Chapter Twenty Six

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"Your fucking crazy" as I sat in the library with Jordan the following evening I wished I hadn't told him what had happened between rio and I yesterday. To say he was upset was an understatement. I stayed quiet eating my chips as I watched him stab his fork over aggressively into a Chip on his on plate. "So you think everything is gonna be cool now yea? you two gonna run off into the sunset together? come on shy think man." I huffed knowing I couldn't argue because he was right. "You think if you was with me I would be moving cos you said it's over once? Look how quick he is to give up and you want that in your life" ugh he sounded like Kayla. When I rang her last night she had said the exact same thing. Carina had at least tried to see things from my side before agreeing with Kayla. "Alright jourds I get it I'm an idiot. Please drop it" I mumbled feeling super shitty. "No your not an idiot shy that's why I'm pissed off. You know this is bullshit yet your happy to let him play you like a fool" he complained stabbing his fork in my direction. I took a deep breath. "Pretty pretty pretty please can we drop it now Jordan." I asking giving my best puppy dog eyes. I got a scowl for my effort and he kissed his teeth before throwing his chips in the nearby bin. I gaped at him they were literally uneaten. He never threw away food. I gave him a look and he grunted his response. "Lost my appetite" I pushed my chips away slowly and he growled in response. I glanced at the bin ready to throw mine too I hadn't even been hungry when he bought them. "Don't even think about it" he threatened pushing the plate back towards me. Before slouching in his chair and drumming his fingers restlessly on the table. His bicep bulging from his short sleeve top. Tattoos adorning his arm. "What is your obsession with food. Or with me and food?" I asked sulking as I slouched in my own chair too. We had been in the library for the last two hours and I hadn't done a second of work. Infact I had no work to do. I was there because Jordan had text me after school. His exact words being "library NOW!". Rio had been distant at school trying not to push his luck but he had winked at me a few times and sent me a couple texts. It didn't even feel real. "I gotta go home soon so be nice" I complained when Jordan sent me another angry glare. He kissed his teeth again one hand down his track suit bottoms the other still strumming on the table as he looked around the canteen. "Stop being a cry baby please" I moaned dragging out the please until I got the desired effect which was his gorgeous dimple on show although he tried to fight it. "Pipe down man ain't no one crying. never that." I smirked in response and he shook his head before turning his body to face me. "Please eat" he said softly and I huffed picking up a chip. His smile broadened when I continued to eat and I couldn't help but giggle. "Your such a freak jourds" he laughed "you don't even know girl" when I finnished He walked me out and motioned towards the car. "Jourds that car already got me in trouble yesterday. Let me get the bus." I whinged but he gave me the look and I knew I wasn't gonna win. "Fuck boy don't drive so he can't tell me nothing shy. Your safety is important to me and if he ain't taking care of it I will" i gasped at his rudeness "he's not old enough to drive Jordan" I argued and he looked at me like I was crazy before shutting me in and walking around the car. fiddling with his phone he answered "Neither am I. I'm only 16 shy member that. I'm a few months older than dude if that." I sighed dramatically and looked out of the window in a strop. I hated it when he was right. And his stupid laugh weren't helping my mood. "Chill girl you know im only looking out for you" I shot him a glare. "I don't need looking out for Jordan. Just take me home" he laughed again and I frowned. No one took me serious.

Back at home I headed straight for the bath and reflected on everyone's disapproval of rio. Part of me knew I was making a mistake taking him back but I cared about him too much to let him walk away. My mind drifted back to my conversation with Jordan. At least three times he had said "If you were my girl" I knew he liked me he didn't try to hide it. But still he was respectful and never tried to make a move. I let my mind wonder onto what it would be like to be with him. I would probably be obese with the way he shoved food down my throat. If it was possible I felt even safer with Jordan than I did rio. And there was no denying he was hot. When I showed the girls his display picture on whatts app their mouths had hit the floor and I had to wrestle the phone from Kayla before she licked the screen. I sighed sinking further into the bubbles. Jordan smoked occasionally and I didn't like that but everything else was perfect. Except... he just wasn't rio. I planned to avoid rio until I had made up my mind about what I wanted. Or at least until after the funeral. My head was too messed up to think on it now.

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