Ch27 ~ Icy Glares Melt...

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~5 months before the accident~

Suga didn't know what it was about Jimin. Maybe it was his habit of playing with his fingers, or the way he styled his hair, or the oblivion he drowned himself in. Or...maybe it was the imminent smile he wore when he was looking at the man he'd loved dearly for such an unbearably long time. Or at least, used to. Jimin hadn't smiled at all since Hoseok had implied he liked Taehyung, the only time since then that he did smile, was when they had that unruly pillow fight, and even after that he'd refused to put on the smile that Suga adored so much. Not even the slightest glimmer of a smile was placed on Jimin's now sullen face.

Suga didn't know how or when it happened. That first time he bumped into him, the second time he bumped into him, or at the studio where he'd marvelled over his unnaturally high voice. Maybe it was that time he found himself in Jimin's sanctuary, instead of his own, and still, he felt home. He didn't know exactly when, but somewhere along the lines, Min Suga, the badass, piano playing song writer had fallen for the happy go lucky, eye smile enthusiast that was, Park Jimin.

"Why the flip did you drag me out here?" Jimin moaned as he staggered behind his favourite pink haired hyung. See, the strawberry headed song writer may have already caught feelings for him, but that didn't mean that he didn't think that Jimin was annoying sometimes.

"So you could get out of my dorm and get some vitamin D in your system." Suga sneered at him. "Look at you, you're so pale! You should thank me for giving you this opportunity." He smacked the back of Jimin's head, he was sick and tired of Jimin's whines and conplaints around the dorm, where had the jubilant, fun loving Jimin he came to fall for gone?! Why'd he have to go? He was Suga's constant source of energy and sunshine. Why was it he had to fall into a deep abyss of depression now?

"Yeah, let's not forget how heart broken I am right now ok?" Jimin rubbed the back of his head, Suga had a hard slap. Suga stopped walking and waited for the younger to reach his side before he glared at him, his icy stare sending Jimin into cowering demeanor. Now you've done it.

"Can you forget about your aching heart for one, measely minute and cry a little over my aching head?!" Now it was Suga's turn to get a little angry, his turn to snap. He'd had it up to here with Jimin's constant need to whine about every little thing, he'd earned the right to spill some of the bottled emotions he'd suppressed the passed few weeks, Jimin had been staying with him. "You've been complaining my ear off for like ten centuries! Gimme a break!" He pulled Jimin over to a bench where they were suppose to meet Minji and Jungkook, but the two were running a little late.

Jimin stayed silent, he had never really seen Suga show any strong emotions, not like this. He'd been overjoyed before, but he never really lost his temper. Never had the energy to do it. He must have pushed buttons on Suga, that no one dared to even touch. Well done you little piece of scum, your favourite hyung now hates you.

"Hey!" Minji hollared and the two smacked their heads in the direction of the youthful eighteen year old. The awkward gloomy atmosphere surrounded the two, Jimin couldn't even look at Suga, afraid his eyeballs would melt off their sockets if he did so, terrified of the glare Suga possessed when he got annoyed at any point. "We're here."

"You're also late." Suga grumbled.

"Kookie had an incident with the hair dryer." Minji quickly thought up. The two looked up at a now reddened Jungkook.

"It was asking for a fight," he confessed. "It wouldn't turn on when I pushed the on button so I smashed it against the floor and it broke."

"Dude, you could've plugged it into the socket before you even thought about murdering it." The group of unsuspecting friends ambled over to pass a clothing shop, none of them had any interest in. Since Jimin was too depressed to even be shopping anywhere, he just went so Suga wouldn't be worried about him, not getting out enough.

"Ooh!" Minji had spotted somewhere she wanted to go. "How about there?" She smiled, pointing over to a hair salon. She'd been meaning to get her hair styled for some time, but just hadn't gotten round to doing it. she was approaching her final year of highschool and preparing for uni, she wanted good grades to get into the best possible one.

"You wanna get your hair done?" Jungkook asked. "But your hair's pretty the way it is." He wrapped some of Minji's thick, black hair around his index finger and rubbed it against the tip of his thumb.

"I think I see a romance beginning to happen." Suga whispered over to Jimin.

"No way." Jimin whispered back. "She's off limits! What's more, Kookie is her best friend!" Jimin felt like he had been stressing this a thousand times a day and still, no one listened to his theory on the closeness of the two adolescents.

"Looks like it to me." Suga and everyone else could see it happening. Why was it that Jimin had such a problem with it? "What's eating you? They'd look cute together." He asked, as they made their way over to the hair salon.

"They would not!" Jimin said, loud enough for anyone to hear in a one metre radius. The youthful pair of teenagers looked over at Jimin briefly, before  shrugging it off and proceeding to look at the different styles they had available in the salon. It seemed that Jimin had done this so often, that the young pair had gotten used to Jimin's random uprisings in public places. "She's still young, maybe she can find a guy when she's a little older y'know? Let me enjoy her youth a little more?"

"Kookie, you'd look nice with this one!" Minji suggested.

"Really?" Jungkook seemed unsure of it. "I don't know."

"What style do you think I'd look nice in?" Minji scanned the menu of hair styles that adorned the walls of the hair dresser's. "Pick one for me dude."

"I don't know either." Jungkook scratched the back of his head nervously. "I think you'd look great in all of them to be honest." He gushed as he let out that cheesy sentence. Minji just scoffed and shoved his shoulder. Jimin's mouth fell agape at Jungkook's statement. His eyes didn't differ from his soundless, open mouth.

"They would." Suga said, almost inaudibly as he put a hand to Jimin's jaw to push it closed. "look how cute they are, perfect for eachother."

"Did Hobie hyung put you up to this?!" He questioned. "He ships them hardcore!" He pointed at the giggling couple of friends as they sat down on the sofa, waiting for their turn to have their hair done.

"Jimin, just sit down and pick a style before I actually screw you right here, right now." He threatened, and from the look in Suga's eyes, anyone could see he wasn't joking...


The four of them came out with newly cut or coloured hair. Since Yoongi was feeling a little rebellious, he coloured his hair a daring platinum blond. He was satisfied with the turn out, sure it had resulted in him having the same hair colour as a disney character, but at least he thought he looked hot in his new choice of hair colour.

Jimin was hesitant to dye his hair, it always scared him, the pain of having his hair done. The stinging sensation that always hurt, no matter how many times you'd had your hair dyed. It was painful, but Suga hsd persuaded him to get his hair done, his once monotonous brown head of hair had now gone through a transformation, now, Jimin sported an outgoing firey red colour on his head, and he had to say, the hair dressers where highly talented in making his brunette locks slip out of sight.

Still, even with his new head of coloured hair, he couldn't help but wonder why he thought of Hoseok at this irrelevant time. It seemed, eventhough Hoseok was the reason behind his undying depression, he was also the reason Jimin felt like getting up in the morning. The only reason. That's why, now that he had hints of Hoseok liking Taehyung, he had no reason to get up.

Suga, on the other hand, had another person on his unreadable mind. Jimin had been occupying his thoughts since the moment he first laid eyes on him, a little more each day since. Of course, he'd never admit to any one of his friends that he'd gathered lingering feelings toward the younger, for one thing, he'd never hear the end of it from them, and second, Jimin still had eyes for a single man he knew he'd never be able to be with. All he could do was watch.

"Hey." Suga tapped Jimin's shoulder.

"What?" Jimin asked, gazing over at him.

"Could you..." Suga paused, the icy glare from before their outting had begun, had melted as he looked longingly at the younger. "...could you...maybe... smile for me...?"

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