Ch26 ~ In Love With The Idea Of It...

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~5 months before the accident~

Jimin remembered a lot of things, things he regretted, things he'd wish he'd forget, like that one time he walked into his sister while she was getting changed. That was a nightmare he'd wished he'd never had, or even caught a glimpse of. Another time was when he 'accidentally' pulled the break on his father's car, causing it to reverse and crash into the car parked directly behind it (Jimin was grounded and banned access to the computer, except for school).

But what he truly wished he'd never done, was fall for his best friend. He'd never felt such pain and regret in his entire life, he'd never felt such agony course through his veins and pierce at his heart a thousand times without even killing him. In short, he'd wished he'd never found out that Hoseok had taken an interest in another one of his best friends.

Ignorance is bliss, it's a true fact.

Of course, he'd felt this way many times before, but this time seemed so much worse than that of the time he'd fallen down the stairs and cracked his head open in two, stitches all down the back of his head for eight weeks.

"Suga!" He complained. "Why the flip does it hurt so much?!" Jimin had been bunking with Suga for a while, staying home was just reminding him Hoseok, his gifts and souvenirs from the boy were scattered all over, every nook and cranny of his room and even some in his sister's sanctuary. The elder had been such a big part of his life for so long, everything in his room was a blurr of his memories with Hoseok, and it depressed him, so he went to stay with his favourite pink haired hyung at the university dorms, leaving his sister at home to tend to everything. She said she would be fine on her own, Jungkook was going to be there so what was the worst that could happen?

"Jimin, you liked him for so long," Suga muttered from his computer. "you shouldn't have expected this 'getting over Hobie' thing to be easy." He told him straight.

"I didn't though..." he admitted. "...I just didn't think it would hurt so much...or this much." He buried his head in Suga's plump pillows, taking in his deodorant. He smells a fresh scent with a touch of manliness...JIMIN WHAT THE FLIP ARE YOU DOING?! he flinched away from the pillow and threw it on the floor. The dirty, unsanitary floor. Ew.

"Hey!" Suga turned around to find his pillow had met with the floor. "What did my pillow ever do to you?!" He got up and picked the soft bag of feathers up from the floor and hit Jimin across the head with it. Jimin's head snapped to the side, utterly shocked at what the elder had just done to him. He cranked his head back into place, to face his hyung, the look of unpleasant surprise still fixed on his face. "Say sorry to the pillow."


"SAY IT!" He hit him again, this time attempting to sting his arm. Jimin caught on with Suga's game, he wanted to play.

"Oh you wanna play it that way now do you?" He glared up at Suga, reaching for another pillow in his midst and striking him across the face.

"OK NOW YOU'VE DONE IT!" Suga jumped onto the bed and bombarded Jimin with a rally of pillow attacks, sending him under the covers for protection. "GET OUT HERE AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN!"

"BUT I'M GAYER THAN NAMJOON HYUNG AND JIN HYUNG PUT TOGETHER!" Jimin joked, laughing under the covers as Suga continued beating him with the pillow.

"BULLSHIT!" Suga exclaimed. "NO ONE'S GAYER THAN THOSE TWO!" Jimin swept Suga's legs under from underneath the duvet, which caused the elder to fall ontop of him. Jimin grunted at the weight on his chest and the fresh deodorant filling his nostrils. And then his brain finally processed what the actual hell just happened. "Uh..." Suga looked up to face a wide eyed Jimin.

"Sorry..." he froze, unable to look away. His cheeks gained a peachy colour and his eyes dilated slightly as he carried on looking into his elder's hazel like eyes. Beautiful and indeed they were, Suga's glistening eyes resembled a maze, once you look into them, there isn't a sure chance that you'll be able to find a way out. "...I-I didn't know that would happen..."

"No-no it''s totally fine." Suga gulped, trying to be nonchalant about the awkward situation they'd found themselves in, but he was stuttering and it didn't help that he was still laying ontop of him. It hindered their predicament further when they both realised their chests were beating louder than a stampeed of wild animals, or an angry drummer. A vast amount blood started to gather at the surface of Suga's pale, sun oblivious cheeks.

"Y-you can...sort of...just...get off now hyung?" It was more of a question than a demand, it was like he wanted to stay in that awkward position. No! I like Hobie hyung! Stop. Messing. With. My. Head! oh my God! I like Hobie hyung right? Not Suga hyung, right? He chanted mentally. What was he thinking?! Why was he all of a sudden having second thoughts about liking Hoseok? Was he never in love with him in the first place? Or had it never even been love, just, admiration? Was he just in love with the idea of love? Was he that desperate that he put his infatuation into someone close to him? What were all these annoying unanswered questions lingering in his cranium?!

"OH! RIGHT!" Suga got off him abruptly and sat up, looking away from Jimin, his cheeks were still flushed and pink, his heart still palpitating at abnormal rates and he didn't know what to do. What was this feeling? Had he felt it once before? Or was it an entirely new sensation? "Sorry I fell ontop of you..."

"NO-NO! IT'S OK!" Jimin immediately started after Suga had finished his sentence, he didn't even hesitate. "I'M THE ONE WHO SWEPT YOU IT'S MY FAULT!" (A/N: Us af! XD JiminniesSmile)










And there they went again...


As Jimin spent more time with Yoongi, he started to think less and less about Hoseok. But the same could not be said for when he entered campus grounds. Of course, Hoseok wasn't always there, he just knew that he was unconsciously living closer to Hoseok, sleeping in the same building as him. He didn't want to admit it, because he wanted to get over his one-sided love, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he was glad to be sleeping at the same building as him. He hated it, the fact that he was glad.

"Still ignoring him?" Suga asked. "Y'know he's getting worried about you." And so was Suga, cuz Jimin hadn't once gotten out of the dormitory other than to go to his classes, and even then he was sat stone faced in the classroom instead of socialising with Taehyung. He didn't even look at the pair of them, he refused to even spare a glance.

"It hurts to even look at him hyung," Jimin whimpered. "both him and Taehyung." Suga sighed and was going to make his way over to the door, if he wasn't stopped by Jimin's small fingers tugging on his shirt. "Stay with me?" He looked up at his pink headed hyung, his pupils dilating and producing a herd of tears.

Suga shoved his hand off of his shirt and grabbed his wrist to pull him swiftly out of bed. "You're the one staying with me..."

A/N: Poopy chapter. I'm sorry >.<

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