Chapter One

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It was September 7th and my first day back at school. I was actually excited, year 9 was a big thing for me as it meant I got the nicer uniform, not that red and green shit I had last year. I had chosen my subjects so no more crap Geography or French for me, praise the lord. I took my time getting ready as I knew Sean weren't gonna be anywhere near ready anyway, and as I sat eating my cornflakes with dad and Kieran, which I seldom got to do, the idiot runs full speed out the door yelling for me to hurry up like I hadn't been waiting on him this whole time. Dad and Kieran both wished me luck on my first day like they always did and dad gave me 20 pounds. I grabbed my bag off the stool and my headphones then rushed out the door. Jogging alongside Sean to the bus stop, I noticed he looked like a complete tramp (note to self; travel to school alone in future). We slowed as the bus stop came into view and Sean took out his headphones and began pointless convo.

"You nervous Shy?"

"Why would I be nervous? Same school, same people."

"True. I'm a little nervous not gonna lie. Been hanging with Jermaine and them for a bit now, but they might be a bit off now we're back in school. But I'm planning on taking over school this year you get me? Big man now gonna run tings."

Urgh, who talks like that? I shook my head laughing as we waited for the bus and he carried on clowning around talking stupid and making me laugh. When the bus finally arrived and we jumped on, it was packed. I sat next to Sean and put in my headphones to drown out his over-loud banter with his ugly friends. As we all piled off the bus I noticed Kayla waiting for me on the wall with Chris and some other dude. Even before approaching her and being able to hear what she was saying I was smiling at her antics. She had her short hair scraped up on top of her head in a tiny bob and was leaning on the wall chewing gum wildly, and by the looks of things cussing Chris to within an inch of his life. I half ran half skipped to her and she squealed with excitement when she saw me.

"Omg girl you have no idea thank God you're here, these two dweebs bare taking up my time making me hate school already where you been? You look hot, hair looks banging, do you like mine? Look at my eyeshadow, did it myself, are you hungry? I'm starving, what you been on? You think canteen sells cookies? Come we go check?" I giggled at her crazy non-stop talk; she had not changed one bit. We linked arms as she steered me away from Chris and his friend and I offered them a half shrug and shy wave as we began discussing our lives since we had seen each other which was precisely 2 days ago.

We already knew we were in the same form group as eachother so all that was left to do was to get there. After Kayla got her cookie from canteen she filled me in on the latest gossip about her brother and his baby mother and we made our way to form. We were the first to arrive as usual and sat outside waiting for Ms Channing when we met Carina. She rushed towards us all wide eyed and red in the face huffing and puffing.

"Is this Ms Channing's class?" she asked looking into the classroom through the giant window. Kayla confirmed it was and carina let out a breath of relief. "Thank God, I didn't wanna be late first day," she whispered with general relief and smiled at us brightly. "I'm Carina." She held out her hand and I blinked at the action for a second before shaking her hand lightly. Kayla was already in full flow before I even got a chance to tell the strange girl my name still utterly confused. Who shakes hands? 

"I'm Kayla, and I suggest you don't ever attempt to shake another person in this schools hand as long as you live, are you new? I didn't see you last year? You must be? You're so lucky we are here to show you the ways otherwise you would have your head down the toilet every lunch, trust and believe. This is shy."

Carina looked frozen in shock. I giggled at her wide-eyed expression behind her glasses. She pushed her platinum blonde hair behind her ear and looked to me for help from the onslaught of words that Kayla had just laid on her, gulping when she realised she was on her own. "Erm hi," was all she could manage, blinking wildly her eyes snapped back to me. "Is Shy your real name?" 

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