Ch24 ~ Complete Denial...

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~6 months before the accident~

Jimin walked together with Taehyung to their university to start a hopeful day in their midst. He smiled at the thought of being able to see Hoseok for the whole day (though it was just a few free periods he had in his schedule that they'd be able to meet) because he agreed to help Jimin with dance like he did when they were in highschool together. Of course Taehyung had also joined them due to his lingering curiosity, he wanted to know what it was that made Jimin go on about him so much. 'He's a good dancer this', 'he's so kind that', 'his abs are on point this', and sometimes even 'he's gotta be the best dancer in the club that'.

Taehyung hadn't been hanging out with the elder in quite some time, the only time he was reacquainted with him was at Suga's recording session, and even then he hadn't really paid attention to him because he was too focused on not messing up the recording.

"Hey! You made it!" Hoseok smiled as he opened his arms to pull Jimin into a hug, and then he noticed there was another twenty year old staggering just a few metres behind Jimin. "You brought Tae?!" He whispered into Jimin's ear, frantically unprepared for the younger to show up at the dance studio.

"Yeah, is that ok?" Jimin asked cautiously. "I know I didn't really ask but he wanted to dance too." Jimin pleaded quietly inside his head.

"No no! It's-it''s not a problem..." Hoseok looked over to meet Taehyung's line of sight, but he wasn't expecting to be flustered by the look in his eyes alone. "OK!" He screamed abruptly, trying to snap himself out of the temporary trance that was, Kim Taehyung. "Let's get started...!"


Jimin sensed something was up with his favourite dance instructor. He was more nervous than he'd ever been in front of Jimin and Taehyung. He got the sinking feeling that maybe, Hoseok had feelings for someone other than him - not that Hoseok had ever explicitly told him that he liked the younger brunette in an intimate way.

"Ok guys!" Hoseok said, cutting the music and sighing a little at his unprofessionalism, during the practice. He didn't know what had come over him, all his thoughts were jumbled and his common sense had been scattered in places other than the confines of his brain. He was throwing the wrong moves everywhere; his face was red even though he hadn't even started warming up yet, what the hell was happening?! "That's enough, I got class to get to!" he said and quickly headed for the showers. Jimin followed him and got into a shower right next to the elder.

At this point, Taehyung had stayed behind in the practice room to revise the bop dances he'd 'learned' from the flushed dance enthusiast. He was having fun, but the same could not have been said for the troubled Jimin in the shower room.

"Hyung..." he called for the elder as he exited the showers. Hoseok responded by turning around to meet a half naked Jimin, his six pack abs on display for everyone to see. " were being really weird today." He stated. "Is everything ok?"

"Y-yeah!" Hoseok pulled on a fake smile. "Everything's fine, don't worry about me, I just feel a little sick that's all." He proceeded with packing his bag anxiously.

"Don't lie to me." Jimin said firmly. "I may have not been able to talk to you for a year, but that doesn't mean I don't know you anymore."

"I'm really ok Jimin," he laughed nervously as he tried stuffing his unfolded dance kit into his gym bag. "It's just, I've not seen Tae in a while either, he's grown into quite the handsome young man." Jimin felt a lump embed in his throat. "Do you remember when you first introduced me to him?" Jimin nodded, as Hoseok's smile became more prominent and genuine. "He was so cute."

"Yeah...did you like him back then?" Jimin asked bluntly.

"I think I did." Jimin could hear his heart breaking a little. "But back then I wasn't really sure of my sexuality, I was only seventeen after all."

"Do you like him now?" He asked another blunt question, taking Hoseok off guard and causing him to fall off the bench onto the floor. The dirty, unsanitary floor. Ew. "Hyung! Are you ok?!"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" He asked, completely disreguarding Jimin's concerned question. "I-I DON'T LIKE HIM HE'S MY FRIEND JIMIN! HE'S ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS!" and there it was, laid in lowkey, bold letters in front of him. The way he answered that question and the way he acted in the studio was enough for Jimin to determine what sort of feelings Hoseok still harboured for none other than Jimin's best friend. Jimin knew it all too well, the sort of behaviour Hoseok was showing, because he was the same way when he'd first realised he was in love with this hyperactive dancer.

"OH MY GOD YOU DO!" and even though his heart was sinking and breaking with every denying remark Hoseok made, he decided he wouldn't let Hoseok know of his agony, and he'd play along while he still had a chance to love him silently. "OH MY GOD YOU HAVE THE HOTS FOR TAEHYUNG!!" He teased, a secretly sad smile behind his jubilant grin.

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP!?" Hoseok ran to him and covered his mouth to lower the volume on Jimin's voice box. Jimin leant into his touch slightly, not enough for Hoseok to notice. "I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON TAEHYUNG OK?!" Jimin pried his hand off his mouth and planted a small, inutterable kiss onto Hoseok's palm.

"HOBIE LIKES TAETAE! HOBIE LIKES TAETAE!"He chanted as he felt his heart writhe in agony, at the words he was letting slip out of his mouth.

"I DON'T OH MY GOD SHUT UP!" He chased the younger to try to cover his lips but Jimin was determined to keep the facade going for a little longer, even though his entire body felt numb from the emotional pain. "HE'S GONNA HEAR YOU AND GET THE WRONG IDEA! I DON'T LIKE HIM!"

"Yeah, whatever. KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT!" Jimin mocked as he ambled over to a free cubicle with his bag over his shoulder. "Anyone can see it you idiot, you have it bad for Kim Taehyung." Jimin closed the cubicle door, that was the last blow before he draped his palm over the door in despair, and let go of the artificial happiness that he had sported in the duration of determining Hoseok's feelings.

"I DO NOT!" Hoseok was in complete denial, he'd never been in love, he didn't know what it felt like, and he wasn't willing to bet anything that he was. Love broke hearts, minds and non-romantic relationships. He didn't know what it felt like, but he didn't want any part of it if he knew he was going to hurt himself trying to fight for someone who didn't like him back...

A/N: ok, i gave ya'll a Namjin chappie, so it's only fair I gave ya'll a Vhope chappie. ^.^

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