Ch15 ~ Eye Contact...

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A/N: Does anyone else see the way Yoongi looks at Jimin in that gif?! That gaze can't mean nothing.

I've noticed actually, that I put a lot of questions in one paragraph, where Jimin, Yoongi and some of the other characters ask questions in the comfort of their minds, so I think I might change the title of this book to 'Curiousity killed the cat' or something along those lines.

Jimin and Yoongi were trapped in the younger's room, Minji and Jungkook found a way to cage them so they could finally talk to one another again. The only two things surrounding them were silence and an awkward atmosphere. Jimin still refused to even go near the silver headed song writer, let alone talk to him on equal terms again.

"Would you talk to me?!" Yoongi screamed, finally breaking the noiseless chasm draped over them. "We're stuck in this Goddamn room and not once in these past two weeks have you even looked me in the eye." Yoongi complained, going on about that day at the showers and how he didn't understand why he was being so awkward about the situation.

Jimin still refused to meet eyes with him, for fear Yoongi's lazer-like eyes would melt his own. Yoongi was notorious within their little friendship group for the amount of fear he had sent to anyone who met his dirty looks. Namjoon and Hoseok were sad victims of this, unfortunately. Yoongi left the two traumatized when they wouldn't let him sleep due to the amount of noise they were making when they stayed over at his house.

The two sat well away from each other, their phones deprived from them by the two mischievous maknaes situated in another room along with Taehyung, Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin, listening hard for the one sided conversation to become a talk in which Jimin's voice was heard.

"Look I'm sorry I broke my promise, but I had my fingers crossed anyway." Yoongi admitted. Jimin flinched, he didn't know what to do in these situations. He didn't like Yoongi, he didn't think he did, he kept telling himself he was in love with someone who saved him from that unearthly car crash. But the fact that he had to keep reminding himself he was in love with that stranger was worrying, don't you just know you're love someone? You wouldn't need to keep reminding yourself, you just know.

"Jimin talk to me already!" Yoongi approached the younger, his footsteps booming loudly as he got closer to the shaky brunette. He dropped to his knees and placed his head on Jimin's lap, making Jimin snap his head toward the elder. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Yoongi looked desperate, his words choked up and hot tears cascaded down his face. He couldn't bare Jimin's silence anymore, he couldn't bare the guilt parading in the pits of his stomach.

"Hyung..."Jimin placed his hand on Yoongi's silver head. Yoongi didn't look up. "I'm...sorry..." he himself choked. "I just thought I was disgusting that's all..." Yoongi raised his head, revealing a tinge of red on his cheekbones and around his eyes.

"Why?" Yoongi questioned.

"I didn't tell you to stop." He forced out. "I didn't want you to stop..." Yoongi's eyes widened at the younger's confession. "And that's why I couldn't face you...I couldn't bare you thinking I was perverted and I didn't know what to do...and I.." Jimin's face collided with his hands and cried out niagra falls.

"Jimin no don't cry...." Yoongi put his forehead against Jimin's and took hold of his hands. "I...I've known you longer than you might think." Jimin looked at him, puzzled through the blur of this tears. Yoongi glided his fingers down Jimin's tear stained face.

Jimin's head began to ache, his mouth falling agape as his hands rushed up to hold his head. The sharp pain surged through the younger's head, causing him to make agonising noises that deemed uncontrollable.

"Jimin?" Yoongi cried, Jimin didn't respond, he just panted, started sweating and screaming as the pain began to build up at rapid speeds. "Jimin?!" He cried again. He rushed to the door and called out for his friends, anxious Jimin was going through some amnesia back track. "MINJI! JIMIN'S HAVING A MIGRAINE HURRY AND OPEN THE DOOR!"

Minji and the others immediately sped for the door and twiddled the key into the keyhole, hurriedly opening the door to find that Jimin had collapsed in Yoongi's arms. "What happened?!" Minji rushed over to them.

"Never mind that! Call a doctor!" Yoongi demanded. Jungkook flipped out his phone and dialled 999 for an ambulance.

"Hello!? Yes I-I need an ambulance for my friend!" He said nervously. "H-he collapsed and I don't know what happened but he got amnesia about 6 months ago from a car accident..." he choked, pacing from left to right, the others looked at him with concern, they knew how he felt, Jimin might've been breathing, but none of them knew how long it would stay that way. "He...he...I don't know, please get an ambulance over quickly...thank you..."


Everyone sat uncomfortably outside the hospital ward and anticipated something on the negative side, like he's gonna be comatosed again or he's gonna need to stay in the hospital for like another 6 months or something along those lines. They weren't idealists, they didn't expect good news, they had all gotten a taste of their own down falls and were familiar with let downs and disappointments that came with it. But always, in the back of their minds, hope was sparked by the possibility of it turning out ok, however small that possibilty seemed.

A youthful looking man with a white hospital coat walked out of the hospital ward, holding a clipboard. The seven young university students and graduates hurriedly approached him, giving him a start. "Are you all with the patient?" They nodded. "I'm Dr. Lee, Lee Taemin, and I've been the doctor that has overseen Jimin's condition ever since the car accident."

"How is he?" Yoongi blurted out. Jungkook held him back, as if Yoongi was going to do something maniacal.

"He's fine." The doctor ran his fingers through his blonde hair and snaked his eyes down to the clipboard. "He's taken some pain killers and he's turned out ok." They all let out a breath they didn't know they were holding and Minji almost fell on the floor. "But it seems he's been having these migraines a while. When did they start?"

"We didn't know they were even going on." Taehyung answered. "He was away for about three months and only recently came back."

"I remember that one time at the club though, his head started hurting and he zoned out but he snapped out of it after a few minutes." Hoseok cut in.

"Yeah, we were hanging out by the beach as well," Yoongi intervened. "His head started hurting then too."

"When was this?" Dr. Lee asked.

"Around a month ago, maybe even like three weeks ago?"

"I see..." Dr. Lee sucked in his lips and struggled to make a decision. "I think maybe we should keep Jimin in the hospital for now, so we can run a few more tests on him, to make sure he's ok."

"Can we go see him." Yoongi pushed.

"Yes, he's in the-" they all rushed past the doctor and almost toppled him over. "Jeez, no one listens to the young looking, 'inexperienced' doctor." Dr. Lee huffed and walked off to take care of another patient.


Jimin sat in his hospital bed, finally concious after hours of being surrounded in the darkness of his eyelids. Actually, it wasn't quite darkness, he'd had a strange dream, a dream he didn't expect to have, consisting of someone he hadn't seen coming. "JIMINAH!" Jimin jumped as he met eyes with the people crowding the door way of his room.

"Yah!" He smiled and waved as they all gathered around him.

"How you feeling buddy?" Taehyung knelt beside Jimin and looked up at him hopefully.

"I'm fine Tae, really." His eyes wandered over to someone else, someone who embodied his dream vastly and he couldn't comprehend why. "Yoongi hyung, can I talk to you? Alone?..."

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