Chapter Fifteen

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Laying there in the dark waiting for my breathing to return to normal I felt amazingly normal. Rio had gone to the bathroom and I layed listening to the shower being turned on. Minutes later he returned, still just in his boxers. "come lets have a shower. Your gonna be sore." I was instantly embarrassed. I had just given my virginity to Rio, the thought blew my mind. I silently prayed I wouldn't regret the decision later on. I knew I should have waited and stayed mad at him for a little while but my relief at having him home and my bodies reaction to his return stopped me from delaying the inevitable. "don't be shy now little miss" he chuckled throwing his top at me so I could cover my naked body. I quickly pulled the shirt on and dug out a hair band in my small bag. All my stuff was at Carinas, that's where I was meant to have stayed. Tying my hair up as I walked awkwardly to the bathroom in front of Rio I heard his laugh behind me before he gently pulled me into his embrace so we was now walking as a unit. "you ok?" he whispered before kissing below my ear. I nodded in response and placed my hands over his on my waist. "where does it hurt?" he asked softly as he shut the bathroom door behind us. "my belly a little, and in between my legs" I whispered knowing my face was super red. "im sorry if I hurt you. you were mad tight" he said apologetically and I immediately apologised for being tight. his laugh filled the room as I stood holding the hem of his shirt in my fingers, not sure what was funny.

"Its nothing to be sorry about shy. I love it, its just a little uncomfortable for you the first time that's all. It will get easier." I nodded hoping he was right. it wasn't like I hated it, I could just do without the initial pain, the rest was pretty ok. Stepping in front of the bathroom mirror he pulled me in front of him and made me face the mirror. it was getting slightly cloudy because of the shower steam but I could still see us clearly. his tall frame looming over me. he was bare chested and I was drowning in his shirt. slowly taking the hem of his shirt from my fingers he lifted the material from my thighs and over my head. embarrassment spread through me and I quickly turned to get in the shower. Rios big hands brought my waist back to him so we were again facing the mirror. "let the insecurities go babe. your beautiful. look how you suit me" he murmured in my ear. I just wanted to die. standing naked under the bright bathroom light was like my worst nightmare. I didn't look any different after having sex, no glow, no just been fucked look. just normal old me. He laughed at my face, he was so comfortable with his body, he really didn't care, but then neither would I if I looked like that. "get used to it princess, this is how im gonna be seeing you the most from now on" I smiled shyly, glad he had enjoyed what we had done in the bedroom enough to want to repeat it. part of me had been silently worrying that I wouldn't be good enough.

Pulling me under the hot water with him he began washing my back. I tried my best not to squirm under his soft strokes but I had never done anything like this before, Rio was obviously accustomed to it. I felt a pang of jealousy rip through me at the thought, only to be replaced by burning heat as his hands made their way to my breasts. after gently washing each others bodies Rio wrapped me in his big Lakers towel and him self in a small one that barely covered his privates. Back in his room we sat in silence creaming, passing the cocoa butter back and forth between us. pulling on his boxers he went to his wardrobe to pull out my usual track suit bottoms and a pair of his boxers. I pulled them on gratefully and put a black Nike top on. I creamed his back then he pulled on a similar pair if bottoms, but he didn't have to roll his up three times at the top. "hungry?" I nodded enthusiastically surprised at how hungry I was "yea starving" I replied and he smiled pulling me off the bed. "lets eat, what you want?" it was almost 2.30 in the morning and this boy thought It was acceptable to start cooking big meals. "anything quick" I replied my belly now growling. He looked through the cupboards. "pot noodles?" he asked looking over his shoulder at me. "mmm yea do you have chicken curry flavour?" I asked greedily. "yuuuup" he replied in a trey songs voice and got out three packets of noodles. I went back to admiring his bare back and his tracksuit bottoms hanging low on his hips, he was so yummy. I still couldn't believe what we had just done. The thought made me hot all over again and I felt my skin flush red "get the drinks babe" he said pouring the hot noodles into a bowel and adding pepper and hot pepper sauce to his. I poured us both a drink and we went through to the front room. Rio put a movie on but we sat cross legged facing each other on the sofa. noodles in hand looking at each other as we ate. "start talking" I said after stuffing my face for a few minutes and he nodded.

"I fell off shy, I ain't got no excuses. my friend died and I felt responsible for not helping him, it made me go crazy. I met up with my old boys and went on a bit of a rampage. Turns out the guys that did it are the same ones that attacked me, you know beths brothers and that. had to get into a few scuffs to find that out but I got there in the end. my dad came up the day I was meant buck up with them. tried to talk me out of whatever I was in to. I just went out the bathroom window. met up with my guys. my dad called the police. before I could even get into it with these pricks the pigs were there. I had weapons on me when they did the search. so did a few others, got fingerprinted and cautioned, weapons confiscated. wanted me in juvenile prison, mum and Eric my step dad pleaded my case begged them to just let me go back to my grans where I was having no trouble. I weren't bothered until mum said I wouldn't see you if I got put inside. After that I ain't gonna lie I begged to get off with a caution. promised no more trouble. If im seen in Reigate again I will instantly be arrested. Said if I didn't come back here asap I would be going juvi. so that was it." I shook my head in disgust. "Rio you cant keep trying to fight the world. and you cant blame your self for everything that happens. your gonna end up messing up the good things in your life. your gran was worried sick. I was worried sick. how could you not even call?"

"shy I couldn't call, if I did I knew you would ask all the questions I didn't wanna answer. and I don't wanna lie to you either. I didn't want you talking me out of it. and I thought I knew best. im sorry never again I promise." I nodded slowly "I hope so Rio cos I wont wait again. And im so serious right now. my whole family already hate you now and there is nothing I can do to stop that cos you deserve it. you hurt me. I been moping around my house, barely going out. hardly seen Kayla and carina cos I couldn't face seeing Chris and Cody and not you." I ended on a whisper due to the lump in my throat and he closed his eyes in despair, putting our bowls on the coffee table he pulled me into hip lap. "oh shy please dont. I'm so so sorry baby, I was selfish. I know I don't deserve you cos I keep putting you through shit but I need you. I care about you shy. the feelings scare me with how strong they are." hugging him close I understood completely. I felt the same. "I will face your family. apologise until they forgive me. take whatever they have to say, as long as your dad doesn't stop me from seeing you. I will do whatever." I nodded hoping the twins would be ok, it wasn't dad I was worried about. "the twins are home" I whispered and felt his body tense. "do they know?" he asked quietly and I nodded into his shoulder, I felt him let out a deep breath. "just gotta deal with it I guess." he replied dryly and I winced knowing it wasn't gonna be easy.

After talking about everything I had gotten up to since he had been gone and filling him in on all the latest gossip i had to demand rio to stop apologising. Everytime I said I didn't attend an event or that I didn't go somewhere with my friends he was immediately saying sorry knowing he was the reason I hadn't gone. It was 5.15 when we finally made our way upstairs with the sky starting to change colour slightly I knew I wouldn't be sleeping for long. I had to go back to carinas but all thoughts were ripped from my mind as I climbed onto his giant bed and his hands reached for me. He wasn't lying about the second time being better. I was still slightly sore but his tongue prepped the swollen area enough that I was practically begging him to slide into me. When he did eventually swap his tongue with his thick member I pushed my hips from the bed to meet him as he pushed into me. Keeping up with him this time we were much more vocal as we revelled in each other. His encouragement at my actions making me feel ten feet tall. Turning me flat onto my stomach and laying on top of me he angled himself back inside me so deep I had to bite the pillow to stop from screaming in agonising pleasure. Never had I felt such a crazy combination of feelings. His mouth was now at my ear, his forearms resting either side of my head as he held my hands and whispered hoarsely into my ear. "your so sexy shy. Thats it baby. Mmmm shy. All mine. Your gonna make me come baby." I loved the noises he made just as much as I hated the noises I made. Though he seemed to love them. We continued that way until the sun came up and we both laid sweaty and exhausted. His body was glistening as he rested his head on his arm facing me. His big brown eyes searching my face "you ok?" I nodded feeling content. And sore! "no regrets?" he asked nervously and I dipped my head "shy?" he asked lifting my chin. "it's not a regret. I'm glad I done it and it was with you but maybe it was a little soon?" I began hesitantly. He was shaking his head furiously "no. Baby. It was the perfect time. We been together three months and we gonna be together a lot longer. Forever if I can keep you interested that long. What we did isn't anything to be ashamed of. I'm yours shy if you want me you take me whenever wherever however. That's how it works. I know you. You wouldn't of said you were ready if you weren't completely sure. Your just panicking cos I messed up. But never again baby. I promise you shy I'm not going anywhere. Your not gonna regret tonight. Not ever" I sat quietly listening to his little speech as he moved the loose strands of hair that had fallen from my messy ponytail away from my face. I still couldn't look directly in his eyes. He was right I was only doubting him staying not the sex. "if you wanna wait another three months before we do it again you can but it won't change a thing shy. Cos I'm not going no where. From now on its us." I nodded. He was sincere and I believed him with that in mind I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

I woke with a start at 11.30, realising how late it was and that I was still at Rios. I needed to get to carinas asap. nudging him out of his sleep I begged him to hurry up and get ready. he opened his eyes slowly and smiled down at me reaching to pull me into his embrace. I struggled against his strong arms. "we don't have time, come on lets go I got to get back to carinas. Rio please" "alright alright im up gosh" he complained pulling the covers off us and helping me to my feet. I raced to the bathroom to freshen up before borrowing yet another of Rios tracksuits and waiting impatiently for him to get dressed. my hair was in a messy bun and my cheeks were flushed from the rushing but I didn't care as I raced to the bus stop. with Rio trotting slowly behind me. he thought the whole thing was hilarious. on the bus I replied to all the happy new years messages from my family and told dad rio was back and dad immediately invited him round for dinner. I asked rio and he gulped before nodding. I dreaded this particular meal. back at carinas everyone was still asleep. She had padded downstairs in codys top and let us in before we got upstairs to her room. it was huge. She had a huge TV on the wall and a massive sleigh bed in the centre of one wall. she had a walk in wardrobe and ensuite bathroom what the hell. she had two double air beds laid out on her floor and still loads of room to walk around. Cody was in her bed snoring lightly as she slid back in beside him and Chris and Kayla were tangled up in the sheets of one of the air beds. Telling dad I was going back to sleep for a while me and Rio climbed into the spare air bed and I fell asleep almost instantly.

Waking up at three pm feeling much more rested we made our way downstairs to have a late lunch with carinas parents. I was so shocked to see Cody and carinas actions in front of her parents. I'm pretty sure my dad would break both mine and rios neck if I sat on his lap in front of my dad. But carinas dad was fine with it he simply ignored them. Her mum on the other hand said they were "positively adorable" I didn't get it. At all. Nobody had questioned us about last night which was a god send as I knew it would show on my face but they did ask if rio was back for good which he confirmed adamantly gripping my hand tightly.
After watching a few programmes we decided to make a move as we now had to have dinner at mine. I changed into my own clothes that I had kept at carinas and redid my hair. Rio was already dressed in a navy blue ralph lauren cardigan over a white polo with jeans and white vans. God he was beautiful. He caught me staring as he spoke with Cody and Chris and winked not even stopping his sentence.

Finally we left and made our way to mine where I knew my whole family would be waiting. Walking in silence from the bus stop I noticed Reece and Troy outside leaning on the gate. An evil smile appeared on Reece's face as he noticed us and they both started bopping towards us with speed. Both of them were wearing the same thing except Reece's Jordan's and striped long sleeve top was white and green and troys were white and red. They were both holding their belt buckle as they approached. "what's up shy just gonna have a word with your friend real quick" Troy said brushing past me and throwing his arm roughly around rios shoulders and steering him away. "go inside shy" Reece said as I started to object. They ignored me walking away both holding onto him roughly. I ran inside scared out of my mind. "daddy, daddy please don't let them hurt him" I begged my dad as I ran into the kitchen and he left the kitchen with the tea towel still in hand to go and see what the twins were doing. As we left the house we saw rio being held against the wall. Reece had his forearm over his throat and a load of his top fisted in his other hand Troy was leaning against the wall beside them facing rio and talking menacingly. Rio looked so small compared to the hulks that were my brothers and my heart thudded out of my chest. Rio wasn't even fighting he was talking back calmly. But even from the gate I could see his jaw muscle going into overdrive. "ayyyyy" dad shouted wiping his hands on the tea towel. "that's enough leave him alone boys." the twins spun round and rolled their eyes "we are just introducing ourselves dad no biggy" Reece said not moving his arm from Rios throat. "I don't care what your doing get your arses in this house now. All three of you" they kissed their teeth at the same time and then Reece slammed rio into the wall before letting go of him. Troy punched him with super strength in his arm for good measure and then they strolled back towards the house. Rio stood breathing heavy against the wall and then straightened up his clothes. I could tell he was fuming. "you guys are animals! I'm not talking to you again you apes" I whispered furiously as they walked past and then I went to rio scared he might walk the other way. He didn't move as I approached but I could see he was trying to calm him self down. "I'm so sorry rio" I said and he shook his head looking up at me. "I deserved it. Don't worry bout it. That's the worst bit over right?" I nodded in response. "you hurt?" he shook his head again. "nah just winded. Your brothers bang hurt though which one was that?" "troy" I answered angrily. And he chuckled "don't worry princess. I would deal with much worse for you." I smiled and walked back to the house where dad was still standing. Tea towel thrown over his shoulder and his arms crossed. "Mr Monroe" rio said quietly holding his hand out to my dad and I begged him with my eyes to accept which he did after a few awkward seconds. "rio. Nice to see you again stranger" dads sarcasm was evident and I winced. Rio began an explanation "sir I ..." "I couldn't care less young man. Hurt my daughter again and I won't call off the pit bulls next time." he said referring to the twins. There was so much venom in his voice that I actually flinched "now you are here because shy wants you in her life so I felt it better to get the unpleasant bit out the way. But when she tells me she is over you. Don't expect help from me Rio." "I understand sir" rio said quietly. I felt so bad for him but knew there was nothing I could do. I really hated the twins sometimes. Dad indicated with his head that we should enter the house and he grasped rios shoulder reassuringly as we entered. A small smile broke on my face. Dad hated being the bad guy.

Inside the house the twins sat watching tv while Sean banged out his Christmas CDs upstairs. Kieran was no where to be seen which made me instantly feel better. No one else to beat up on rio. We sat in the kitchen with dad as he prepared dinner. I didn't want to take rio anywhere near the twins in the mood they were in and he didn't object. I almost cried with relief when Dad and rio engaged in conversation. '"how's your gran boy?" dad asked stirring the curry goat in the pot. "she's good ThankYou. Spent christmas and new year with my aunt." gradually the conversation got less and less hostile until they were laughing and joking like normal. Ruined by the fact that Reece entered the kitchen to get a drink and then leant on the counter facing rio and just stared until dinner was ready, occasionally sipping on the can of coke. Why were the twins such losers. "Re please" I begged when it got beyond uncomfortable. "yea leave the boy alone now. I don't wanna have to tell you two again. He's shys guest so you need to act accordingly" dad said coming to my rescue. I thanked him silently and Reece looked from dad to rio to me back to dad. "well if he fucks..." "watch your mouth" "sorry if he MESSES up again I'm braking his neck. And I don't care who's guest he is" "I wont" rio piped up and with that reece strolled out And dad shook his head turning to rio just as the door slammed shut. "never mind them. They are very protective of the baby" he said nodding his head in my direction and I flushed. Moments later we heard troys voice come booming through the house "OI Rio! Come here fam" oh no I groaned in anticipation of what they wanted. "not you shy no one called you" Troy said when I entered the room ahead of rio. They were so rude. "I can go where I want in my house" I said with acid in my voice as I slumped on the armchair. "you played the new need for speed?" Reece asked rio who was sitting on the arm of my chair. "once or twice" rio confirmed and Troy threw a control pad at him. Why were all disputes in this house settled over the play station. I shook my head knowing how boisterous the twins were with these games. Dad came in not long after and set everyone's plates down. Rio beat Troy but not reece which then caused an argument between Reece and Troy over who was shitter at the game. once the heat was taken off of rio the evening went smoothly. And we ate and watched a film. Which Sean and Kieran both interrupted and started asking a million questions. Sean got kicked in the shoulder by Reece after asking who yet another character was and yet another argument began. All the while rio sat on the armchair with me not saying a word.

When it came time for rio to leave I breathed another sigh of relief. Having him there was lovely but Also awkward as hell. I was glad nothing else had happened to create tension in the house. Once he had gone I went back to bed. I was just starting to drift off when I heard a knock on the door. Kmt no one wants to talk to me until I don't want to talk. I grumbled and the door swung open to show Reece. Rolling my eyes I turned the other way in bed this time facing the wall.

"Oi come on now shy. What did you want us to do. This time last week we thought you was gonna kill yourself over the yout now it's all happy days? Fuck that man, this is the exact reason you shouldn't have a man. We like to fuck around too much. Trust me I'm one of them." I screwed up my face although he couldn't see me. " I'm with him Reece. Yes he messed up. I forgave him under the condition that if I even think he is acting weird I'm gone and he accepted those terms so I am happy. He's apologised a million times. And I'm happy with him. You guys really embarrassed me today." I whined knowing Reece hated upsetting me. "well boy I won't say or do nothing but I don't like him. And I'm not gonna pretend to unless he proves his worth. It's our job to look after you shy. Let us do it." he sounded like a police officer. But more ghetto. "whatever" I mumbled and he kissed his teeth before saying night. I didn't even respond. Rio text to say he was at home and would be dreaming about what we did the night before and I flushed knowing I would too.

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