end call and dialled again. "Aishhhh Kookie pick up! This is a life or death situation!" He muttered.

Ring... ring... ring... the person you have called is not available right now-

He ended the call and dialled another set of numbers, hoping he would answer this time. "You better answer Tae, or I swear-" it didnt even go to voice mail, or ring, it just ended the call. "WHERE ARE YOU WHEN HE NEEDS YOU?!" he said aloud screaming at his phone, luckily the bar was already a bundle of noise around him, so his shouts of frustration weren't as audible as he thought they were. "Aish!" He ran his fingers through his hair again, contemplating whether he should call the next number on his contact list. Jimin wouldn't be happy to see him. No... he couldn't... but he did it anyway. He didn't have time to think, Jimin was just going to have to put up with it.

Ring... ring... ring... "hello?"


"Why? What's going-" he didn't get time to shell out the rest of his question, Suga already cut him off.


"SUGA WAIT! SLOW DOWN!" He screamed into his cellphone. "What's going on?"

"Jimin was drunk and..." Suga felt a tear rush down his cheek unexpectedly. "...and he said he'd kill himself if I followed him out of the bar and... I didn't know what to do so... he's out there dude, he could get killed even if he's not the one taking his life." He whimpered, finally collapsing on the bar floor, not caring how dirty or unsanitary it was.

"Where's this bar?..."

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