Ch.31 "Do I know you?" "Who are you?"

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Momo POV

Once I picked up all of the vegetables I ran/jogged over to Mark who was checking the green peppers. "Ooh, this one." He whisper - talked to himself. "Mark oppa! Do you have all the vegetables you need?" I said looking at all of the shiny peppers. "No, I need some carrots and broccoli." He said looking for some other vegetables. "Oh, 그곳에 (there)!" He pointed towards the carrot section. He ran towards the section scanning the food once again. " This one, this one, ooh that one." I heard him say. I was standing there watching him carefully pick vegetables, I am honestly so bored right now. "Hey, oppa, I'm going to go look for some meat." I said walking off to do more shopping.

Suddenly someone grabbed my hand and pulled me into their side. As soon as I smelled his scent I knew it was definitely Mark. "Oppa, what are you doing?" "Don't leave (A/N Omg I just thought of GD and T.O.P) me. Im scared one of us will get lost or can't find eachother." "-_-, uhh, fine oppa, but 빠리!(Hurry)" I said I can deny how cute he looks. "Awww thank you!" He pulled me into a hug. I quickly pulled away completely confused at what he just did.

"Sorry Momo, I was just so excited." Mark oppa said backing away 1 step while scratching the back of his head. 'Omg, he looks so cute!!! He is blushing!' I thought. I can't believe I'm fangirling over him. But suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder, I looked at Marks face and he looked aggrivated, annoyed, and angry.

Other guy POV

When I walked in the store, I kept my head down and walked slowly. But to my right I heard a voice suddenly yell/screech "ooh, EXO next door!!" I looked over and saw a light brown haired girl with a guy that had similar hair color. She looked like someone I know. But I just shrugged it off and went to the vegetable section. I grabbed a little bag of baby carrots and went to the corner to find some ranch. Once I reached the dressings I scanned the whole area. I soon saw the ranch and bent down to get a bottle but I suddenly heard the voice and a name that sounded very familiar. A guy had said, "Sorry Momo,I was just so excited."

I looked up and saw those 2 people I saw earlier. The guy looked really similar, wait is that Mark Tuan?!? But when the gurl turned around a picture just came to my mind. It was of me and that girl laying together. (A/N you guys remember this?). I find this really really confusing. But I still walked up to her. I don't really know why but I feel like I needed too.

"Um, excuse me." I said after I tapped on her shoulder. "Uh, yes, do I know you? Who are you?," she said when she turned around to face me. "Um, I'm..."


Hey guys! So I finally finished Ch.30 and just now finished typing Ch.31! It took a very long time to make thede, but today, I had 1 whole day to finish it!

Also, if you guys want me to post Ch.32 today or tomorrow just comment and I will do it! Anyways 안녕^^.

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