Ch18 ~ Lyrics and Melodies...

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~1 year before the accident~

That first day of university was an eventful one. He'd missed his first class, due to the extended jolly he'd had with that talkative, rose coloured, third year from Daegu. What did he call himself again? Suga? Jimin didn't have a good memory when it came to remembering names, ages or birthdays. He recalled a time when he'd forgotten his own sister's birthday and how many years she'd spent on earth. She roasted him pretty bad for that and since then his sister's birthday has been recorded in both his digital and paper calender.

"Tae, I don't understand why you ask so many pointless questions no one knows the answer to." Jimin covered his ears, trying to block out the purposeless askings of his best friend. "I can't hear you, la la la la laaaaa!" He hummed.

"But think about it!" Taehyung tried to force the glassy eyed brunette's hands away from his ears, but failed, surprised as he stood his ground against the taller boy. "How does a shepherd count his flock without falling asleep?! I mean, when I count sheep it always gets me to sleep, so how is it that the sheperd stays awake to count his flock?! It just doesn't make sense!" He shook the frustrated boy.

"I DON'T KNOW AND I DON'T CARE!" He finally errupted into a fit of loud, high pitched shrieks and squeals.

"Ooh, I thought you said you couldn't hear me." Taehyung laughed, causing the elder to storm out of his presence in further annoyance. "Yah! I was kidding come back!" He giggled, catching up to Jimin quickly, as his legs were a little longer than Jimin's.

Jimin turned around, still maintaining his walking pace, to face the 21 year old giving him a rectangle smile and scrunched up nose. "Tae, I don't wanna hear any more of your- ow!"Jimin had bumped into someone.

"Hey! Be careful there kid, you'll injure somebody." Suga beamed as he caught the younger boy in his chest.

"Suga sunbaenim!" Jimin retreated back next to Taehyung. "A-anyeonghasaeyo." He bowed at a 90 degree angle, flustering the rose haired individual.

"Hey there! We meet again, Jimin right?" He scratched the back of his pink head and beamed at the two, showing his gums to show how happy he was to see them. And then he noticed he'd been acquainted with the taller one many times before. "Ooh!" He pointed at Taehyung. "Tae is that you?!"

"Yeah hyung, it's been forever!" Taehyung engulfed him in a hug as their palms collided in a lock whilst the other arm swung around to pat the other's back.

"You know eachother?" Jimin asked, utterly dumbfounded.

"Sure we do!" Taehyung pulled away from their masculine hug and turned toward Jimin, who now sported a surprised look at how small the world was. "He went to highschool with me, I told you about that guy who always rapped in the corridors right?"

"Right." Jimin giggled and crossed his arms at the two, leaning on his left leg.

"This is him!" He pointed at Yoongi, his arm now around the elder's neck. "Oh my God, his beats and songs are amazing bro, they're tight!"

"Easy there partner, I'm not all that good." He tried to settle Taehyung's hype, but it didn't quite work, Taehyung kept rambling on and on about how Yoongi had songs just waiting to be released out in the open, where singers and producers alike could sing them and use them to make a tonne of cash.

"Sounds to me like I haven't caught on with the current jams." Jimin laughed. (A/N: Jimin has a tonne of jams!)

"Nah dude, it's all good." Suga waved a hand at him, indicating he'd been wrong. "My songs are up and coming, this kid's just showing off cuz he's heard them a few times." He jabbed Taehyung in the stomach jokingly. Taehyung faked getting hurt.

"No but seriously," Tae pulled on a serious tone. "his beats are dope!" Taehyung reinforced.

"Whatever you say." Jimin said sarcastically.

"You wanna hear 'em?"


"Wow.." was all Jimin could utter as he held the headphones to his ears, his mouth agape and showing his grin of amazement. His reaction to Yoongi's music made Yoongi blush with pride. He'd always been told his music was pretty out there, unusual and not fitting with the crowd, but the two first years treated it like it was a melody created by Gods.

In that free period alone, Yoongi had introduced the two to an entirely new set of tunes he'd been working on for the duration of both his university life and the first time he'd heard a song called Stony Skunk by Ragga Muffin (A/N: true fact). Yoongi had been pursuing a career in music since he'd felt compelled by the beat of that song, the melody and the tune, it all pieced together nicely, the rhythm was something he'd never heard before and, for some odd unsuspecting reason, he liked it, making Suga's urges spring toward music rather than biology, like his parents often thought he would pursue, due to the gruelling delight he had for horror movies and everything bloody.

"You like it?" Suga asked, anticipating a positive answer.

"I love it." Jimin beamed as he bobbed his head up and down to the beat.

"Well I'm glad you do." Suga chuckled. "It's sort of the reason why I even started writing and composing music. So people listen and like 'em."

"SEE?!" Taehyung hollared. "I TOLD YOU IT WAS AMAZING!"

"Easy there Tae!" Suga calmed the boy down, touched by how passionate the boy was about his music. "I don't have a singer so like, half the song is just disjointed." He fiddled with the mouse to shut off the music.

"You know, Jimin sings." Taehyung announced.

"Tae!" Jimin slapped his shoulder, triggering Jimin to flush a bright red.

"Do you?" Suga said, suddenly hopeful.

"W-well.." Jimin stuttered on his words. "I-I do a little, but I'm really not very good sumbaenim, I've only recently gotten into it."

"DON'T BE SO MODEST!" Tae intervened. "he can hit notes that girls struggle to even reach!" Taehyung showed his best friend off like he was an expensive jewel sought out by many all over the world.

"You know you really have to stop that." Jimin sighed. Taehyung was an energetic mind, a soul starving for adventure and he rarely ever lied, it was in his blood to be honest about the truth and what he considered to be the truth, was that Jimin could sing at a top notch standard.

"Really?" The elder turned to Jimin, his face full of utter delight and excitement. Jimin looked back at him and saw his eyes sparkling with a joyful longing. How could Jimin say no to such a hopeful expression? His face said it all, 'please sing my song!' it screamed, and Jimin wasn't one to be cold toward his elders. It just wouldn't be right.

"Y-yeah, I sing..." Jimin let out a hefty puff of air and smiled awkwardly.

"Great!" Suga perked up and hovered his fingers over the keyboard, taking the mouse instead and clicking on a random folder. He clicked on a song called 'let me know' and hastily got into the rhythm of things as he grabbed a pair of headphones and lyrics, compiled on the side of his computer, and handed them to Jimin and Taehyung. "Tae you sing too right?" Taehyung nodded. "Here." He threw him another set of lyrics. "I actually need 4 singers for this piece, I think I'll get Jin and Namjoon to join in too, oh and J-Hope, can't forget him." He mumbled to himself, inaudible to the two people, dumb struck in the corner of the recording studio.

"So, what is this song?" Taehyung asked. "Let me know?"

"Yeah, a song I composed during highschool, but the singers who sang it back then went to different schools to me and i didn't get a chance to record it so, I'm gonna have to get the two of you plus Jin and...oh my God, I don't have a fourth singer!" Suga started panicking, muttering nervously and throwing papers up into the air. It was a side of him Taehyung had never seen, Suga was always the laid back, independant one, it never occured to him that he'd have a chaotic, panicky side to him.

"Um...I have someone in mind." Jimin spoke up, thinking of a certain antisocial freak who his sister cherished just as much, if not more, than himself...

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