Ch8 ~ Stolen Glances...

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Jimin's phone rang, the ringtone filling the space inside Jimin's room without a sign of coming to a stop anytime soon. Jimin ignored it, turning away from the racket, half asleep on his agua coloured bed. Finally, it came to stand still and the room was quiet and peaceful...until it rang for a second time. He still refused to move.

Minji burst through the door with an angry scowl carressing her pale face. "Dammit Jimin oppa!" She grabbed his phone and answered it. "I swear to God this better be good." She spat the words out grumpily, the result of lack of sleep and and an overdose of stress in her system.

"Geez, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed." Hoseok's voice came out giggly. "What's wrong? Jimin couldn't pick his phone up by himself?" He asked, playfully mocking his best friend.

"Couldn't move his lazy ass out of bed for one minute to answer his damn phone." Jimin threw a pillow at her, laughing as he did because of how worked up she was over this small ordeal. "Hey! I had a late night last night!"

"Is that my fault?" Jimin sat up, stifling a breathy chuckle.

"Children! Stop!" Hoseok huffed. "I have something planned for my sister's birthday. Could you two come over for the party?" He asked.

"What time? Will there be alcohol?" Jimin's voice seemed hopeful. He hadn't had a good drink in a good week and was craving a burning sensation to make it's way down his throat.

"Dummy, I need you guys to help me with the surprise!" He explained. "So I need you two over like right now!" Minji glanced over at Jimin's alarm clock. 8:23am.

"But Hobie!" She whined. "It's not even 8:30 yet and I slept at like 3 last night preparing for my exams!"

"You know, everyone told you to take it easy and not get stressed out about it." He told her. "But you didn't and that's not anyone's fault but your own!"

"Oppa!" Her eyes pricked by tears. "Why is everyone being so horrible this morning?!" She whimpered, collapsing on her brother's bed. Jimin rubbed her back as an apology for his behaviour, knowing full well how his sister felt. Highschool was a hell hole that was full of hormonal adolescents who had deadlines to meet, but didn't quite care. Minji, wasn't one of those adolescents, she knew what she wanted to be.

"I'm sorry Min-ah" he sounded guilty after hearing her weak cries. "C'mon! It'll be fun! And it'll take your mind off all the work!"

"Ok..." Minji nodded, sullen with stress.

"That's the spirit!" He high fived her through the phone. "Now, could you guys pick up a few things for me?"...


They approached Hoseok's appartment, with all the things they were instructed to get for the party. Party poppers, a strawberry cheese cake, candles, balloons and alcohol, can't forget alcohol.

They rang the door bell, and a frazzled Hoseok answered the door. "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!"

"Nice to see you too." Jimin said sarcastically. "Brought all the stuff you wanted." He held up the bag and gave it a small shake as they entered the appartment, where everyone had gathered, aside from the two Park members.

"Kookie-ah!" Minji's face suddenly lit up as she found her best friend playing on his phone on the couch. His head snapped up and he smiled back at her, completely abandoning his game, which proved to be a strange occurance for the young boy.

"Ooh, Min-ah!" He held out his arms and she landed in them, spreading her own arms in the process.

"Aren't they cute?" Jin grinned, mixing a pan of something beautifully aromatic. Namjoon was there too, his arms strapped around Jin's waist and his head resting at the crook of Jin's neck, occasionally planting a kiss on Jin's cheek and flustering him in a way no one else could.

"Are you sure those two don't like eachother?" Taehyung whispered to Jimin.

"Not in a million years, or I swear to God." Jimin replied sternly.

"What if.." Taehyung started.

"Tae don't!" Jimin forced him to a halt, covering his mouth with his tiny fingers and shaking his head rapidly. "It. Won't. Happen!" Jimin insisted. Taehyung scoffed and nodded his head in sarcastic agreement. Jimin removed his short fingers from his best friend's pie hole.

"But still, what are you gonna do if it actually happens?" He asked, taking a balloon from the bag and blowing it up with the helium tank.

"I don't know what I'll do," Jimin said with a sad smile. "I just...wanna enjoy the time she's still a kid." He looked over at his sister and his best friend, enjoying each other's company, and suddenly, his heart began to ache. His sister had grown so much and he almost missed his chance to watch it happen when he got into that bloody car accident.

"Chim, she's 20." Taehyung muttered, but Jimin heard it loud and clear. "She's not a kid anymore."

"Shut up and blow the balloons." Jimin said harshly, masking his pain with playful anger. Taehyung rubbed Jimin's back, knowing he had struck a nerve he hadn't meant to. Sometimes Taehyung was a little too honest, but he couldn't help it, it was how he'd learn't to cope with life and it's miseries, the only way he could stay realistic in a world filled with fakes and dishonesty, a way to not put false hopes into play and get hurt in the process. This was how he coped.

The door bell rang again. Jimin looked around the room in search of anyone who wasn't already there, everyone was present(besides the celebrant). Who could be coming at this unguardly hour?

"Yoongi hyung!" He openned his arms and pulled the mint haired 24 year old into a manly hug. "You're late."

"Sorry, I had some business to attend to." He said nonchalantly. "My bed was feeling lonely so I decided to keep it company, for another few hours."

"Aish hyung," Hoseok shook his head and let the elder go as he appraoched a heart palpitating Jimin. "You need to get your priorities straight, I did tell you Jimin was coming. I thought that would've hurried you up." Jimin raised his eyebrows at the horsey looking 23 year old.

"Oh it did," Yoongi didn't even blink an eye, taking in every feature of the kid standing in front of him. "I wouldn't have come if he wasn't here." He stated, taking Jimin aback as he smirked at his surprised expression. It quickly faded though, Jimin walked away, rolling his eyes and unimpressed by the elder's method of flirting.

"Quit it." He said, in no mood for his flirtatious nature. Jimin didn't understand why Yoongi was always so onto him, always gazing at him as if he was actually infatuated with him. Which ofcourse he wasn't. Yoongi was just trying to make him dance in a way that he was entertained and Jimin was left breathless and suffering. Yoongi hyung doesn't like me, he's just playing Jimin thought.

Yoongi scoffed and took hold of a balloon, inflating it with helium. Still, his eyes didn't leave Jimin's direction. "He's just playing hard to get," Namjoon patted Yoongi's shoulder and smiled at him hopefully. "He'll come around eventually, don't worry." Namjoon attempted to console him, but his consolement was taken for granted as Yoongi's eyes were pointed else where.

"Yeah..." his gaze still plastered on the younger, watching him help Hoseok put a party banner up on the wall. He watched as a smile spread across his face when the banner didn't hold up for very long, and felt a reflexive tug on the corners of his lips.

"I see that grin Yoongi!" Jin shouted from the kitchen. Jimin's head snapped up and turned his field of view over to Yoongi. But unfortunately, Yoongi feigned disinterest and forced the smile off his face.

"Hmm?" He fiddled with the balloon. "What are you talking about?" He asked, faking oblivion.

"You're such a faker!" Taehyung screamed in frustration. "I saw it too! It was a great big one spread across your face!"

"I second that one!" Minji declared.

"It was right there! We all saw it!" Kookie intervened.

"You even showed your teeth and gums! Don't deny it!" Namjoon pointed a finger the mint haired liar.

"You're all going blind." Yoongi replied unphased by the attempt of his friends trying to corner him into admitting he had a smile on his face, just looking at Jimin.

"LIAR!" they all squealed.

"YOU'RE ALL BLIND AS HELL!" He laughed hysterically...

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