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2 Months Later

It's been two months since that dance I had with Jennifer I haven't Seen Or talked to her.. The both of us ended up getting too drunk that night and she left before I could get her number. I know I dance with a lot of girls at the clubs, I Fuck a lot of them too but she's different I keep thinking about her each and everyday. There's Just something about her and I swear that It drives me crazy. She ain't like them other hoes she's special.. I really need to find Her. I tried getting her number but the people I've asked don't know her.. I don't even know where to look Anymore but I won't give up I really gotta find her....you see now I believe that love at first sight exists.


At the boutique

I was chilling at the boutique on that long couch in the reception watching Rosie and Cecilia doin some work.. Mel, Tina and Ari left work early today. And I'm about to leave too anyway.

I really wish I could meet or see Chris again.. Its not fair that we only had one dance then we don't see each other for two months. I just can't get him off my mind.. I don't know how its possible for me to have feelings for someone that I barely know...

"Jenny..." Rosie called.

"JENNIFER!" Cecilia Snapped her fingers at my face and I blinked.

"Huh...? What is it?

"Are you okay?" Rosie asked.

"Yeah I'm fine just have a lot on my mind.... Uhm... I need to go can y'all lock up for me? Please" I said standing up.

"Of course... Just go home and get some rest u look real tired." Cecilia Said.

"Thanks you the best" I smiled.

I walked out and Got into my car, took a long drive not knowing where I was goin.. I was thinking bout a lot of things and all of a sudden my car started slowing down, I frowned and cut off the engine then got out.

I was in the middle of a Neighborhood that I didn't even know.. I looked around my car but I saw nothing not that I know anything bout cars.. As I was still tryna call my dad to come pick me up I heard a familiar voice asking me if I needed help.. I said yes without even looking.. When I finally decided to look I smiled.



"Hey.." He Smiled "Can I?" He asked opening his arms.

"Of course" I Hugged him.

"I thought I'd never see u again..." He chuckled a little looking at me.

"Me too...good to see you"

"Your car giving you problems..?"

"Yeah.. It has never done this before." I sighed.

"Lemme look at it..."

He looked at the car.. I don't even know what he was doin.. A few Minutes later he told me the car was okay...

"Thank you so much.. I don't know what I would've done if you didn't show up."

"No problem... Can we like go have a drink or something?.. We can ride in yo car if you don't mind."

"I don't mind.. But only if u drive cause I don't even know this neighborhood that well"

He chuckled "Aight let's go.."

Chris got In the Drivers Seat and I got in the passenger seat...he drove only for about 8 minutes and stopped at some house.. THAT WAS FAST!! The house looked huge I wonder where we are...

"I thought we was gon get drinks..This don't look like a restaurant!"

"That's because It's not" He chuckled.

"Oh! Where are we?"

"This my house.. Come let's get in..

We went in and damn the house was beautiful. Inside and out . he grabbed my hand and We went to a bar that was in the house. This house was just perfect!

He poured me a drink and we sat down talking..

"So Whachu doin in this side?" He asked.

"I just got bored and decided to take a ride.. It landed me here."

"You look beautiful.."

"Thanks" I Blushed "Tell me bout yourself..."

"Alright. What do you wanna know?.."

"Like where you were born, your age...You know, Stuff like that."

"My Full Name Is Christopher Maurice Brown, I'm from Tappahannock Virginia, born and bred.. I'm 25, love Singing, graffiti and dancing... So yeah tell me bout you.."

When he counted all those things my Jaw went down. I love doin all those things too.. And I mean All of them..

"... Seems Like We got a lot of things in common.. My name is Jennifer Lauren Howard. I was born in Virginia too but moved here when I was a little baby.. I'm 19 years of age. I love singing, dancing I'm not saying I'm good at it tho and I'm also into graffiti.. Just like you.. And I'm a designer."

"Damn That's crazy, Maybe we're twins or sumn" He laughed a little.

I Chuckled "When Is your birthday?"

"5th May.... yours?

"7th July"

Chris and I talked and Watched movies for hours at his house..
Its Amazing how we have a lot of things in common.. Its like we have the same mind.. We Even Finish Each Other's Sentences.


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