Chapter Twenty Two

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Honestly I don't remember much after that. The world seemed to move in slow motion as I took in the information. I recall crouching in between dads legs and hugging him tightly. I recall Sean joining the hug and I recall carina and Kayla arriving at my house. Other than that it was a blur. I don't remember anyone saying aunt Sharon had passed but I just felt it. And as I sat on the sofa in Rios tracksuit two hours later I couldn't believe what was going on. aunt Sharon had been like a mum to us after mum died. Dad had turned to her for support and we spent almost every weekend with aunty Sharon for about five years. me and Sean did anyway. I gasped as I realised Travis and Brianna had lost their mum. They were twins also and the same age as troy and Reece. after taking two more bites out of the toast that Kayla was trying to shove down my throat I ran to the toilet to throw up. This was too much for me. Dad had gone to bed whilst he awaited a call from Uncle Roy as to what exactly happened. Sean had smashed the front room lamp and stormed out of the house and Kieran had prepared me toast and then gone upstairs him self. I was left with the girls in the dark front room as no one had bothered to turn the lights on. Now sitting in the bathroom with my forehead resting on the wall I let the tears fall. I was starting to seriously believe that I was cursed. I had seen aunty Sharon at my birthday party happy and full of life. telling me she was proud of how I had grown into such a beautiful intelligent young woman. Now she was gone. after what seemed like an eternity I heard foot steps outside the door and realised I better get up. my body felt so weak and heavy. a knock sounded but I ignored it as I made the huge effort to peel myself from the floor and gargle mouth wash. I sat on the side of the bath and tried to collect myself. my eyes burned puffy and red and my nose was like a dripping tap. who ever was outside had slid down the wall and was waiting outside the door. I smiled knowing Kayla would wrestle her way in here if I didn't come out. I took in a deep breath and blew my nose before opening the door.

There slumped on the floor looking up at me was Rio. I shook my head convinced I had finally gone crazy. why would god punish me. I couldn't possibly deal with this on top of my aunt. that was just too much heart break in one day. squeezing my eyes shut tightly in frustration I opened them to find those same gorgeous brown eyes looking up at me. I wasn't imagining him. Kayla and carina sat on the stairs looking worried carina bit on her bottom lip nervously. I ripped my eyes from the girls back to rio. he was standing slowly and was now towering over me. "im sorry about your aunt, I just heard." his deep voice reached my eardrums and I felt the tears rise again at the mention of one heart break from the mouth of another. I didn't know how he knew and I stood awkwardly staring at his chest as I tried to find my voice. "I saw Sean on road he was in bits tried to fight me and all sorts." he answered my unasked question and stepped closer. "im here shy. if you need me. you know this. whenever, I don't care what time, call me im here." it felt so good to hear even though the logical part of my brain was laughing sarcastically at him. staring at the buttons on his grey polo top. I heard my dads door open. I looked up into his face to see he had aged considerably in a matter of hours. he rubbed his hands down his face and stopped when he noticed us all on the landing. Kieran came out of his room and leaned back on the door waiting to hear what dad had to say. "head on collision with a drunk driver. she died instantly. felt no pain." his voice sounded alien to me and I started to feel dizzy as my legs weakened beneath me. "uncle Roy is gonna come and stay here for a little while, im gonna go over there now but I wont try and drive back until tomorrow. Travis and Brianna are gonna stay in Manchester at their uni." I couldn't even breathe properly as I squeezed out my question "what happened to the driver?" my voice was horse and croaky and I hated it. dad sighed "he's in a critical condition, apparently he is a known crack head high and drunk off of his head. car was stolen." I felt the anger light up my body and weaken it further. Kieran said he would go with dad to get uncle Roy and Dad stared at Rio for long moments before looking at me and the girls. "Rio, now is not the time to get into anything with you. im not happy your here and your not welcome here but seeing as you are here look after the girls until Sean returns." wow dad was rude when he wanted to be. "yes sir, my condolences" rio replied sounding remorseful. Dad nodded and walked down stairs with heavy steps. he turned and looked at me when he reached the bottom. "you don't have to go to school tomorrow shy. But make sure you guys get home safe" he directed the last part to rio and the girls and with that him and Kieran were gone. carinas phone rang as the door shut and I looked at the clock in dads room it was almost eleven wow.

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