Chapter Twenty

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Untangling myelf from the girls I hopped up the stairs to get my phone and bag. maybe today wouldnt be a complete disaster. walking accross the landing as i flicked open my notifications I noticed more missed calls and texts from that idiot named Rio. I sank down on the top step menttally preparing myself as i looked at the messages.


Happy Birthday baby. I know you hate me and I fucked everything up but I want you to enjoy your day as much as possible. Wish i was sharing it with you today still stands if you wanna meet me we can still head up to london. I no thats probabky just wishful thinking but please believe I have never felt this way about any one shy. I need you and I know I should have told the truth but when i looked at rico it just wouldnt come out. I dunno if your even reading this or just deleting all my texts but im sorry. Imiss you and I dont wanna call it quits. if itts time you need then you got it but dont give up on us shy. I can fix this just give me time. I dont wanna lose you. call me shy please. im sorry about them texts earlier. im sorry about everything. your hubby... Rio x

A single tear made its way down my cheek and I brushed at it impatiently as I moved to quickly see what messages he was apologising for. it became apparent immediately. I had a string of angry messages from him ranging from a single swear word to him threatening to come to my house. My dad appeared at the bottom of the stairs and looked up at me with sympathy. Bounding up the stairs two at a time he reached me on the top step and sat beside me. "You ok?" he said quietly and I shook my head as his arm stretched round to squeeze me tight. I rested my head on his shoulder. As another silent tear fell. My dad sighed before speaking. "Shy it's for the best. He's put you through nothing but drama since you met him." I nodded my agreement even as my heart shattered that little bit more. "It will take time but you will get over him. He's your first love so you won't believe it now but it does get easier." I nodded again before wiping my escaping tears impatiently and standing up. "Thanks daddy" I mumbled kissing his cheek before departing down stairs. The door bell rang just as I reached the bottom step and everyone turned with a look of widespread panic towards me. I tried to steady my jelly legs before stepping towards the door. I opened it just as the twins came up behind me. Not sure if disappointment or relief was washing through my veins I looked up into Jamal's concerned face. "Hey you alright?" he asked his deep voice bouncing around my head like a Ping pong ball. I nodded briefly as I still stood with my hand on the handle effectively stopping him from entering. "Wagwan tugz" Troys equally loud voice boomed over my shoulder. Snapping me out of my rude stance staring at his gold chain. I stepped back to let him pass but he didn't look to pleased at my appearance. "You sure your ok?" He asked again as he spudded my brothers he was still looking down at me but I had yet to make eye contact. "She's cool man just on her way out with the gyal dem" Reece answered trying to usher Jamal further into the house. He was reluctant to move and was making it more than obvious that he wasn't just a concerned friend of my brothers. "Where you going?" he asked making Troy look at him funny then at me. Thankfully Kayla saved me as she deliberately marched straight across his foot. Making him jump back. "Out shopping and maybe a movie. Thanks for helping us out yesterday. Your a really good friend" she said not so subtly and he realised his mistake immediately. An easy smile fell over his face and he walked further into the hallway. "Ok ok well glad your feeling better. Have fun guys" he then turned abruptly to the twins effectively dismissing us as he explained he was at my house to check everything was calm after last night. The trio then made their way upstairs as we shouted bye and left the house.

"Oh gee that was so close!" carina exclaimed and I nodded in agreement. " Thanks for saving me Kay" I said hugging her sideways whilst walking "you are welcome he is waaaay to obvious. I was uncomfortable and he weren't even staring at me. That was intense. He is hot though but your brothers would snap his neck off his broad shoulders if they knew about the watch and stuff. On that note can I add that Reece was looking fiiiiine today. Is that new will smith film out yet?" I frowned at her and noticed carina had a displeased look on her face aswell. "Kayla you can't say that about shys brother. It's a breech of the girl code" carina admonished as we slowly walked to the bus stop. "Plus you got chris" I reminded. "I know I know I wouldn't cheat or anything it was just an observation. Chris is my main squeeze but Reece is hot just saying. You still thought Jamal was hot even though he was annoying as hell and he's a friend of your brothers isn't there a brother code??? plus you are with rio ... were with rio. Sorry I'll shut up." I smiled despite my self. Kayla couldn't shut up if you were to staple her mouth shut. "It's ok. Just annoyed that he ruined my birthday that's all" I said sulking slightly. "Excuse you we are trying to make sure it's not a total lost cause give us some credit" carina stated flicking her platinum locks over her shoulder. I laughed and apologised at the evils the two were giving me as we stood at the bus stop. Looking up at the bus times on arrival at the bus stop I tutted, twelve minutes. Damn Sunday service. After eight minutes a black car sped down my road and parked on the edge of the junction hidden from view of my house. Out jumped Jamal. He stood brushing down his hair an adjusting his watch as he waited for the road to clear then he was there in front of me. I groaned inwardly. What did he want. I only broke up with rio this morning for gods sake. "Shy, girls" Kayla and carina beamed at Jamal's casual wave as he approached. "How you feeling" he said quietly as he stopped inches from my face causing me to crane my neck to meet his eyes. "You acted like an idiot in the house" I responded ignoring his question and he let out a deep breath. "I know I'm sorry. I was just mad worried. You ran off last night like a mad girl and I tried to ask your brothers casually but they just said you were home. So I had to come check. You do my brain in. Why let that fool make you take leave of your senses girl?" Oh. This I was not expecting. So now I was left with two options. I could either attempt to get my foot high enough to kick him in the head. Or apologise for acting like a little kid yesterday. The first sounded so much more satisfying but my tired bones ached at the thought of it. Instead I glared at him. I had quiet enough of people telling me what I was doing wrong. "What makes you think you can ask me a question like that. Your the one running around after a school girl. Just leave me alone Jamal I'm not in the mood to get anyone else nagging me or telling me what a fool I am for being with rio." He stood stunned staring at me. Opening his mouth and closing it again every now and then as if he wanted to say something then changed his mind. Eventually he nodded itching his nose in that thuggish manner of his. I had a sneaking suspicion that his nose wasn't itchy at all and this was just a habit. "Shy I'm the last person to judge you on who you fall for. I'm out here going crazy over a fifteen year old. I just wanted to check you was ok." I sighed heavily feeling bad. "I'm fine Jamal. Seriously I'm ok" he nodded again looking down the road with a thoughtful expression on his face. He was still inches away from me as Kayla and carina say chewing gum and watching with avid interest. Today he was wearing a black string vest a black top and black three quarter length shorts. His black socks were pulled up on his thick legs and black air forces. His gold jewellery was ever present. I moved my eyes back to his face "Your bus is here" oh. Just when I thought he was gonna say something deep. "Thanks" I mumbled moving past him to put my hand out. He left his hands in his pockets his tattoos disappearing into the fabric of his shorts. He didn't turn round just continued to study the bus shelter as we said goodbye and got on the bus. I could tell he was irritated. But it wasn't my place to attempt to make him feel Better. "Harsh shy" carina admonished as we sat down stairs on the hot bus. I blushed feeling doubly guilty as I watched Jamal cross the road to his car from the bus window. We shopped till we literally dropped, well Kayla anyway. trying to open a hubba bubba and still keep up with us whilst holding her big bundle of bags she tripped over the slope and landed on her knees.  I don't remember laughing as hard as I did at that moment laughing until tears slipped past my eyelids and traced down my face. Kayla was not amused at me and carina in hysterics but soon joined us the laughter becoming infectious. onlookers tutted and gave us dirty looks at the commotion we were making but we were too far gone to care. we finally calmed down when carinas phone rang and she tried to get her self under control still spluttering as she walked away from me and Kayla doubled over outside JD sports. "how the heck did you manage that?" I asked Kayla my voice raspy and filled with my obvious shock. Instead of a coherent answer I got a dirty look and a load of grunts and mumbling about evil friends. Carina came back still wiping tears from her eyes. "That was Cody he said happy birthday shy. you guys ready for cinema that movie you two are talking about starts in twenty, we got just enough time to grab something to eat." we nodded and piled in McDonalds to stock up on food which we hid in our various bags before entering the cinema in the complex and making our way to the back of the cinema.

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