Ch10 ~ Expect The Unexpected...

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A/N: Ahhh guys don't hate me! I wont be able to update as often since I got school and I need to study for exams but, I'll try to keep it on a weekly basis, ok?? I love you and enjoy. ♡♡

Yoongi's thoughts were all a blaze, this thought shifting from this thought and that thought shifting from that thought. One thing's for sure though, all those thoughts, consisted of Jimin. I wonder what he's doing right now, is he well? Should I go meet him? Should I go see him? Should I make a move on him? His silver hair danced in the cool spring wind as he sat there, his head thrown back as the silence of the park surrounded him.

"Yoongi hyung!" Until Hoseok's voice panged in his ears, the cheerfulness of the boy almost melted him, he seemed to be allergic to his hyperactive behaviour. And yet, Yoongi stuck around with him for that very reason, the same way he carried on eating pineapples even after he almost covered his sugary white skin with rashes and scratch marks. They were just so delicious.

"What do you want?" Yoongi said emotionlessly, closed eyes and neck against the park bench he was sitting on.

"Hello to you too." Hoseok plopped himself beside the elder and asked him an alarming question. "Have you made another move on Jimin yet?" He jumped at the question, his eyes shooting open as it reached his ears.

"Why the hell would I make a move?" Yoongi huffed, concealing his inability to comprehend the younger's forwardness. "He doesn't like me." Yoongi stated, and unfortunately, it was true. He believed it was written in stone that Jimin's heart belonged to his saviour, and not him.

"He does!" Hoseok insisted. "Hello?! Don't you remember that night at the club!?" He reminded him about the way Jimin had stared at him at their first meeting. But then he also recalled that the effect Yoongi had on Jimin evaportated away like boiling perfume.

"That look didn't last long though Hobie." Yoongi whipped out his phone. "He's completely obsessed with his car crash saviour. And until that dilemma dies down, I don't have a chance." Yoongi said sorrowfully, checking for messages and typing down lyrics.

"Trust me, I have a plan."

"Oh dear Lord." Yoongi prepared himself for the worst. Hoseok's plans always seemed to be overly extravagant, but funnily enough, they always worked...


"So, what am I doing here again?" Yoongi asked, as he was dragged into a sports hall. "I don't recall ever wanting to get back into basketball." Yoongi told Hoseok with a gummy grin. "And why'd you pack my gym bag?" Yoongi's interrogation was purposeless. Hoseok's answers were vague and could mean anything, so there really wasn't any point in asking.

"You'll see." Hoseok smirked, making Yoongi worry. He had that look in his eye, the type of look that made children cry, that look of evil determination plastered along his waterline. "He should be here any minute now." He sat Yoongi down with a basketball on his lap, gym bag on the side and gestured for him to wait, while he found some place to hide. Yoongi watched him go, anticipating some sort of developement.

"Hyung?" An angelic voice filled his eardrums. And there's the shocking developement. Yoongi turned around to a brown headed Jimin, somehow, he looked a lot better in brown, ginger made him look a little older than when he had brown hair. It looked great on him.

"Ch-Chim?" Yoongi stuttered, Jimin's pet name coming out of his mouth on impulse. "What are you doing here? Nice hair by the way."

"Thanks." Jimin curled a lock of his hair, twisting it as he blushed reflexively at Yoongi's compliment. "Hobie invited me for a round of one on one." He approached the elder, a ruck sack mounted on his back. "What are you doing here? I didn't peg you as a basketball player." He placed his hands on his hips in curiosity.

"Well, you underestimate me." Yoongi scoffed. "You wanna play?" He tossed Jimin the basketball and stood up ready for the game. "If I win, you're buying lunch."

"Deal." Jimin obliged, setting his ruck sack down and preparing himself for an 'easy' win...or so he'd hoped...


Jimin fell to the floor, his back hitting it pretty hard as he gave into the urge of falling. Sweat dripped from the curvy tips of his brown hair and his breaths hitched with coughs and wheezing noises. Yoongi stood proud and tall, the basketball tucked between his hip and elbow, smirking as he gazed down at the defeated 22 year old.

"What the hell?!" Jimin panted. "How the actual hell did that happen?!" Jimin couldn't believe the scores pinned on the board.

"Never underestimate a silver headed song writer!" He howled down at his opponent. "You shouldn't have pegged me for anything!" He screamed, making the younger laugh and lean weakly on his elbows.

"Yes ok!" Jimin hurled himself onto his knees and sat on his heels. "I give! I give!" He bowed down to the triumphant, sweaty victor.

"Eww. I'm all sweaty." Yoongi looked himself up and down and caught sight of his watery apparel. "You wanna hit the showers before you pay for lunch?"

"What, you mean..." Jimin started. "...t-together?" Jimin pointed a finger at the elder and then back at him self. Yoongi nodded.

"Yeah, we're both guys, what you'll see on me won't be anything you haven't already seen on yourself." Yoongi said maturely while taking a hold of his gym bag, shocking Jimin a little too much. Yoongi walked over to the worn out brunette, getting close enough to his ear so he could whisper without anyone else hearing. "And besides, I've been itching to get a look underneath those annoying clothes." He ran quickly into the shower room, leaving Jimin to process what the elder had just said. And when he did, he grabbed his ruck sack and ran after the silver headed pervert with a reddened complexion.

"YAH MIN YOONGI!" He screamed, pushing his way past another basket ball game going on. "GET BACK HERE YOU PERVERTED LITTLE SHIT!"

"I'M 1CM TALLER THAN YOU ARE, PRICK!" Yoongi hollared back.

"COME BACK HERE AND TAKE YOUR PUNISHMENT LIKE A MAN!" Jimin forced out, again, after heavy breaths. Yoongi turned a corner, stopping momentarily to look at the younger's laughing face.

"HAS NO ONE TOLD YOU?!" Yoongi carried on running. "I'M GAY AS FUCK!" He screamed so everyone in the corridor would hear his sudden sexuality confession.

"NO! NO ONE TOLD ME THAT BUT I COULD SORT OF TELL BY THE WAY YOU FLIRT WITH ME ALL THE TIME!" Jimin laughed. Yoongi came to a stop when he finally reached the shower room, Jimin crashed into his back causing his arms to instinctively make their way to Yoongi's shoulders. Yoongi turned his head to face the younger, and just as he did, Jimin mirrored his actions. Their lips crashed onto the other's for a mere millisecond before Jimin pulled away, startled by the developement.

"Sorry." Yoongi looked away. "I didn't mean for that to happen." The milky skin on his face turned an alarming shade of pink.

"No-no, that was my fault..." Jimin scratched the back of his head, also looking in all different directions, except for where Yoongi was standing. "L-let's go shower then..." Jimin stuttered as they entered the shower hall...

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