Ch9 ~ Wishful Thinking...

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The lights were turned down low and everyone was hidden in one place or another around the kitchen. A rattling pile of keys pushed it's way into the keyhole and twisted it, opening the appartment door. A womanly figure opened the kitchen door and hurriedly opened the lights.

"SURPRISE!!" A barrage of party poppers and balloons invaded her sight as joyous tears filled her eyes. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIWOO!!"

"Oh my God." She covered her mouth in awe and happiness. "What's all this?!" She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Dummy, it's a birthday party! For you! Since it's your birthday today." Hoseok beamed and wrapped his arms around his awe struck sister. She couldn't think of a word to say, the part of her brain had completely disabled her speech. "Guys, mission accomplished, she's speechless!" He joked, earning him a punch to the shoulder and laugh from his precious noona.

"Yah!" She cackled. "Don't even with me right now kid." She collapsed on the sofa.


Music started blaring as more and more people crowded into the spacious appartment, Hoseok had planned a huge party for his older sister, Jiwoo and he planned for it to be amazing, not just to his sister, but to all the guests coming in her honour (except Yoongi, he was there in order to see Jimin).

He had alcohol, provided by Jimin and Minji, loads of it, maybe even more than what the Parks had brought to his appartment. Maybe people decided to bring their own liver destroying beverages. Music and dance battles went on in the middle of the living room, and some of the rooms were occupied by some of Hoseok's younger, more hormonal friends.

Jimin, took refuge outside the deafening excuse of a sanctuary, Hobie hyung needs to keep his appartment to himself he thought. If it were his, he wouldn't let a soul in, those unsanitary human beings would trash the place in mere seconds.

He looked up at the stars pinning himself against the wall outside Hoseok's rowdy appartment, wondering how they could be so high up and still be visible to all those on earth. But more importantly, he wondered if his knight in shining armour was staring up at the same starry, glittering sky. An idealist, is what Jimin was. He believed things would turn out in ways better than his own imagination would allow. He believed that even if everyone else was so against his finding the boy holding him on the brink of the end of his life, he'd still find a way to make certain the location of his saving grace.

"Nice night, huh?" An annoyingly familiar voice rang in his eardrums, snatching him away from his deep thoughts.

"Yeah..." he turned slowly to the mint headed flirt.

"You like stars?" He asked, leaning against the same wall Jimin was plastered against. Jimin nodded blankly, not keen on making a conversation with the possibly drunk Min Yoongi. "I'm not drunk Jimin." He clarified.

"I didn't ask." Jimin answered monotonous.

"Yeah but you were thinking it." Yoongi told him. "I can see it in the way you glare at me." He smirked at the scattered balls of gas across the sky.

"Funny." Jimin scoffed and a crooked curve perked up on his lips. "How do you know that?"

"Just a hunch." He replied. " there a reason why you've been brushing me off this entire time? You even went outside to get away from me."

"No reason really." He lied. Jimin wasn't very fond of the feeling Yoongi gave him when he was present. He felt as if he was cheating on his knight in shining armour. I shouldn't be feeling like this for him, I'm partially taken! He'd kept telling himself. "I'm just turned off by your play boy aura."

"What?" Yoongi brought the back of his hand to his lips, hiding the smile that appeared almost instinctively just as he uttered those words. "Me? A playboy aura?!"

"Yes you, is there another Min Yoongi here?" Jimin said sarcastically.

"Not that I can see, no." He answered. "Have you met me? I am the laziest person on this Goddamn planet." He declared. "Why on earth would I have time to play 50 different people a day? I haven't got the effort or the energy to do something like that, hell no!" Yoongi chuckled. "And besides, it's not worth breaking that many hearts." He said honestly, looking Jimin in the eyes. Jimin couldn't look away, he was frozen on the spot and Yoongi was no different.

They stayed silent for a little while, just peering into the other's circular orbs and studying them in detail. Every streak and shade, they memorised. Jimin even took note of the way Yoongi's eyes reflected the mirror image of himself, in a more distorted way but nevertheless, it was clear and almost as perfect as the real thing.

Jimin looked away, feeling blood gahering on the undersurface of his cheeks and his heart palpitating at alarming rates. Jimin looked up at the sky once again, this time catching sight of something other than the ever present balls of gas. "Oh would you look at that," Jimin pointed a trembling finger at a shooting star. "Make a wish! Quick!" He joined his hands and crinkled his eyes tightly, uttering a wish only he would hear, or else, it wouldn't come true, and what's the point of making a wish if you know it'll never become reality?

I find him, my lost saviour...

Yoongi joined in, taking in the image of the shooting star. It was almost as beautiful as the ginger headed angel stood next to him.

I wish...for Jimin to get his memory back...

A/N: Ahhh, this book is gonna get a little angsty

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