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Today I was tagged by IGot7Starlights!

{Name a song that starts with each letter of your username}

G: Good Boy - GDXYB
M: Magnetic- Got7
H: Home Run- Got7
K: Knockout- GD&TOP
M: Manse - Seventeen
K: Killer- BTS
B: Bad Boy- Bigbang
S: Stop it- B.A.P
J: Jam Jam- Seventeen

{13 things about yourself}

1)I started listening to kpop in 3rd grade
2) I'm in my first year of middle school
3) My ultimate bias is G-Dragon
4) I use +8 social media apps
5) I hold grudges for a long time
6) I'm 5'3"
7) My best friend(s) are Kayla and Alan
8) My favorite color is Black
9) I own over 20 kpop albums
10) I took a Japanese class last year at my elementary school
11) I have to take band class-_- (but an Asian guy is there so I'm all good😂😂😜)
12) Bigbang is my ultimate bias group
13) I have curly bleached hair^^

So finally I'm finished and I now have to tag 15 people!! Honestly my lazy self doesn't feel like going through my followers so honestly, everyone that follows me if tagged😂😂.

Geez I'm so lazy, but thanks 1Got7Starlights for the tag! Also, I will probably update soon since ei have a 3 day weekend!^^ 안녕.

Her profile: http://my.w.tt/UiNb/OR9OhZtSiw

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