Chapter Thirty Seven

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I felt his lips on my shoulder before I was fully awake. His fingers brushed over my hips suggestively and my body set alight. opening my eyes sleepily I smiled into his neck as his big body shifted closer to me. "Jords?" i questioned breathlessly wondering why he was getting me all hot and bothered. "happy birthday girl" he said his gravely voice sending chills down my spine. oh. It took me a moment to realise what he had said and as I turned to look at the clock a bigger smile spread accross my face. It was infact three minutes past twelve, I was sixteen. Jords was on his knees now between my thighs and his eyes were roaming over me like I was the juiciest burger or something. his breathing was heavy and he licked his lips moving his eyes back up to my face. I suddenly realised what it all meant. Jordan had waited up so he could have me as soon as it was my birthday. But I wasn't prepared. I didn't have my sexy underwear. Or the hair style the girls suggested. I was in Jordan's boxers and my vest, my hair thrown up in a messy ponytail. No this was supposed to be special. He was gripping my hip and stroking his thumb accross my pelvis in the most erotic way. His grey eyes portraying his unasked question. Looking at his chiseled bare chest and bulging biceps my mouth went dry. He managed to look vulnerable and confident at the same time. Biting his bottom lip he squeezed on my hip gently bringing me out of my day dream, raising his eyebrows to indicate he needed the go ahead to seduce me. oh. I gulped trying to think of a good enough excuse to not do what I had been desperately begging for this past year. I licked my lips and his eyes darkened. Still he painted little patterns accross my sensitive hip. Jordan cocked his head to the side obviously confused by my lack of enthusiasm at the idea of breaking the torturous fast we had undergone. "My period came" I squeaked looking anywhere but his face as my skin turned the darkest shade of red. His hand stilled for a moment as he caught his breath "swear?" he breathed sounding absoloutely gutted. I nodded guilt ridden and ashamed. But this needed to be perfect just like I planned. He opened and closed his mouth a few times not entirely sure what to say then he gulped and nodded. "sorry jords" i whispered. and his smile returned. "its kl beautiful, waited this long. a few more days wont kill me." Now i felt even more guilty, jords was being all understanding and sweet, my heart melted. "i hope" he added sheepishly as he laid on top of me crushing me to the matress. I giggled  as I welcomed his warmth, i pushed my fingers into his gorgeous curls and kissed the side of his face repeatedly. "stop, its teasing" he grumbled even as he turned his face into the kisses. "jords i cant stay, my family do birthday breakfasts on birthdays." he nodded and checked the time "not yet" and I agreed I was way too comfy to go anywhere yet.

At ten past eleven my crazy family bundled into my room doing the whole birthday breakfast thing. The contrast from my last birthday was amazing. Even troy and sean eating eighty percent of my food didn't bother me. I sat cross legged on my bed unwrapping my various presents. My brothers had gone all out for my sixteenth and I had jewellery and money coming out of my ears. I had a huge teddy from dad and a wink that told me my presents would be given privately.

Even through all my joy at starting my birthday so wonderfully my chest still burned a little as I wondered where Rio was. It was now two pm and everyone had arrived except for jords. kayla and carina had arrived with Chris and Cody about an hour ago and we're just helping me with my hair and makeup. I felt so grown up. "Come on girls it's only lunch not the grammys" Dad shouted up the stairs and I laughed. I knew my hair and makeup was a little overdone for a simple nandos lunch but I needed it for later and I wouldn't have the girls with me to help. my hair was dead straight at the roots softening into loose curls at the bottom and I had clipped it back out of my face.

Carina had applied my makeup to celebrity standard and I had to admit I looked good. teamed with my peach colored jumpsuit and sandals I looked and felt amazing. carina was in a navy blue maxi dress and kayla had opted for a short red skater dress. Before we went downstairs carina and kayla handed me a duffel bag with all the stuff I would need for my evening with jords i was so excited I could hardly sit still. "you look gorgeous shy" carina said excitedly as she touched up my lip gloss. "ye proper nice now let's go I'm starving that chicken is calling me  " kayla stated whilst twirling around in the mirror. Walking downstairs I dunno what I was expecting but the disgust on my brothers face wasnt it. Troy and Reece began their normal tag team routine but I paid them no mind. It was as close to a compliment as they could manage. "why do you look older than me fam..." " bruv why does your face look photoshopped" I reached the bottom step as the doorbell rang and for just a split second my heart stopped. I instantly got it together and shook myself mentally before swinging the door open.

There stood my man in his polo shirt and jeans. looking delicious. The grey top matching his eyes perfectly. Jordan's smile took my breath away as his dimple appeared and he licked his lips. "what's up girl" he said in his deep voice and I almost dribbled. he stepped into the hallway placing a kiss on my cheek as he past. he waved a hello to everyone and shook my dad's hand before we all checked we were ready. moments later I was in Jordan's car with the sun on my face and aaliyah blaring out. kayla carina and the boys had gone in my dad's car and Troy and Reece were taking Kieran and sean. Nandos was packed as usual and I noticed Jordan was super quiet and even more alert than usual but chose to ignore it. Mid way through our meal I noticed that there was a table of boys not too far from us that kept staring. At first I assumed they was just checking out the girls but when Jordan excused him self to go toilet and the boys followed My stomach took a nose dive to the floor. I was about to stand when troy pushed me gently back into my seat. Looking up at him and Reece I realised they had seen it happen too and were now heading towards the toilets aswell. Dad had yet to notice anything a miss and I tried to listen to him telling my baby stories but my heart was in my mouth as I trained my eye on the toilet door. They were taking forever. 

The guys returned and left the resteraunt quickly and I gulped waiting for my brother's and Jordan to do the same. They didn't and my heart banged against my rib cage with a fierceness that made me dizzy. Finally I couldn't take it any more and I stood up to go and see but just then they exited the toilet and I sighed in relief. He had been fighting I could tell. 

"shy you ok sweetie?" Dad asked and I realised I was standing up hand on my chest. I looked down at him and smiled weakly before nodding and sitting back down. Reece had his hand on Jordan's shoulder and was talking into his ear as jords nodded and patted his back. soon he was sitting back beside me and shook his head when I gave him a questioning look. Jordan's arm went around the back of my chair and stroked my shoulder as he looked down at his plate. "jords?" "nothing is spoiling your day baby. let's leave it for tomorrow ok?" he whispered back and I sighed knowing he wasn't going to tell me anything. "are you hurt?" i asked instead trying to get at least some information out of him. "no girl. stop worrying" he said before leaning in to kiss my cheek.

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