Ch.43 "Sure,"

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Mark POV

I was startled by the loud bell notifying everyone class was over. Thank god it was the last class too. "Momo, let me wall you home, I want to see your mother again." "Oh, I don't live with my mother anymore actually." "Well, let me walk you home at least. Please," He held both of his hands together in front of his chest. "Well, I guess so. Let's go!" I listened to their whole conversation. I could tell he was slightly flirting with her. But, why is he going to her house?! She lives alone, who knows what will happen!! "Momo, can I walk you back home?" "You too? Ok Mark." She picked up her books and got up out the chair. I quickly grabbed my books and followed behind her like a lost puppy.

Once everybody grabbed their bags we left all together. Joshua was slightly in front of me and was really really close to Momo. I kept noticing his shoulder brushing against hers. I quickly jogged closer to them and pulled Joshua away to the side. I wrapped my arm around her waist. I noticed Joshua giving me a death glare but I just ignored it.

Not to long after we finally made it to Momo's apartment. I wanted to stay with her longer and it looked like Joshua wanted to too. "Momo, can I stay with you a little bit longer? I don't want to go home now." I looked at her with pleasing eyes. "Me too!! Please let me stay longer." "Sure! We can hang out and watch some movies!^^" She pressed in 4 digits on the lock and opened the door. All of us stepped in and put on our slippers. "Momo, it's very pretty!" I looked around her place. White sofa with pretty pillows, dark brown table, and pretty plants near the window in the corner. It was simple but very pretty and some how unique. "Thank you Mark. I still have to buy some more furniture though." She walked into the kitchen. "You guys can pick a movie,it's on the below the TV." She pointed towards our way. "Ok!" We both yelled. I crouched down and scanned all the different titles. Then I saw one of my favorite movies, "Flu". (A/N one of my korean movies on Netflix😆) "Joshua, you wanna watch this?" I held the disc case up to his face. "Sure, it's a pretty good movie." We both got up, I placed the movie on the brown table before I made my way towards the kitchen.

"What you doing?" I jumped in front of Momo. "Aish! You scared me!!" "Ah, mian." I made a cute face and she just chuckled. "Do you like nacho cheese with your popcorn?" "Hm? Oh, no. I love it!!^^" she laughed this time. "Can you help me real quick?" "Yea, what is it?" I'll bring the cheese and popcorn you can take the drinks. They are on the table over there." "Araseo." "Thank you!^^" she ran off to the living room with the food. I grabbed all the Cola and did the same.

After everything was placed on the table, Joshua put the movie in the DVD player and we all watched the movie. After a while most of the popcorn was gone and the sodas. I was just about to get more but I felt a light weight on my shoulder. It was Momo. I suddenly heard a loud sigh from the other side of Momo. Joshua looked kind of annoyed, his nose scrunched up and eyebrows pressed together almost touching. I smirked at him and I'm pretty sure he noticed.

He just rolled his eyes. I could tell he was vexed. Even though it was slightly dark in Gere I could tell his face was red. Suddenly I felt Momo's head lift up and she rubbed her eyes. "It's around 6pm, shouldn't you guys be going home by now?" She looked at Joshua then me. "Yea,I guess so." I stood up and straightened my shirt. "I'll get going to Momo. Thank you for having me over." "Its was no problem really!^^" she walked with me and Joshua over to the door. I slipped on my shoes and so did Joshua.

I was the first one to leave already heading towards the elevator. I thought Joshua was behind me so I didn't bare to look back. I pressed one of the arrows and the door opened seconds later. I already walked in and pressed floor 1 to get out the apartment. I quickly pressed the "close door" button. That's when I noticed Joshua wasn't even in the elevator with me. Actually he wasn't even walking with me!

Momo POV

Mark was already in the elevator while Joshua stayed in front of me. "Joshua? Arnt you going to go?" "I will but I need to ask you something, Person to Person." (A/N anyone know this line from a K-Drama? If you do comment and I'll give you a special shout out on my next chapter😊😊)

"Um, ok. Go ahead." "Well, do you maybe want to date?" I suddenly felt a lump in my throat. "U-u-uum," I started studdering. I was just so taken back by his words. My childhood friend that I had a crush on is asking me out. But Mark, I think I like him too. Well, he hasn't made a move nor confessed to me and I'm not going to go chasing after a man so...

"Sure." "Jinjja!? I'm so happy!" He pulled me into his arms. I chuckled at him and he finally released me." Ya! Go home now it's getting late I'm tired." "Fine! See you at school tomorrow!" He ran off towards the elevator. I waved at him and he waved back.


Omg I finally finished!! Guys,I'm so sorry for not updating in almost 5 days! I'm just so lazy and I have been staying past 5am watching K-Dramas😅😅.

I promise to update soon! 안녕!♡

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