Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Uncle jordz?... uncle jordz please can we come in?" the hammering on the door continued as my eyes slowly adjusted to the light. "Yes come in. come In" Jordan groaned attempting to stop the hammering. The door slid open slowly and two little sets of footsteps scurried accross the floor to the bed. I kept my eyes closed listening to Jordan as he lifted Mia On to the bed as Darcy clambered on by her self. "G'mornin shy" Darcy said touching my elbow. "Moro shy Moro shy Moro shy" Mia chanted as I peeled my eyelids open and smiled at Darcy sitting on the end of the bed and Mia sitting on Jordan's belly as he laid flat on his back with his arms behind his head. He laughed at mias attempt to say good morning. "Close enough" he said huskily bringing one arm down to steady her as she bounced up and down in her princess pjs on his stomache. "Morning girl" jordz said winking at me as I buried my face in his pillow "morning" I mumbled hating my morning voice. "Uncle jords nana said we mustn't disturb you. why?" Darcy demanded and I felt the colour rise up my cheek. Jordan's mum thought we were up to no good. I wanted to die. He glanced at me and his dimple appeared before he fought to control it. "I dunno baby girl maybe she thought me and shy were.... busy" I discreetly dug my nail into his thigh under the covers as I smiled sweetly at Darcy and he laughed some more. "What we doing today girls?" He asked when he controlled himself. "Park" "zoo" the girls screamed excitedly and bounced on the bed causing me to giggle. Checking my phone I noticed dad still hadn't called. "You down for park and zoo shy?" Jords asked and I looked up from my phone in panic "eerrrmm" I began but was cut off by Darcy. "Pretty Please" she said shyly and I melted. "Pitty please" Mia mimicked and I smiled beforthem roared and jumped around on the bed like looneys. The girls excited screams and giggles making me laugh as Jordan threw them all over the place one in each arm. "I gotta get some clothes first" I said as we all climbed out of the bed. The girls on rios shoulders. I noticed he was in boxers and a v neck and had to fight to swallow quickly looking away. "Iyt let me get these monkeys sorted then we can go." He said as he made his way down stairs. I quickly threw my tracksuit back on whilst he was gone and gargled with mouth wash before following. Lisa was in the kitchen folding washing when I came down ad she shook her head and rolled her eyes at me "morning sorry about the girls I told them not to disturb you" she said and smiled apologetically. my cheeks burned. "It's ok" I said and went to sit at the table where Jordan was making the girls cereal. "you want something to eat?" He asked still looking at the task he was completing. I shook my head and he frowned looking at me fully. I scrunched my nose in defiance. "I'm not hungry" I complained but his facial expression didn't change. Instead he handed the girls their bowls and put another in front of me. I sighed "I really don't want cereal" I said and he just stared. The stand off lasted a few seconds before he caved "Toast then? please" he said and I huffed "one piece jords" he grinned and skipped over to the toaster. Such a freak. I glanced at his mum and she was trying to hide her smile behind the towel she was folding. Before I could blink two pieces of toast and a cup of tea were placed in front of me. I frowned and he winked. The boy was infuriating. "I'm gonna jump in the shower" he called before racing upstairs. I glanced back at Lisa as I attempted to bite my second piece if toast. She smiled sympathetically but didn't offer any further assistance. I soon abandoned it and finished the tea. "So where you off to today girls?" Lisa asked and the girls immediately became hyper. "Park and zoo Nana" Darcy sing songed and I laughed at her energy. "What about you shy?" she asked turning her attention to me. "I'm going with these guys" I said sheepishly before watching in horror as Lisa's face registered with shock, then tears formed in her eyes. when she recovered her self all she said was "oh ok". I had to ask. "Is everything ok? I don't have to go" I assured her and she shook her head vigorously. Before coming to sit next to me at the table swivelling in her chair to face me with the towel now crumpled on her lap. She grasped my hands still shaking her head. "Oh shy I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you feel unwelcome. I just wasn't expecting it. You see Jordan tends to use the girls as a form of therapy." She said glancing at the girls who were chatting excitedly between themselves none the wiser to my discomfort. "How do you mean?" I asked before I could stop my self. Lisa sighed "Any place he has ever had a bad memory of he takes the girls so they can wipe out the bad stuff and replace it with their view of it." I nodded understanding but still clueless as to why I shouldn't go. "He likes to see the zoo through their eyes especially. It's their favourite thing to do together, him and the girls. But he won't invite anyone else. I've tried to go so many times but he refuses. I was just shocked he had invited you that's all." She answered my unasked question and I felt instantly guilty. "Well maybe you should come today?" I offered trying to appease her. Her hollow laugh made me wince. "I'm fine chick. You guys go have fun. Take some pictures for me." I nodded before asking to be excused. "Of course sweetie" she sprung from her chair and began refolding the towel and i darted for the stairs. I didn't even think to knock as I barged into Jordan's room and lost all form of speech as his beautiful body came into view. He was standing in front of his mirror creaming his chest with nothing but a towel on. My mouth went dry as we locked eyes in the mirror and that dimple came on display with his smirk. He turned slowly his hand lowering to his side I backed away my heart hammering. Licking his lips he maintained such strong eye contact that I felt rooted to the spot. His body was like a gods. "Shy?" I realised he had been talking whilst I had been admiring his tattoos. "Mmm?" was all I could say snapping my eyes back to his. He was smirking again. Damn him. He knew the effect he had on me. "I said is everything ok?" he asked slowly cocking his head to the side. he was the devil and I was sure of it. "I want your mum to come today please?" I asked as I got an even darker shade of red at my outright demand. I hadn't meant it to sound that way but my mind was scattered. "Why?" he asked frowning now. I kept my eyes pinned to his cheek half hoping to glimpse his dimple and half to avoids looking at his eyes, or more dangerous body parts. "Because it upsets her that you have never let her go and your happy to take me. I feel mean" he sighed biting his lip before turning back to the mirror and creaming his face. "I don't want her to come" he said and I pouted. "Why?" I asked and he busied himself getting clothes from his wardrobe. "I just don't. She will get emotional. Make it about shit I'm tryna forget." he said as he lifted a pair if grey track suit bottoms and a pair of dark jeans for my approval. i pointed at the jeans before carrying on. "She won't. She just wants to see you happy. please jordz" I begged not sure why it meant so much to me. He asked that exact question and I shrugged. He pulled the jeans on and I sighed with relief realising he had boxers on under his towel. "I feel guilty going when she has wanted to go for years. I don't want to go without her" I pushed and his eyes opened wide. "So if she don't go you don't go?" he asked slowly and I cringed before nodding. He was walking towards me now. Topless with his jeans undone and his hair still damp from the shower. I stood my ground lifting my chin defiantly as he approached. He touched my cheek gently and warmth radiated through my whole body. "She can come" he said quietly still stroking my cheek and I smiled ready to thank him. "If I get a kiss!" he said his dimple knocking me off guard. I gasped and he laughed. "Well seeing as we are doing ultimatums." He said and I couldn't help but laugh. He ran his fingers down my arms until they reached my own and he pulled them up to rest on his shoulders before placing his hands on my waist and stepping closer to crowd me. "What's it gonna be?" he was acting like it was a joke but I could tell he was nervous. His hold was really light as if unsure if he was allowed. And his grey eyes were asking rather than demanding. Lifting my chin i held on to his shoulders as his lips met mine and I felt the full force of a jordz kiss. My knees gave way beneath me as his tongue pressed into my mouth and within seconds my legs were wrapped around his waist how he lifted me so easily was beyond me. He was still topless and my fingers worked their way into his wet curls. He growled into my mouth and I whimpered as he traced lazy circles up my back. He slowly moved away giving us time to breathe. His grin was infectious and I was mesmerised by that dimple. "What you smiling at?" I questioned. He still hadn't put me down and his forehead was resting in the crook of my neck. "This is the best birthday ever" he said out of breath. And I smiled again. "So she can come?" I asked and he nodded into my neck. "Whatever you want girl" I couldn't help but grin further. "Well then I want you to get dressed and take me home please." and he laughed "you sure you want me to get dressed?" I snorted at his arrogance. "Yes jords" I said as he gave an exaggerated sigh "spoil sport" he mumbled lowering me down to the floor and I giggled as I turned towards the door. "Hurry up" I said walking towards the door. Only to be pulled back into the hard surface of his chest. His lips brushed mine briefly. "Thanks" was all he said before pushing me towards the door and turning to do up his jeans. I walked out with a smile in my face ready to tell Lisa the good news. "Lisa? please come with us. Jordan said it was fine" I said entering the kitchen and her eyes opened wide. "What? are you sure did he say that??" She said as Jordan walked in the kitchen behind me. "Yea no big deal man don't make it into a thing" he grumbled standing so close behind me the hairs on my neck stood up. Leaning over me he noticed the uneaten toast on my plate and frowned but before he could say anything his mum was all over us hugging me in excitement and squeezing Jordan's cheeks. I couldn't help but laugh at his screw face. "Right I'm taking shy home quick get ready. Girls help Nanna get ready" he said to the cuties were nodding earnestly. He surveyed their empty bowels before picking up his keys. "Let's go girl". "See you in a little while guys" I said walking out "bye" they chorused. I smiled as Jordan opened the car door for me. And he returned the grin. Leaning down to ensure the seatbelt was in place. "I'm not a baby jords" I said swatting him away and he laughed. "Your my baby secretly." He mumbled shutting the door and strumming his fingers across the bonnet as he went. "Why you smiling?" he chuckled getting in beside me and noticing my grin. "You made your mums day" I said in response and he rolled his eyes. "And mine" I said nudging him and he ducked his head to hide the dimple. "Let's go".

Arriving at my house I didn't see dads car. He must be super hungover. My brothers car was missing also which made me frown. Did they not check I was ok before leaving? getting out I told jords he could come in and he switched off the engine and climbed out. The house was empty and silent and surprisingly clean. I let out a sigh of relief. Leaving Jordan in the front room with a drink I quickly had a shower and changed into zoo friendly attire which consisted of leggings a super dry hoody and air max trainers, throwing my hair up in a ponytail before rushing back down stairs. Let the fun begin.

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