Ch14 ~ Independance...

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A/N: Ok ok, who the actual hell is ghosting? XD That heart attack I get when I see how many people read my book is just phenomenal. Thank you for all your support and carrying on with this story. Please remember to vote, comment and follow because honestly, that heart attack is nice, but I'd love to read your comments too. I'd probably go into cardiac arrest, but you know? Who cares?!

"Min-ah?" Jimin bellowed for his younger sister up the stairs. "Min-ah!" He called again. "YAH PARK MINJI!" He screamed, finally barging through the adolescent's door. And then he saw it, his sister's feeble appearance. Her messy, tangled hair; the sleep in her eyes; her reddened runny nose and her voice, vanished. Nothing but whispers and coughs came out of her dried lips.

"What?!" She groaned, her voice nazeled by a blocked nose.

"I need your help!" He begged.

"If you're going to tell me to help you find that guy who saved you from the car accident," she buried her head back into her comforter. "The answer is no!"

"I wasn't gonna ask that!" Jimin lied. "I...just..." he hesitated. "Well why won't you?!"

"Cuz I believe you deserve someone way better than that asshole who deserted you after you went into a coma." She climbed out of bed, barely making it, revealing her crippled, runny state. "Now get out the way, I need to get breakfast going!" She pushed Jimin out of the way and stumbled on her legs "Yoongi Oppa is so much better for you than that crappy excuse for a friend, let alone a lover." She mumbled, before she collapsed on the stairs.

"Min-ah!" Jimin rushed to pick her up, but she rejected his help, slapping his hand away as he made contact with her trembling shoulders.

"I'm perfectly fine." She wiped her runny nose and hurled herself onto her feet, struggling to keep her balance. "I don't need your help." She was determined to stand on her own, but failed when she almost fell down the frigid stairs.

Luckily, Jimin was there to catch her whenever she fell, just like an older brother should. "Oh I think you do." But that older brother job was hard to do when his younger sister was enormously stubborn. Jimin hoisted her up, princess style.

"OPPA!" She hit his face gently, unable to put anymore force into her hand, she was too weak to even do that. "PUT ME DOWN!" She moaned as she flailed herself in her brother's grasp.

"You need to rest!" He told her. "Look at you! You're so overdosed with exhaustion, you gave yourself the flu!" He scowled at her. He didn't remember her ever being like this, when she needed help, she'd accept it, that's what Jimin recalled.

"I'M FINE!" she insisted, attempting to hurl herself out of the covers, but Jimin held her down, it was easy since she was so ill. "LET GO O' ME AND LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU FOR ONCE!" She whimpered violently, taking Jimin aback as she writhed her arms free of her brother's now loosened grasp. "You're always helping me, you're always giving me your help and I couldn't do anything when you needed me the most!" Her throat hurt, she felt like she could throw up blood if she screamed any louder. "There was so much was pouring out of you and I didn't know if you were gonna come out of that OR (Operation room) alive!" She sobbed, tears pouring out from her eyes like blood from an open wound. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."


Jimin called Jungkook up and invited him over to take care of Minji, since she refused to accept any help from him. All that time she just kept apologising, hot tears rolling down her cheeks and her eyes reddened with all the rubbing she caused them, trying to cease the liquid pouring out. She hated crying, it didn't look nice on her when she cried. Girls look pretty when they cry, but when I do I look ugly. she always thought to herself.

"Min-ah." Jungkook sighed breathlessly as he took in the sight of her fragile state. She'd been sick before, it's just, Jungkook was never old enough to take care of her properly when she was sick. They lived in different houses and Jungkook was always at the Park residence, but he wasn't allowed in at times when she fell ill, for fear of catching the dastardly disease she had caught before hand. So you could say, this was the first time Jungkook had ever seen his best friend holding such a weak, feeble appearance. She was always the one protecting him, due to Jungkook's prolonged social anxiety growing up, he couldn't speak up for himself and that resulted in Minji having to do it for him.

"Kookie-ah..." she said in a whispery voice, forcing her upper body up.

"Oh my God look at you." He rushed to the edge of her bed and took hold of her hand. Jimin stood at the door way and furrowed his brows in worry. His sister didn't look so good, it looked a little more than just a cold. "What happened?" Jungkook's eagle-like orbs wandered all over her face, she's so pale he thought.

"It's nothing," she replied. "It's just a small cold." She told him.

"Shut up." Jimin mumbled, leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed on his chest. "You know it's a lot more than a small cold."

"You say something there oppa?" Minji asked him with annoyance lacing her quiet voice.

"Huh?!" Jimin flinched. "Uh-no! I'll leave you two alone." He exited the room and found himself wanting to call someone. He flipped out his phone and dialled a number addressed to one of his closest friends. "Yeobosaeyo? Hyung?"

"Ooh Jimin-ah." A cheerful voice answered, not even after the first ring had commenced. "what's up?"

"Min-ah's sick." He said, his tone full of sorrow. "She won't let me take care of her either."

"What? Really?" Hoseok didn't seem shocked. "I'm not really surprised, you had that girl on a tight leash when you guys were growing up." He told Jimin.

"I did not!" Jimin denied. "I was just protecting her from all the dangers in this world. There are a lot of those you know?"

"Yes I know Jimin." Hoseok scoffed slightly. "But you even protected her from a fly that was obviously harmless." Hoseok reminisced the times he would go to their house after highschool and hang out with the Parks and Jungkook.

"Flies have a tonne of bacteria plastered on their legs! They've been touching all sorts of poop on their travels!"

"Ok but it was one fly, she could've washed the bacteria off!" Hoseok argued. "She just doesn't want you to worry about her anymore, she's a full grown woman and she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself, is what she's trying to signal off to you."

"But that doesn't mean I can't take care of her when she's sick like this!" He countered.

"Honestly, you don't get it!?" Hoseok laughed. "Ok, you remember that guy you liked in highschool?"

"Yeah, what about him?" Jimin was reluctant to talk about that douche.

"You remember how he wouldn't go close to you?" Hoseok started. "It's not that he didn't like you, it's that he thought that you were too occupied taking care of Min-ah, that you wouldn't have time to spend with him! That's why he never got close!"

"Are you serious?" Jimin's voice grew high pitched.

"Yes! And Min-ah knew you really liked him, and when she found out she was the reason he turned you down..." Hoseok didn't need to finish the sentence for Jimin to understand why his sister refused to accept any of his help. " forgot about this?" Hoseok asked, refering to his amnesia.

"Yeah, I think I did..."Jimin whispered, willing his tears to stay in the confines of his eyelids. It seemed there were a lot more things that Jimin neglected to remember, his memory was far from complete...

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