Ch12 ~ Comfort Food...

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"YOU WHAT?!" Hoseok raised his voice to a point where he held his pained throat. "IN A SHOWER?! IN A PUBLIC SHOWER?!" He hollared. Yoongi had randomly told him in a coffee shop that he had committed intimate actions with Jimin in a public shower room, his reaction was far from the unexpected.

"Way to keep your voice down." Yoongi said sarcastically, munching on his carrot cake. "I rubbed him up in the shower rooms of the sports hall we went to." Yoongi shrugged. "No big deal." He chortled.

"No, it's a huge deal!" Hoseok giggled with excitement. "OH MY GOD MY SHIP HAS SAILED!" Yoongi face palmed at his best friend's impatient nature. "When I said make a move, I didn't mean make a sexual move!" He squealed. "But then again, it turned out a lot better than we all hoped!" He clapped his hands in triumph.

"Hold your horses, Hobie." Yoongi scoffed. "He hasn't said a word to me since, it's like he's been avoiding me." This was true, Jimin had completely deserted Yoongi, not even saying hi to him when he bumped into him the other day. Yoongi was worried he had scared the boy into thinking 'he's disgusting, why would he do that?' But if this was the case, why didn't Jimin stop him? Why didn't he push Yoongi out of the shower room and cursed at him the very second he snaked his arms around the naked brunette? Could it be that Jimin wanted him to proceed? Was Jimin finally realising the hidden feelings he had for Yoongi?

"Um...yeah.." Hoseok said awkwardly. "I anticipated this. He might be a little confused."

"Maybe it's hard for him cuz he knows who he wants and it's...not me." Yoongi said painfully, hesitating with his words. "He's got the hots for his car crash saviour." He eyed Hoseok, hoping he was as bothered about it as he was. .

Hoseok dropped his eyes and gazed down at his lap. "I'm sure he's not all bad, that saviour of his." Hoseok muttered. "I mean, I'm sure Jimin wouldn't get so attached to him if he was really that awful."

"If that's so, then why did he leave Jimin and not come back?" Yoongi questioned. "He always visited at different visiting hours in the hospital. So no one knows who he is." Yoongi sounded frustrated. "If I ever meet that Goddamn liar, I'd give him a piece of my mind. I wanna know every word he has to say for disappearing." Hoseok smiled to himself, glad that his friend had taken such a liking to Jimin.

"You still really like him, don't you?" Hoseok smirked.

"What do you mean still?" Yoongi looked at him confused, sipping on the last drops of his caramel macchiato.

"I mean, I remember when you harboured this huge crush on him during uni, when you transferred from Daegu."

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about." Yoongi scoffed. He feigned oblivion, but it was true. Yoongi had indeed felt different about the boy during his time in uni. He had this aura surrounding him, positivity and happiness practically flooding out of his tiny masculine body. He was always so cheerful and full of life, he couldn't fathom why he felt so drawn to the boy back then. Not that now was very different.

"Yahh." Hoseok laid his arms across his chest. "Don't lie to me Min Yoongi." He demanded. "You've felt for him in more ways than one, and certainly not as a friend." Hoseok analysed. "You're in so deep, you can't even see the top anymore." Hoseok clapped his hands and giggled, thinking how long his ship had gone on.

"It doesn't matter Hobie." Yoongi scowled. "I didn't have a chance then, I don't have a chance now." He said bitterly. "He's always going for someone other than me. I asked him out once, and he rejected me for.." he hesitated, unsure if he wanted to complete his next sentence. "...never mind."

Hoseok patted his shoulder. "You have a fighting chance this time." He grinned, referring to the shower episode they had the other day.

"Ok, you need to stop bringing that up." A smile finally played on Yoongi's formerly angered face. "You can't raise my hopes like that!" He pointed at the younger, laughing as he held his another bite of carrot cake to his beaming lips.

"Have you never heard my nickname?" He suddenly stood up, preparing for a speech. "I'm your hope, I'm your angel...I'm J-HOPE!" He recited, other customers and innocent bystanders looked their direction as they passed the clear glass the two were sitting next to. Yoongi covered his face, for fear of getting pointed out as this person's friend and, expressing his embarrassment at actually being this maniac's acquanitance.

"I don't know this person." Yoongi whispered, giggling happily as he set his fork down, afraid he might accidentally drop it during his fit if silent laughter...


Jimin was scoffing down a tub of ice cream while Minji and Jungkook stared longingly at him, just itching to get a question out. "" Minji and Jungkook eyed their older friend, slightly smirking and holding in fits of excitment and laughter. "We sort of heard you had a bit of an episode... with Yoongi oppa." Minji coughed. Jimin flinched, choking on the icy substance in his mouth.

"Oh my God it's true!" Jungkook fell back on his chair, Jimin's reaction said it all.

"I didn't say that!" Jimin pointed at the idle adolescent, blushing profusely, as he grinned in doubt.

"But you were thinking it!" Jungkook smirked and pointed back.

"Gimme details! How did this happen?!" Minji squealed, resting her chin on two curled fists and her elbows firmly planted on the kitchen table.

"Was it good?"

"How long did it last?"

"Did anyone see?!"

"Did someone hear?!"

"Did you get told off for making too much noise?!"

"Would you two leave me alone?!" Jimin looked away, his face turning an alarming shade of red. "How'd the pair of you even get a hold of this sort of information?!" Jimin interrogated, but this interrogation was meant for him, and not the two curious 20 year olds.

"Hobie hyung gave us a heads up about it."

"That gossiping little prick." Jimin slumped in his chair, ingesting another spoonful of strawberry ice-cream.

"He didn't even have to tell us much." Minji laughed at their closeness. "All he said was 'Yoonmin hit 3rd base' and immediately, we knew what happened." Minji squeezed her eyes shut, immersed in her fit of laughter.

"Yeah, oh my God it totally shocked me." Jungkook joined in with her little giggle fest. "So spill it! How the hell does someone go from 0-100 after you've been brushing him off since after you met him at the club?" Jungkook had the memory of an elephant, it seemed, Jimin hadn't even remembered that night he slept with Yoongi, mostly because he had slept walked onto his own bed and snuggled close to the elder, but that's not the point.

"I don't even know myself." Jimin admitted. His mind was a blur after he exited that shower room, he didn't understand why he hadn't given the signal that he didn't want Yoongi rubbing up against him. That he didn't want to be intimate with someone he met a few weeks ago. That he was in love with his mystery hero. Why couldn't he have stopped him? Why was it so imperative that Yoongi carried on?

You wanted him to carry on idiot his inner voice told him, but he pushed it aside and insisted he was completely devoted to someone he didn't even know.

"Was it that good?" Minji cut into his train of thought, smiling devilishly as she teased her older brother.

"Hush child!" He slapped her elbow lightly. "You're too young to think like that!" Minji looked offended.

"Hello?! Did you miss my birthday?! I turned 20 in August!" She answered her brother swiftly.

"Yes, I think I may have." He countered, referring to his car accident.

"Oppa!" She whined as she grabbed his bisep, gently swinging it back and forth. "Just tell me! The fact that it was sexual didn't stop you from telling me before!" She whimpered, as she felt Jimin's trust in her deteriorate.

"I'm not giving you details on my sex life!" The two pouted and groaned as they gave up on knowing what went on in that shower stall.

"Fine..."Jungkook said bitterly. "We'll just get the juicy details off Yoongi hyung and Hobie hyung!!" He told the older boy, giving him a smug look as he turned toward the front door, Minji following close behind...

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