Ch13 ~ 7 Miles...

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~2 days before the accident~

Hoseok's POV

Earlier today, I had been invited out by someone I had cherished and held precious for a while. His name was Park Jimin. He'd been my friend since he started highschool at the one I was attending, he joined our dance class and that's how I first met him. He was shy at first, anxious of the fact that he had only done contemporary dance and nothing like hip-hop or R&B, but the kid caught on quick, he didn't show much struggle and by the end of highschool, he was pushing harder than I was.

He had always amazed me, the way he always tried to work to his full potential, not letting anything drive him down, the kid was a natural at dance and quite the charmer too. He sent women on various heart attacks due to his physique, his cute face and ofcourse, the unforgettable eye smiles. Ahhh, I was sad to leave him behind in that hellhole, highschool we attended, but eventually, it had to be done.

Not long after I graduated from highschool though, he joined me at a performing art's and music university. He had developed quite a voice too, he was hitting all the high notes impossible for a guy to hit, but he did it, amazing me all over again. Best friends, that's what we were.

He always tailed after me, he introduced me to a bunch of his other friends, Kookie and his sister were two of them, still painfully shy and distant, but in due time, they warmed up to me. He introduced me to his other childhood friends too, Taehyung being one of them...let's not get into that. That's another story to tell. In the same way, I introduced him to my friends and the group just kept growing from there. Jin and Namjoon were packed in too.

Ahhh the nostalgia of looking through these old memories, I wondered what he wanted to talk to me about so badly, he sounded a little shaken on the phone and just told me to meet him at the café we always got coffee in before going to school.

There was this one time, we ordered one too many caramel macchiatos cuz we thought Namjoon was gonna be coming, but that day, he planned to spend with Jin. I dared Jimin to drink it(as well as his own) since he hadn't been getting much sleep lately, by the time we made it to the University, he was jumping off the rails like a psychopath. Literally, he wouldn't stop talking, he wouldn't cease his constant tapping, he wouldn't walk in a straight line, instead he wizzed around, left and right, up and down, but not straight. I have it all on record, and it's never getting deleted.

"Hyung!" A panting voice cried. I looked over to the doorway and smiled happily, waving to him profusely. He approached with heavy feet, heavy breathing and innocent eyes, bigger and bolder than usual.

"Yo!" I grinned, he set himself down in front of me, catching his breath. Jeez, Jimin worked out back then, he must have ran a long way for him to be out of breath to this extent. "Wahh, what happened to you?" I rubbed his back, unable hide the mother hen inside me when I saw him in this state.

"W-water.." he squeezed out.

"Ah! Right!" I skipped over to the counter and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, handing the barrister a note, probably more than she needed but what the heck? My friend was in need of a water supply.

"Sir, your change!" She called.

"Keep it, a tip for always being so nice." She blushed and looked at me wide eyed and confused. "Buy yourself a nice dress or take your boyfriend out for dinner or something!"

"Kamsamida!" She bowed. I handed Jimin the open bottle of water and he glugged it down without hesitation.

"Haaaggghhh!" Jimin sighed violently, and laid his forehead gently on the coffee table.

"Jimin, what the hell have you been doing?" I asked, concerned for his health. "Why the hell are you so out of breath?!"

"Well, you see..." he took a deep breath. "I went to the mall with Kookie, and he bought a green flannel shirt that I thought would look pretty good on you."

"What?" I asked, weirdly surprised.

"And then, I started thinking..."

"Ooh, that's dangerous." I peered down at his weakened state.

"Shhh! I'm telling a story!" He demanded, lifting his head finally. I trailed my pointer and thumb to my lips and slid them from the left corner of my mouth to the right, imitating the actions of a zip, and gestured for him to talk some more. "As I was saying... we went over to all the shops and even ate at a few food stands. Every step I took, it just reminded me of you. The way you looked, the way you walked , the way you laughed, everything." Jimin turned a dangerous shade of pink. "So then, while Kookie was eating a hard pretzel at a bakery, I told him I had to go meet someone." My eyes widened and my mouth fell agape. "And I ran...I called you up and I ran.." he shuddered. "I ran 7 miles to get here, and I'm still alive."

"Jimin..." I sat up in my seat.

"Shh hyung!" He silenced me, I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly. "'ve always been there for me." I don't like where this is going I thought, my heart paced itself faster, my palms begining to sweat, and it was the middle of autumn. "You've never left me, you've always given me chances I didn't deserve and you've never ever doubted me.." he said passionately, holding his heart, I imagined it was beating at enormous speeds by now.


"Hyung...I'm so in love with you, and I don't think I'll be able to stop any time soon..." he managed to get it out in the end, but it left me at a loss for words, which wasn't normal. A heavy silence loomed over us and it took a good 10 seconds for me to get my head around what he just said. Me? Me of all people? Really? "Well.. say something, you're making me look stupid." He giggled nervously, his voice still shaky and quiet.

"I...I don't know what to say..." I sighed. " know I'll always be there for you, I'm your friend, that's my job..." Jimin tugged at the hem of his T-shirt. "...but I'm afraid, that's all I'll ever be able to give you, friendship..." he sat there for a minute, his gaze dropping instantly, as I uttered the last word of that sentence. His bottom lip began to tremble and his entire body shuddered with discontent. "And besides...isn't there someone else you should be saying all this to?"

"7 miles..." he whispered wearily, completely disreguarding the question I just asked him. "...7 miles I ran for you...and for what?" His voice hitched, it was like he'd stopped listening when I mentioned friendship. "Nothing..." he whimpered as he got up and marched himself out of the café, a scowl imprinted on his face. He was close to tears, I could feel it, I could hear it in his voice. Oh God why? Why did he have to fall for me of all people? Surely he had girls and other guys falling for him, right? With that face as well, ofcourse he did. Why, I knew of several who were obsessed with him. So why couldn't he have chosen someone else?...

A/N: Hello! Filler chapter this time round, hope you continue reading and honestly, thank you so much for the turn out, taking time to read my fanfic. I love Yoonmin so much and I'm so glad everyone else is taking the time to read. Please vote, comment and follow, and I will see you on the next update. Baii! I love you! ♡♡♡

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