Ch- 34- My Childhood

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Mark POV

"어빠! Let's play!^^" My best friend Hani yelled. "Ok!" I ran out to my backyard with her following behind.

Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself.

I'm Mark Yi En Tuan. My age is 7 and I have a best friend that lives next door named Hani! She is 5!^^

"Hani!" I yelled to get her attention. "Are you ready?" "네,어빠!" I threw the ball really fast. Oops. I hit her straight in the forehead. "Ouch!" She had fallen back from all the force. I quickly ran to her. She was already bawling her eyes out.

I tried to get her to stop so my parents wouldn't yell at me. "당신은 괜찮아?" (Are you ok?) "Yea, I'm fine." She sits up slowly. "Are you sure?" "Yup!" She's back to her normal self.

"Mark! What do you want for lunch?" I heard my 어머니 yell from the screen door. "Um, 비빔밥(Bibimbap)!" I said and looked at her. "Arraseo!" She walked away towards the kitchen.

Min Ka Eul/ Kayla POV

"Ouch!" I yelled when I got hit in the forhead. I fell back and was in serious pain. Like it was a BASEBALL!

"당신을 괜찮아?" I heard Mark oppa ask. He was hovering over me, 'Omg he is so cute!!!' I thought in my head. I had a crucial on him ever since I seen him. "Yeah, im fine." I sit up. "Are you sure?" "Yup" I quickly get up so he doesn't see me blush.

Time skip

"안녕 어빠!" I wave from down his steps. I head to my house which is to the left of his. "잘가!" I hear him reply. I am already walking back to my house. I take 6 steps and see that a new girl is moving a couple houses down.' She looks really pretty.' I thought when I turned to face my house. When I walk into my house I see no one down stairs so I check upstairs. As I walked down the hallway I hear lots of rustling from my parents room. I knock twice on the half opened door.

"Come in!" I hear my Mom yell from inside the room. I walk in to see both of my parents packing multiple suit cases. "What are you guys doing?" I ask out of curiosity. " We are going to move to the US for work. Quickly get ready." "But, what about Mark and my friends from school?" "Sorry baby, but you have to leave them. We already contacted the school that your going to leave." "But Mark!!!!" I yelled. I didn't want to leave my first crush! I was literally about to burst into tears. "Baby, I really am sorry but we have to leave. So go pack your things."I heard my dad say from his closet.

I slowly walk to my room. I have to listen to my parents. I can't do anything about it anyways. So I just take out my suitcase and pack everything in my closet. I grab my bag and put all my little toys and I pick up a picture frame that had me and Marks photo in it. A single tear ran down my face. I quickly stuffed it in my bag and grabbed my suitcase.

Then I left...


Hey, so I finally made a chapter and included a new character!

So this is Marks childhood and you know who's next^-^. Also, when Mark and Momo are back to their normal age they are going to be in Shinhwa High again.

Anyways, bye! I will be making a new chapter tomorrow!

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