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A/N: Sweetheart, they're called butterflies XD (the gif^^) You often get them when you're near someone you have an attracttion to, in this case, Yoongi. YOONMIN IS REAL!

~The day before the accident~

Jimin struggled around the bed, a long object lazily mounted around the side of his waist. He opened his eyes to meet white the brick wall and looked under the sheets to find the clothes he had worn when he was last concious were not on his person. He'd had the strangest, most graphic dream he'd ever had, something more unlikely and otherworldly to him than cows jumping over the moon. "Oh my head..." he sat up groaning, his irises retreating back in the idle comfort of his eye lids and behind his finger tips. His cranium ached, throbbed even, as if he'd been doing maths equations for longer than a thousand years, which was impossible because firstly, he'd never lived anywhere near that long, and secondly, he'd gladly left maths behind in highschool to study performing arts. He promised himself that he'd never again deal with another mathematical sum, for the remaining time he had on earth.

Jimin opened his sleep laced eyes, his vision blurry and impaired for a second before it became clear. He looked down at his lap, the weight now shifted to land on his naked crotch. A pale, sugarry coloured hand was sitting at the base of his penis. He blinked a few times, trying to make sure he wasn't dreaming before he traced the body in which it was attached to. He prayed, prayed so hard that it wasn't who he thought it was, but sure enough, the arm belonged to the one person taking residence in his thoughts.

"HYUNG!" he pushed Suga off the bed, horrified he was sharing the same sleeping space as him and what's more, butt naked. At least Jimin was, Suga was sporting a pair of black boxers over his heavily satisfied member.

"Hey!" Suga complained, the cold air hitting his upper bare body. He thanked God he had enough energy left last night to put his boxers back on, or the cold of the floor would've frozen his whitened tushie. "What was that for?!"he asked, irritated he'd been pushed out of bed, no one dared to do that, that bed was his beloved sanctuary, anyone who even thought of pushing him out would face dire consequences. But again, because it was none other than Park Jimin occupying his bed chambers, it didn't seem all that likely that he was going to be the one giving out punishments.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Jimin screamed, grabbing the comforter and covering his unclothed carcass. "WHY AM I NAKED?! WHY WERE WE SLEEPING IN THE SAME BED AND WHY THE FLIP DOES MY HEAD FEEL LIKE IT'S GONNA EXPLODE?!"

"Jimin would you calm yourself?!" He pleaded aggressively. "It's really not as bad as it seems."


"JIMIN! YOU'RE THE ONE THAT WAS DRUNK AND FORCED IT ON ME!" Suga countered. "And it's not like either of us have significant others to make this wrong anyway, so stop being over dramatic!"


"That's right..." Suga admitted, and it was true. "...I don't like you... I'm in love you." Suga let the words pass through his throat, not thinking straight after everything that happened the night before. Maybe he was caught in the heat of the moment, he didn't know, he didn't care anymore. All he knew was that this felt more right than Jimin would've liked to admit.

"What?" Jimin said in a quiet, cautious voice. The words wouldn't quite sink in.

"I... I'm in love you." Suga repeated, in a breathy, ghost like tone. "And I don't know what it is, maybe it's because you're always so passionate, your voice, the way you talk, how clumsy you can be sometimes," his heart muscle started palpitating at unnatural speeds, accelerating constantly with every word. "I don't know when it happened, or how it came to be, but-but...I'm..." Suga paused, catching his breath and trying to find the right word. "...certain..." he took in and out a puff of air, finding that his oxygen supply was running out a lot quicker than it normally did. "...certain of one thing..." Suga knelt closer to him, gripping the covers underneath his knuckles. "I'm hopelessly, and unbelievably in love with you Park Jimin." Suga started feeling himself shaking. "I even made a mixtape for you cuz I'm really not very good at these confession things, but it seems a little pointless to show you now..."

Jimin just sat there, a gaping mouth adorning his face as well as eyes that were readily welled up with tears. What was he going to answer to that? He wasn't even sure if he even liked Suga in that way, he wasn't at all prepared for this kind of confession, or any romantic confession. He was fragile and vulnerable, why did Suga have to bring this up now?

"I..." Jimin's voice vibrated a little, choking up on his tears. "Suga hyung...I..." he couldn't find the words to say. He didn't know what to say, his mouth was open, and he wanted to say something but he was afraid of what would come out if he wasn't thinking. "I don't like you like that." He finally let out. "I really don't...I mean, you're mean and lazy, you don't do anything else but sleep, I didn't even know you were gay, I don't know anything about you hyung..." he got up and gathered his clothes, scurrying them on as if he was running from something, or rather hoping no one would find out he had bedded with someone and called it a one night stand. He exited the dorm with only his clothes, phone and wallet on his person, he needed a drink, he needed to get his mind off what had just happened. He liked Hoseok, Suga wasn't Hoseok. He wasn't fun loving or playful, he was lazy and on his computer all day. He wasn't Hoseok... and that made Jimin feel a strange tinge of sadness.

Suga fell on his heels, his butt landing on them quite sharply, but it was as if he couldn't sense the pain. It hurt so much he couldn't feel the agony in physical pain anymore. He'd said it perfectly, everything he wanted to say came out flawless, but still, Jimin had rejected him like he was a moulded piece of bread. It was unrehearsed, but he was so passionate about it, it was like he'd practiced it a useful thousand times if not more. But in truth, all that came out in the heat of the moment, it came from the heart...

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