Chapter Thirty Two

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Back in the car my limbs started to feel heavy. That swim had taken it out of me and I zoned in and out as Jords drove a further twenty minutes down the road. Pulling up outside a posh hotel Jordan cut the engine and turned to stare at me. I stared back as the blood rushed to my heart and head simultaneously. He licked his lips slowly and blew out a breath as he broke the eye contact and stared out the window. "Let's go" was all he said as he stepped out and moved to the boot. I walked up the steps in awe. The place was huge. Jordan checked us in and ushered me to the lifts. Eventually we arrived at the sixth floor and walked in silence to the end of the corridor. He was slightly in front of me and I kept reminding myself to swallow as not to dribble Down the front of my top as I watched his sexy walk. Walking into the hotel room I gasped. It was beautiful. So romantic. I glanced at Jordan as he placed our stuff on the small table and walked past me scratching his head. He was avoiding eye contact as he entered the bathroom. What a weirdo. I sat on the edge of the bed and kicked off my shoes. I felt like such a tramp in yesterday's clothes and silently cursed Jordan. Still not one hundred percent sure of his motives. Did he want to have sex?

Finally he reappeared out of the bathroom and leaned up against the desk in front of the bed. I stared up at him as he flexed his fingers before bringing one hand up to rub his jaw roughly. "I ran you a bath still" was all he said as he continued to watch me. I nodded still staring at his beautiful face. "What's wrong jords?" I asked. As I stood slowly and pulled off my jumper. He shook his head and took my hand. "Come" he said gently and pulled me towards the bathroom. My eyes opened wide as I looked at the huge oval tub filled with beautiful smelling bubbles. "Oh jords" was all I could manage As I took in the beautiful setting. He was leaning against the door jam smiling shyly. He pushed me forward slightly and shut the door behind me. I peeled off my clothes eagerly and stepped into the steaming water. I sighed as the bubbles popped gently against my skin. It wasn't until I was fully submerged that I realised he had made sure I had all my essentials all ready in place. God he was amazing. Fourty minutes later I stared at myself in the mirror as I brushed out my wet hair and watched the curls spring back into place. I was wearing the fluffy robe that the hotel had provided and was smelling like the beautiful flowery lotion they had set out. One thing I still couldn't get was what Jordan was up to and Walking back out into the bedroom I was even more perplexed. He was sitting in his boxers and vest with one hand in his boxers staring out the window. "Jordan that was beautiful thank you." He slowly turned to look over his shoulder at me and smiled sheepishly. "I'm glad you like it" he whispered looking me up and down slowly. "I would like it more if you would tell me what was going on. Your acting strange and this all seems planned what's the occasion.?" He sighed and looked out the window again. "Nothing. Come let's take a nap we got a couple hours yet" he said standing and pulling back the covers. "Couple hours before what? where we going?" I demanded and he chuckled at my tone. "To dinner. now can you for once do as your told?" he said mockingly. I pouted slightly before shaking my head. " I have nothing to sleep in" I said looking down at my pink toes as I curled them into the carpet. "Ahh shit I forgot. Here" he replied passing me one of the bags. Inside I found a shorts and vest primark night set. I knew instantly it was carinas handy work. I wasn't sure the shorts were even going to fit my bum. "How much stuff have you bought jords?" I huffed smiling into the bag. "We could have just packed a bag at mine and saved the money." I went on as he laughed. "Stop moaning go get changed and come sleep." He said crawling into the bed and lifting the vest over his head I tried to swallow the lump in my throat at his bared chest and arms and licked my dry lips before turning abruptly and going back into the bathroom.

I was right the shorts didn't do anything to hide my bum and I cursed carina in my head. She knew it would look like this. She was always saying how she wished she had my curvy figure. Damn her. and now my face was super red to make things worse.  Deciding I wasn't brave enough to walk out like this I pulled the robe back on and walked to the bed. I pulled it off at the last minute and darted between the covers. Jords gave me a funny look but didn't say anything as he pulled me close. I tried to snuggle closer still but his strong hands held my waist away from his body. After a few minutes I tried again only to be met with the vice like grip. "Quit moving shy" he said gruffly and I stilled. He never normally wanted me away from him. I wondered if he was thinking about the thing with rio. I laid deadly still a few seconds more before placing my hand on top of his on my waist. Any contact was good enough for me. I heard him sigh behind me "shy if I let you any closer we fucking. I don't want that. Not after yesterday and especially not before your sixteen." I froze in shock. He huffed and turned me roughly so I was laying on my back looking up in to his grey eyes. "I didn't mean it like that babe. I'm sorry it's just hard for me right now. Your so sexy." he said softly nuzzling into my neck. still I stared back. "Why would you bring me to a hotel if you can't cope jords?" i asked forcing him to lift his head as his eyes lazily roamed my breasts now on display at the top of the vest. "I wanted to do a road trip now I'm official on roads and..." he kissed his teeth before dragging his hand across his face. "...I wanted it to be special when I asked you to be my girl" his eyes were on my collarbone as he said the last sentence and my breath caught in my throat. Slowly he let his gaze meet mine. And I saw his hesitancy. He was nervous. Now I understood his weird quiet mood. "Jords,i..." his lips were on mine before I could Finnish my sentence. The most delicious kiss ever pursued it felt like it went on for hours as time stopped only to Finnish too quickly when he pulled away. "dont say nothing" he whispered before laying back and pulling me into his embrace. "And no wriggling" he warned lining the soft curve of my bum to his hard front and hissing as I immediately got comfortable in his strong hold.

We awoke two hours later and Jordan produced yet another bag as I frowned at him. His dimple appeared and I forgot my anger. Inside the bag was a navy blue fitted dress with a gold belt and a pair of blue wedge heels. I gasped and threw myself at him and he rolled onto his back laughing. How I ended up straddling him in my short shorts I will never know but at that moment I didn't care. "Your the best Jordan" I whispered looking down at him through my curls before pecking him on the lips and jumping up to try on my new dress. I heard him curse as he watched my bum jiggle to the bathroom door.

The dress fit like a glove and as Jordan had a shower I fiddled with my hair. Jordan came out in a pair of jeans and navy air forces with a matching navy shirt my mouth watered as he walked past me and his scent filled my nostrils. I knew his outfit choice wasn't a coincidence. He had picked it to compliment my dress and my heart melted. finally I got my hair to behave and we were out the door.

I felt so grown up in the resteraunt it was unreal. I looked around at all the posh people eating and knew this was carinas kind of place. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat after Jordan pushed it in for me. He dropped a quick kiss to my cheek before strumming his fingers along the table as he rounded it to get to his seat looking around alert as always "Stop fidgeting." he admonished with a smirk on his face as he strummed his fingers on the table. "I feel out of place. like I don't fit in" I admitted flaming red and jords cocked his head to the side and looked at me. "that's because you don't fit in shy. you never have and never will. you stand out wherever we are" he was so sincere that I thought I might cry. how did I manage to hurt him so bad. I felt my skin heat further. god he was gorgeous. his grey eyes danced in the low lighting as he gave me that sexy slow half smile.  I sighed forgetting my insecurities. "How many girlfriends have you had?" I asked out of the blue and his eyes widened momentarily before chuckling. "your so random girl. errrm I don't really do girlfriends you know this shy" he said. I asked why and he licked his lips looking over my shoulder instead of maintaining eye contact. "because I have anger problems and I never want to be like my dad. so I release the anger at boxing and I remove the risk of putting my hand on a girl by not having one" he said in a bored voice almost as if on auto pilot. I swallowed close to tears. "Jords your nothing like him" I promised and he laughed humourlessly "I'm exactly like him" uneasiness set in place at his cold words. he really thought he was a monster.

I decided to steer the convo into a lighter territory and instead asked how he was so romantic if he didn't have girlfriends. his embarrassed laugh was like heaven to my ears and I sat fascinated by his dimple. "before Daniel died he used to treat his girl like a princess. we all saw how dad was with mum and vowed never to treat a woman like that. so I used to hear all the things he done for her. plus me and mum used to watch bare romcoms" he finished sheepishly. I laughed at his little secret and he winked.

we left the resteraunt in high spirits. partly because I ate all my food and dessert so Jordan was in some kind of ecstacy and partly because it had been the loveliest day I had ever had. holding hands as we walked back across the beach front I decided to let the silence surround us comfortably for a while before asking yet another question. "Jords you know I'm fifteen right?..." he nodded looking out at the sea. "...and you know I'm not sixteen until next year right?" this time he turned to face me. "I ain't tryna go prison for you girl. your hot as he'll but I won't touch you till your old enough. no matter how crazy you drive me" he said before I could even Continue. "no that's not what I... wait I drive you crazy?" I dunno why I was so happy to hear this but even as my skin darkened to its usual purple red shade I had to admit I was intrigued. he laughed and squeezed my hand. "you know the effect you have shy. can't tell you how many cold showers I have had since I met you." I snorted like a tramp but couldn't help it. poor jords. " what I was gonna say is what you gonna do while your waiting.?" he stopped walking and stared at me. "what you mean?" I sighed looking at his shirt buttons. "like are you gonna see other girls?" I said meekly. and his fingers lifted my chin to meet his gaze. "you tell me shy. gam I in a relationship or am I single? cos if I'm taken I dint mind waiting but if I'm single there's no point" I almost drowned in his his grey eyes. he waited expectantly and I almost forgot he needed an answer. "your taken jords. definitely." I said gaining confidence in my decision even as I said the words. his smile made my legs week as he leaned down and gave me a toe curling kiss.loving to seal the deal. and with that  I was officially off the market.

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