Ch-16 Date PT.3 (last part)

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Momo POV

Finally, me and Suga oppa arrived at the restaurant! I looked at the restaurant, it looked a little fancy yet a little like some other normal restaurants. It was so pretty!^^

Once we got inside, Suga oppa asked for a seat for 2. They said we would have to wait awhile. While we were waiting I sat there looking at Suga oppa from the corner of eye. He looked so cute! While looking at him Mark oppa suddenly came into my mind. 'Forget him for now Momo!' I said to myself in my head.

I wanted to get Mark out of head. He denied my felling so i need to move on and just stay by Yoongi oppas side. As I was trying my very best to forget Mark oppa, I suddenly leaned head on Yoongi oppas shoulder. He was slightly surprised but ended up wrapping his arm around part of my hip and waist. It actually felt nice to feel his warmth beside me. And this absolutely helped me forget Mark.

"Min Yoongi, your table is ready." The waiter had said to us. Once we got seated the waiter introduced herself. "안녕하세요, I am your waiter today and my name is Bae Suzy." Bae Suzy, the waiter said. "안녕." Me and Yoongi oppa said in unison. Suzy, had handed us our menus but kept giving Yoongi oppa these looks like she was checking him out. I was honestly getting kind of jelous.
"What would you like to drink?^^" she asked Yoongi oppa first. "Um, Sprite please." "Ok.^^" she gave Yoongi oppa a sweet eye smile. I was disgusted. "And you.😒" she gave me a wierd face almost like an Eww face and back off face. "I would also like a sprite.^^" I gave her a smile being the nice person I am. "Ok." She walked off, I could've swore she mumbled something after. But I didn't hear it. I looked at Yoongi oppa who was smiling to himself while looking at the menus. "Yoongi oppa, what do plan in ordering?" I asked with a little bit of aegyeo. "I don't know, what are you getting?" "I think the Parmesaun Alfredo with grilled Shrimp, probably." "Oh, I will get the same!^^" "so what do you want to talk about?" I aaked. "Um I don't know, do you want to know anything about me or the Bangtan members?" "O! Do you and your members have nicknames? " "Some of us." "Really! Who and what are their nicknames?" "Well Jungkook is sometimes called Kookie or The Golden Maknae, Jimin is Chim Chim, Mama Jin, J-horse, and they said I look like a turtle!" Yoongi oppa made a sad/whiny face. "Aww, your my turtle.^^" I said. Wait... did I just say "My"? What is wrong with me?! I wonder if he noticed that I said my.

Just as I thought of what I said that Suzy girl came back. Geez, I really don't like the way she's looking at Suga oppa and is so rude to me. She's definitely not getting a tip.

She had our drinks and her note pad. "Here you are.^^" She said to Suga oppa all sweet and stuff. "Here. -_-" She put the cup down almost like she was slamming it. "Sir, what would you like to order?^-^" "Oh! Me and Momo will have the Shrimp Parmesaun Alfredo." "Ok" She sounded slightly, just slightly aggrivated. Probably didn't like hearing my name.

She went back to the kitchen. "Yoongi opp, I will go use the bathroom, ok?" "Ok!^^"

I walked towards the bathroom which was right in front of the kitchen. I noticed Suzy was looking at me go in there. While walking to the mirror, someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me to look straight at them. Then they slammed me against the wall near the door.

It was Suzy. God i really hate this girl. "What are you doing? Let go!" I said looking straight into her eyes. Her eyes were filled with anger and so were mine. "Hey, how about you back off that cute guy, huh?" "What!? No! I'm with him!😠" "Sure." She rolled her eyes. "What do you mean, "Sure."?" "Can't you tell he is not interested." She was lying, right?

I pushed her off of me. "What are you talking about? He asked me on a date!" "Yea right. Why would a cutie want to go on a date with someone who's worth nothing?"

I walked out of the bathroom. I was so pissed right now. We'll just see who he likes😏. "Yoongi oppa, I'm back!^^" I said sitting in my chair. He was looking at his phone. "Hey, your back!!" "Yup and can I ask you a question?" "Yea, sure." I saw that Suzy was coming back with our plates. Then I said it when she could hear."Would you be my boyfriend?" Suzy looked angry. Like she wanted to kill me. "Yes! I wanted to ask you that too!" I was so happy, but still not as happy as I was with Mark.' Momo! Stop thinking about him!' I said to myself in my head.

Then, Yoongi oppa grabbed my hand and held it. His hand felt so warm and soft. I love being with Yoongi oppa.^^

"Here." Suzy said giving us the plates in a kind of rude manner. I was happy that she backed off.

Soon after eating, me and Yoongi oppa went to my house. He had dropped me off.

"Bye Momo. I will miss you." Yoongi said closing the car door for me. " I will miss you too." As I was walking back to my front door Yoongi pulled be into a hug. "I already miss you." "Me too." I said looking at him with puppy eyes. "Please stay at my dorm with me. Only 3 of the boys will be there. Some have gone out to meet their parents." "Um, I don't know."

"Pleaseee." "Fine but let me leave a note for my parents. And I need some clothes." "Ok" I was walking away, but Yoongi was following. "What are you doing?" "I'll miss you if you leave me." " So your coming with me?" "Yup!^^" "Fine." I went in and grabbed everything and wrote the note with Yoongi behind me following every step I take.

Soon I left with Yoongi oppa.


Hi, so sorry for not that many updates. But I dont think I'll have enough time to write this weekend, my family is going to stay over. But this one of the longest chapters I ever made. It was over 1000 words! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!안녕!^^

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