Chapter Five

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I snuggled against him in spite of the hard length between us and tried my best to sleep, but with him pressed against me and his smell evading my senses, I knew it would be difficult. I felt his even breathing behind my ear and knew he was asleep. I gently shuffled over in his arms so I was facing him. He really was beautiful, even when asleep. I studied his face, searching for an imperfection, but there was none.

"Stop staring Shy." Oh. He was awake. I flushed red as he opened one eye and smirked down at me. "Thought you was tired little miss? What you thinking bout?" he said softly, stroking the hair out of my face.

"You," I whispered. He opened both eyes and raised his eyebrows.

"What about me?" he questioned and frowned as I shrugged. He raised his hand to lift my chin so I was staring in his eyes again. God he was mesmerising even when he was frowning at me.

"If we were gonna do this, if I was to be with you there couldn’t be no one else Rio. I can’t share you, I won’t," I whispered nervously. I wasn’t sure how he would take it but I assumed honesty was the best thing. He just blinked in response before sighing.

"You won’t Shy, you’re the only one and you know this. Fuck Sasha, fuck Lacey, all of them. It’s you and that’s it." I nodded slowly as he searched my face. He had gone back to caressing my cheek. It felt amazing and just brought up another important issue that needed to be addressed. I took a deep breath.

"Errr, I would need time," I whispered shyly, this time dipping my head so I was looking below the covers again.

"Time for what baby?" I peeked up at him wondering if he was being thick on purpose...nope he was genuinely confused. Now I would have to spell it out.

"I’m a virgin," I whispered flaming red. What the hell kind of convo was this anyway? For the hundredth time since meeting this boy I just wanted the ground to swallow me up. I waited for him to burst out laughing as I held my eyes tightly shut; nothing. I peeked up to see he was smiling. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought as much. It’s a minor don’t worry about it babes," he replied softly, his deep voice vibrating through my body sounded amazing. "I can wait. When the times right we can take it there. Don’t feel pressured shy, I wanna make it right for you," he continued and I nodded, a small smile playing on my lips. He brought me closer to his body. "Besides there’s always other stuff we can do till your ready," he said winking. I shoved him in the chest and he fell back laughing. "Just saying babes, chill I got you." I nuzzled back into his chest with my head on his pecs and I felt his strong heartbeat as I drifted off thinking about what it would be like to be his official girl; waking up like this on a regular. It was possibly the best dream I had ever had.

An annoying buzzing woke me up the following morning and I opened my eyes briefly and pinned them shut again to block out the sun streaming in.  I could hear music playing downstairs and I lifted my head off the pillow to look at Rio. He was still fast asleep. He had sandwiched me between himself and the wall with his leg hooked over mine and his whole body on my side of the bed. No wonder I was hot. I heard the vibrating that had woke me up and looked for the source of the noise. Ah ha! My phone was sitting on Rio’s bed side cabinet ringing quietly, the vibration against the wood making my head hurt. I clambered over Rio, gently removing his leg to get to the phone and picked it up just as it stopped ringing. It was dad, two missed calls and a text saying he hoped last night was ok and that I behaved myself and asking if I was awake. I looked at Rio again and quickly took my phone and left the room. I sat on his stairs listening to the bashment his grandma was playing downstairs as I waited for my dad to answer his phone. It made me smile that she listened to this kind of music whilst preparing whatever it was that smelt so delicious.

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