Chapter Twenty Seven

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"What you thinking?" Jordan asked quietly and the blush that spread across my face let Him know it wasn't anything I should have been thinking. God if he only knew. "Just thinking your gonna be a big man soon." I said shyly trying to create a light hearted mood. he chuckled and turned to glance at me sideways. "I'm a big man already girl." Then he looked back at the TV and licked his lips before giving me another side glance. "Why you nervous shy?" I gulped how did he know these things. "I'm not" I answered too quickly and his bottom lip disappeared between his upper teeth as he tried to hide his amusement. I simply huffed. He knew he was getting me flustered. I stared at my phone willing dad to call but something told me he wouldn't be coming home that night. He was probably too drunk to drive by now which meant even if the twins discovered I was missing they would assume I was with Kayla and carina and not bother to ring. Jordan continued staring at the TV as he flicked channels. he had one hand down his tracksuit bottoms as usual and I admired his side profile. He was hot. His neck tattoo peaking over the top of his crew neck jumper and out from under his rolled up sleeves. "Wanna see the whole thing?" he asked catching me staring and I immediately flamed red. I decided I was far too emotional and exhausted from the days events and this was the only reason I was acting like a groupie. I shook my head to clear my thoughts as much as to turn down the invitation to stare at Jordan's bare chest. I momentarily thought about rios chest. All smooth and hard. Comparing it to what I had seen of Jordan's through his various sweat soaked vests at the gym he had proper pecs and a solid six pack. His biceps bulged and his short black curls were just delicious. I mentally noted all the differences between rio and jordz noting they were both extremely attractive. The difference being Rios ability to get caught up in the worst case scenarios of every situation where Jordan quietly observed everything and didn't speak on it till he was certain he had something good to say.

"Are you uncomfortable with me?" he asked after an awkward length of silence. And I shook my head as his grey eyes stared at me thoughtfully. "Then are you staying for a bit?" I thought for a while before nodding and he grinned. "What you wanna watch?" He passed me the remote and left the room and I sighed in relief. You could cut the tension with a knife and yet I couldn't leave. And still jordz made no attempt to seduce me. I gave myself a mental shake and scolded myself for thinking of jordz like that and then concentrated on choosing a movie and getting comfortable against the headboard of the huge comfy bed. Jordan returned with cans of diet coke and bags of popcorn. I sat on the side closer to the TV and after dumping the snacks on the end of the bed he went the other side and clambered in. We started the movie and within minutes I was out like a light. I woke up to some one gently stroking my hip and waist. it was pitch black other than the glow of the TV and I was super disorientated. Looking up the credits were rolling up the screen and realisation set in along with panic. what time was it? had dad tried to call? Jordz voice came from behind me deep and warm against my skin his hands not wavering in the slightest as he continued to stroke my waist and hip. "morning" I tried my best to raise my head but was completely exhausted despite the sleep. "what time is it?" I mumbled. "eleven fifty eight mrs" I groaned and he chuckled. "you staying?" I shook my head even as I buried it further into the pillow. "where's my phone?" I asked realising it wasn't in my hand anymore. the soothing strokes stopped as he rustled under the pillows and then held my phone in front of my face. I grumbled and he chuckled again as I slowly turned on to my stomach to check my phone. he was still laying on his side his forearm resting over his eyes. I just loved his tats. I soon realised no one had rang or text me which was a definite sign that dad wasn't home. I dreaded the thought of going home to the commotion and mess the boys had created but knew I should get ready. jordz rolled onto his stomach beside me and checked his phone before his eyes went big. "rah!" he exclaimed, "what?" I asked staring at the homepage of his phone and not seeing anything out of the ordinary. he broke into a grin and that dimple came into view. both of us resting on our elbows I had front row seats of the sexiness that was Jordan. his grey eyes finally settled on my face as he tried and failed to contain his smile. "Its twelve-o-one made it to seventeen." he said almost in surprise and I felt a moment of sadness as I realised that some part of him wasn't expecting to. then I laughed at his goofy grin and bumped shoulders with him. "happy birthday jordz" I sing songed and he cracked up "your so dumb" he said still laughing and I giggled in response. "and your so old" I retorted loving the fact that I could make him laugh. I just stared at his dimple as he tried to control that husky laugh. "allow me man." he finally managed to say and I just laughed at him. "you sure you wanna go?" he asked and I nodded sadly. he nodded as if in understanding then looked back at his phone for a minute before licking his lips and turning back to face me his eyes dropping to my lips. I drew in a breath almost inaudibly as I watched the emotions float across his eyes. it was as if he was battling with himself on something. for the most part he was frowning "what's wrong?" I asked a little concerned that I was the reason he was frowning. his eyes met mine again and his features relaxed. "nothing just tryna figure something out." he said vaguely and it was my turn to frown. "like what?" I demanded and he smiled sheepishly before bringing his eyes back to my lips. "like how to get a birthday kiss from you" he said almost embarrassed and then looked down at his phone in an attempt to avoid eye contact. I smiled at his sudden shyness. I couldn't kiss him and I didn't want to decline him so settled on playing dumb and leaning towards him whispered "happy birthday jordz" before planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. the contact shot through me like a lightning bolt and rendered me immobile for a tenth of a second before I went to pull away. as I did so Jordan turned into me and pecked my lips softly before leaning back. both of us still on our stomachs leaning on our elbows. phones in hand. "sorry" he whispered noting my surprised face growing redder by the second. "I couldn't help it. it wont happen again." even as he said it his eyes travelled back to my lips and he licked his as If reminding himself of the taste.

I made no effort to move. I couldn't move. Jordan had just kissed me! and by the looks of things he wanted to again. he made it completely obvious in his stare and I could only focus on his shoulder to embarrassed to look up. but too transfixed to move away. "shy?" he said warily almost as if it was a question and then his lips were on mine. and mine on his. They were the juiciest softest things I had ever had the pleasure of touching and he was so gentle pressing lightly against me as if hesitant. no other parts of our body touched but when his tongue coaxed my bottom lip down to gain access I was as trapped as if he were laying on top of me. All thoughts flew from my head as I allowed Jordan freedom to explore my mouth whilst I gently kissed back. Finally breaking away he blew out a breath and turned back towards the headboard looking down at his phone. I stayed glued in my position now staring at his ear as my mind tried to escape the trance I was in. There was a lot to be said for Jordan's kisses. Considering his size and career choice he could be extremely gentle. Which I had not expected. He was also very respectful keeping his hands to him self the whole time and never pushing things. I came to the conclusion that I could happily kiss Jordan all day. Although his kiss wasn't as sexy as rios it still made my body ignite. Rio kissed me like he would die if he didn't and it was a major turn on but there was a certain comforting factor in Jordan's kiss that made me feel cared for and safe. I wasn't sure how it happened but I knew that it was real. slowly I turned and sat up facing the TV. I heard him exhale behind me. "shy Im sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. well I did but I didn't set it up like that." I nodded slowly too embarrassed to speak to him and extremely guilty for kissing Jordan after telling Rio I needed more time. "im really sorry Jordz I should go" I whispered standing on unsteady feet. "do you wanna go because you prefer to be home with your brothers or cos your scared ill take advantage?" he asked and I spun round to look at him. he was chewing on his lower lip nervously as he looked up at me and another pang of guilt went through me. it was his birthday. "if I promise not to touch you will you stay? Ill even sleep on the floor." he said quietly almost embarrassed by the idea. crawling back onto the bed I laid down facing Jordan. He moved so he was in the same position and stared back. "im sorry shy" he whispered and I shook my head. "don't be jordz its not your fault its just that..." I didn't know what to say or how to say my jumbled thoughts but Jordan guessed immediately. "Rio?" he said quietly and I nodded as my face turned scarlet and my tears threatened to overcome me. "shy you aint together." he said almost annoyed. "we are sort of" he sighed "whens the last time you spoke to him?" he asked as if he had already proven his point. "he text me this morning" I replied defending Rio despite my self. "but when did you last Talk to him shy?" he said and I knew he was right me and Rio had hardly said a sentence to each other in days. he sensed my distance and seemed to just accept it which wasn't like rio at all. "I love him" I whispered a single tear escaping and sliding over my nose and toward my other eye as I rested my cheek on Jordan's pillow. "I know" he whispered before stroking my cheek softly. "im not tryna replace him. I just wanna be around you." I nodded. and he smiled. "you happy sleeping in that or you want something else?" he asked changing the subject which I was grateful for. "haven't you gotta tell your mum im staying?" I asked and he scrunched up his face. "she will know your staying when she don't see you leave" he answered easily and I couldn't help but laugh. Dressed in a pair of boxers and a huge shirt I fell asleep almost instantly beside Jordan. my last coherent thought being that his clothes smelt lovely and fresh like him.

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