Chapter Sixteen

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Five months. Five blissful amazing beautiful fun filled months passed before any major developments happened. Five months spent with my best friends and my boyfriend. Cinemas, nandos, parties, bbqs. You name it we did it. Every other day I was going to rios after school to watch movies, eat, do homework and then make love. I couldn't have asked for a better start to the year. My family were back on track with rio and school was going great. I had the most good looking man in school and everyone noticed how he spoilt me rotten so jealousy was the only issue.

It was coming up to my fifteenth birthday and I was beyond excited. It was a big deal. As a group my friends were planning a huge BBQ on the saturday which all my family would be attending. But on the Sunday which was my actual birthday Rio had planned a surprise day. We were going up London for the day and that was all i knew but I couldn't wait. Only one more week.

Rio had been the perfect gentlemen, no late night calls from exs or aggresive conversations with cash. He was genuinely happy all the time, even the twins had warmed to him when they came home for Kieran's birthday to find rio spoiling me crazy as usual. Troy wasn't quiet as forgiving as Reece. He had locked rio in the garden in the rain and tried to push him down the stairs before eventually leaving him alone. Reece on the other hand got on quiet well with my boyfriend. Which made it so much nicer for me.

Out on our adventures I had run into jamal a total of four times. Twice with the girls once with rio and once with dad. Thankfully rio didn't recognise him because we was right beside each other in footlocker and jamal had even had the cheek to brush past me to reach for a pair of trainers I know he didn't want. His Armani fragrance burning my nose. Luckily rio was asking the shop assistant for help and didn't see. Although my face was so red that i had to walk to the other side of the shop until i was sure i was back to normal. Both times with the girls he had winked and tapped his finger to his watch to indicate the watch he gave me. He made me sick.

The week had really dragged and I was bored beyond help. But finally Friday came, sitting In form with kayla and carina discussing what we would wear to the BBQ tomorrow seeing as the weather was quiet nice now i noticed rio walk past with a few boys from his year. He was spinning his basketball on his finger which I had been trying to do forever now, as he spoke to the guys. He looked in and smiled a big cheesy grin before continuing. "when are you gonna admit that your in love with each other" carina barked across the table. Oh. I laughed at her unimpressed look and sighed "we care about each other not love." kayla scoffed she was eating cookies and had just stuffed a whole one in her mouth so couldn't speak just yet. Me and carina looked on in disgust for a few seconds "what" kayla spat. Literally. Cookie crumbs flew from her mouth and carina moved her chair back so quickly that miss channing jumped aswell. " sorry" she whispered when she got a disapproving look. Carina gave kayla a dirty look before edging slightly closer. "shy. You guys are like a super couple what are you talking about. Your with each other constantly you argue like once every 3 months about things like who is better at trampolining" (which was me by the way) "and you gave him vicky" she finnished matter of factly, I cringed immediately. don't ask me why she had nicknamed my downstairs vicky. Something to do with virginity And Victoria's secret underwear all I know is since they found out we had slept together in a game of truth or dare they felt the need to humiliate me by bringing it up as often as possible. "Arrr re" I complained my face going red and she and kayla both laughed at me. I hated these girls. "it's true though. He's completely in love with you and you feel the same. I love Cody. Kay loves Chris what's the big deal." "no I don't" kayla interrupted her mouth still full making her speech muffled. Carina rolled her eyes "oh please kayla you can't keep away from that boy." we all laughed again packing up to leave form. The rest of the day went fairly quickly and I rushed to the gates to meet rio.

He was already there as usual. Basketball under his arm as he text on his phone. He was so gorgeous. A big smile spread across my face. Today we only had one assignment each to do before we could concentrate on each other. "hi" I breathed rushing over to him and he glanced up from his phone and barely smiled. "hi your self". Something was wrong. "what's up?" I asked and he sighed before shaking his head and stuffing his phone in His pocket. He threw my bag over his shoulder before tucking the basketball back under his arm and putting his arm around my shoulders. "nothing, let's go" I nodded even as I knew something was wrong. Please don't let there be drama on my birthday. Please, please, please don't let there be drama on my birthday. I Kept up my silent prayer until we reached rios house but I still had a bad feeling. Kicking off my vans I ran up the stairs ahead of rio to get changed as he made a beeline for the kitchen. Once I was dressed in my leggings and cream and black knitted jumper I headed back down stairs, dropping my bag at the bottom of the stairs. Rio had already heated the Ackee and saltfish and the dumplings sat cold in the side yet the microwave was rotating the dish with nothing on. "why is the micro on?" I questioned as rio looked off into space. "RIO" "huh?" he responded snapping out of it and brushing down his waves. "the micro. Whys it on?" he looked at it and swore under his breath as he launched to turn it off "fuck, thought I put the dumplings on" he put the plate it and readjusted the settings. "rio what's up your being weird" he sighed. "nothing just dramas in Reigate." my heart pounded as I held my breath. He noticed my face and stiff stance and stepped to me wrapping his arms around my waist. "it's nothing. I'm not leaving" I sighed with relief and returned his embrace. "so what's wrong?" I asked into his neck as I inhaled his joop scent. "nothing baby don't worry bout it I got it" he mumbled kissing my head before moving back to the microwave. Ok he was acting beyond weird. I tried my hardest not to panic as he had said he weren't leaving.

Cutting the fried dumplings in half he filled them with Ackee and saltfish and handed me the plate. I took it to the breakfast bar and set it down getting drinks out. He came to sit beside me and we ate in silence. His mind was obviously else where. I didn't want to sound like a nag but I was getting fed up with not knowing anything and I hadn't come here to sit in silence. as he took the plates to the sink and began to wash up I tried again "rio will you just tell me what's wrong" I said irritated that I had to keep asking. he banged his fist on the sink making me Jump"oh my god shy I just told you it's nothing will you stop going on. I will deal with it. I'm not going any where so stop worrying man. I got it. It's nine if your business". Even though we had a few arguments since we had been together. Not once had rio ever snapped at me like that. I sat in silence looking at the table as he held the sides of the sink his head sunk low. Standing silently I moved to the door and pushed my feet into my vans. I wasn't sure if I was angry or upset. All I knew is I wasn't about to be spoken to like that. Who did he think he was I was only trying to help. He must have just realised I had left because I could hear him cursing. "shy look im.... Shy? Shit! SHY!" grabbing my bag I quickly opened the door as he emerged into the hallway. "shy wait" slamming the door behind me I got no more than three steps before I felt his strong hands close around my waist. "baby" I stopped. I didn't wanna go but he was so frustrating. I stayed facing the road. "im sorry. Come inside." He turned me into his broad chest and still I didn't react. Just stood staring at his string vest hanging out from under his school shirt. He wasn't even wearing shoes. "shy. I didn't mean it" I nodded and felt him breathe a sigh of relief. "come back inside I'll make it up to you" he whispered kissing my temple. I didn't budge as he turned to walk inside and he swiftly came back to stand in front of me lifting my chin. "don't do this" he said his eyes begging me. "I can't come inside rio.." "shy..I.." "not until you tell me". He looked into my eyes for a few more seconds before lowering his head in defeat. "ok just come back" he said finally and I slowly shuffled round him and walked back into his house. Kicking my shoes back off I went to sit on his sofa and he came in and sat beside me uneasily. He was perched on the edge resting his elbows on his knees. Stroking his waves down with both hands. "you want a drink or anything?" "talk" he sighed heavily and looked over his shoulder at me. Before facing forward. "when I left, when I went back to Reigate. I used all the people that I used to hang with to get info out of. Sasha was one of them. She was close with Spenser as well" I just hated where this was going. I felt bile rise in my throat and my brain was telling me to run away from whatever it was rio was about to say. But instead I stayed glued to the spot hugging my knees to my chest. "at the funeral we were in bits. Got drunk. Ended up breaking into this youth centre we used to all chill at. Just reminiscing and that. She was trying it on but I weren't interested. I swear to you nothing happened. You can ask cash." oh so others were there "She tried to kiss me but I pushed her off. She went mad crying, begging, apologising. She literally tried to undo my belt but i werent having it. Told her to calm down or I would leave and she did. Finally we fell asleep there. And the next morning she pretended she couldn't member nothing so I played along to save her the embarrassment. Said I couldn't member a thing. now she's ringing my phone telling me she is pregnant and we must have beat that night cos she ain't been with no one else." my heart stopped and my mouth went dry. What was I hearing. "Shy I know I never slept with her. I weren't that drunk to not remember. And I wouldn't beat her at my boys funeral with bare people in the youth centre aswell" I sat stunned. This guys life was a joke. He weren't even sixteen and I'm hearing pregnancy for the second time. He stayed staring at the floor as I stared at the tv that was off. Silence enveloped us and my stomach twisted painfully. The sudden need to cry threatened to overwhelm me but I refused. I heard him gulp and saw him lick his lips out of the corner of my eye. He turned to glance at me nervously. "shy please say something".

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