Ch23 ~ Piano Man...

697 48 11

~1 year before the accident~

The sound of the birds chirping woke Yoongi up as he hurled himself up to snarl unconciously at the room surrounding him. Nice white walls and blue sheets wrapped around his person. What the hell? This isn't my dormatory he thought as a faint ray of light hit his pupils and made him cringe at the pain. He tried to hurl himself up, but found that there was a gargantuan weight mounted on his chest. He opened his sleep filled eyes and lifted the blanket to find a mesmirising sight in front of him. A brown head of hair and tiny fingers had wrapped themselves around Yoongi's waist.

"Jimin?" He groaned lazily. "What the hell am I doing here?" He asked himself. He shook the younger, attempting to get him up off of him in the process. Jimin whined, only holding tighter onto Yoongi's waist. Yoongi's cheeks felt hot as the blood rushed to them, though he couldn't comprehend why, it wasn't as if he was attracted to this aesthetically pleasing brunette. "Yah! Get off!" He pushed Jimin to the side but neglected to assume that Jimin's bed was a single bed. Jimin plopped down onto the carpetted floor with a large thump.

"Oh my God-- what?!" He sat up, the pain of the fall instantly waking him from his slumber. "Hyung! What was that for?!"

Yoongi crawled over to the edge of the bed and looked down at Jimin, who was now rubbing his injured tushie. "I don't know what you're talking about." He decided to lie. "You fell off by yourself, don't blame me for your actions." He laughed, his morning voice came out raspy.

"I did?" Jimin widened his eyes, immediately changing his tone of voice to guilty for not considering maybe he did fall off his bed, in the process of rolling over to change positions. "Sorry Hyung, I shouldn't have raised my voice to you like that." Jimin got to his feet. "You hungry?" Jimin asked him, an apology for making assuming the worst of his elder (even though he had actually shoved Jimin off the bed).

"Um, sure." Now it was Yoongi's turn to feel guilty, lying to Jimin like that. It didn't take much for him to believe the elder and that didn't make Yoongi's stomach feel any better. The hunger wasn't helping the sinking feeling in the pits of his stomach.

"C'mon, I'm cooking." Jimin gestured him out of the bedroom doors. Yoongi was about to get up but his head had other plans. It started pounding, the pain surging through it like he'd just been hit by a basketball, several times on the same spot. "Hyung? You coming?" Jimin peeked his head back into the room, noticing the elder clutching his head and expecting he'd have this sort of pain after last night.

"Y-yeah, I'm coming." Yoongi stuttered, but as he tried to get up, yet again, he noticed his limbs had gained an enormous weight. "Jimin, why the fuck does my head hurt like a bitch?"

"Language Hyung," he leaned on the door frame with his arms crossed and his legs infront of one another, one bent and the other holding his weight. "You got pretty drunk last night."

"But I thought I only drank one vodka shot."

"No Hyung," Jimin burst out laughing. "You had like twenty!" He ameliorated, a fit of laughter escaping his mouth.

"Can we not be so loud?!" Yoongi fell back onto Yoongi's bed, still cradling his hangover.

He shook his head at his elder and made a way for the stairs. "I'll get you some coffee, you need it." He shouted back to the agonised, pink haired man.

Yoongi rolled around in the bed, trying to calm the excruciating pain in his head. When had he ingested twenty vodka shots? When had he gotten so wasted? He kept trying to look back on the night, but it occurred to him that he was black out drunk. He rolled around some more, whining at the frustration, when suddenly, he noticed a regular sized piano on the side of Jimin's room, a little ways away from the bed. He gazed at it, entranced for a minute before he found himself exiting Jimin's bed and settling himself on the piano stool, completely disregarding the once, frustrating pain that resided inside his cranium. He scanned the keys, free of dirt and dust, he rested his thin, pale fingers on the keys and played random chords that seemed to fit together regardless of the different notes he'd play.

Jimin halted his movements, hearing the movement of the music throughout his house. He didn't know much about the piano, but he knew he was mesmerised by the sound coming from his room. He knew immediately it had to be his pink haired hyung, most musicians who composed knew how to play the keyboard in order to write music, Yoongi was no different.

He made his way to the room, two coffees in his small fingers and a smile embedded in his face as his assumptions proved to be correct. Yoongi had his eyes closed on the piano stool as he played key after key, chord after individual chord, completely immersed in the rhythm and melody he was making up on the spot.

"What's going on?" Minji and Jungkook appeared in the doorway of the elder's room.

"Shh! He's playing on the piano dad gave us for Christmas!" Jimin whispered. "I don't know why he did though, niether of us play piano." Minji laughed a little, Jungkook clutched on her arm and peeking into Jimin's room. He too was amazed by the melody Yoongi was emitting onto the piano.

Jimin set the coffee down on his computer table and made his way over to the piano, Yoongi hadn't noticed he was being watched or even listened to, so when Jimin peered into the corner of his half closed eye, flinched on impulse. "Oh-- Jesus Jimin!" He held his head again, reacquainted with the pain that was numbed after he started playing.

Jimin laughed, his eyes only appearing as two lines in the middle of his face. "Hey! Language!" Jimin giggled. "Did I scare you hyung?"

"The hell you did!" Yoongi's head started hurting more as he kept using profanities in his sentences.

"Stop swearing!" He handed Yoongi his coffee and he drank it willingly. Jimin leaned on the piano, emphasising how well defined his butt was. Yoongi hadn't noticed it before since Jimin was wearing grey sweat pants, but now, his eyes seemed to thank him for directing his sight down at Jimin's firm looking cheeks.

"Um..." Yoongi started, his eyes practically glued to the younger's well rounded butt cheeks.

"What?" Jimin asked, sipping on his coffee.

"Do you work out?" He asked. "Or is your butt naturally well rounded like that?" He continued bluntly. Jimin almost choked on his coffee as those words hit his ears. "It's just a question." Yoongi laughed at Jimin's horrified expression.

"I..." Jimin couldn't find the words. "...yeah, I work out and I dance so that's probably why..." Jimin's face started to resemble that of a freshly picked apple, red and juicy.

"It looks nice." Yoongi didn't sugar coat anything, despite the nickname he was given.

"Thanks..." a loud silence broke out in the room, Jimin didn't quite know how to react to something like this, it was a great thing he thought that it was attractive, but he liked Hoseok, he wasn't interested in Yoongi. Or so he kept telling himself.

"You two sure know how to flirt like pros." Minji said sarcastically, as she walked in with a giggling Jungkook on her arm.

"We weren't flirting." Jimin said shakily, his reddened face said otherwise.

"I think I know flirting when I hear it oppa." Minji told him. "And this wasn't just some idle adolescent chatter, cuz you're not adolescents, and, because if it was, you wouldn't be redder than satan's asshole right now." Jungkook and Yoongi began to laugh hysterically as he set his coffee down ontop of the piano.

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP?!" Jimin covered his face with his blue coffee mug, and hid the smile forming on his lips. He was indeed embarrassed, but it was also evident that his smile wasn't going to waver...

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