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"Come On My Love You Can Do It, One Step At A Time." Jen Said As She Watched Chris Tryna Walk Towards Her. Its Been Two Weeks Since The Accident And Jen Has Been Taking Care Of Him, Helping Him Train His Legs. She Even Move  Back In With Him But She Still Doesn't Know What Her Mom Did.

"Ahh!" Chris Tried To Move His Legs "I Can't" He Shook His Head Holding On To The Couch

"Yes You Can, Just Move Slowly. You Can Do It Baby" Jen Said. Chris Used The Couch To Balance Himself As He Tried To Walk Towards Her But It Was Hard, He Couldn't Do It So He Fell Down On His Knees And Jen Quickly Helped Him Up Giving Him His Crutches, He Used Them To Walk To The Other Couch And Sat Down.

"I'm Sorry.."

Jen Sat Down "What For?!"

"I Disappointed You Again, You've Been Tryna Get Me To Walk But Ain't Happening" He Looked Down

Jen Sat Next To Him "Heyyyy, Don't Say That Baby.. I'm Not Disappointed Okay? The Doctors Did Say It Would Take Time."

"I Feel Useless.." A Tear Ran Down His Cheek.

"Chris, Don't... You're Not Useless, Look At Me."

He Looked At Her.

"You're Gonna Walk Again Okay? This Is Just Temporary, Trust Me On That." She Hugged Him "I Love You."

He Smiled A Little "I Love You Too."

"Chris, There's Somethin I Wanna Ask You."

"Go Ahead."

"Ever Since I Moved Back In With You, I've Been Avoiding This Question But I Need To Know.....How Are You Gonna Take Care Of Your Kid?

Chris Frowned "What Kid?"

"The One Onika Is Carrying!"

"Baby, She Was Never Pregnant, She Lied"

"Oh My Gosh! Why Would She Do That.?"

"I Don't Know, And That's Not Important What Matters Now Is Us"


"Uhm... I'll Go Get That." Jen Stood Up And Went To The Door, When She Opened It, There Was No One On The Doorstep. She Frowned Looking Around When She Looked Down There A Small Box Sitting There, It Was Very Small. She Picked It Up And Went Back Inside Closing The Door, She Walked To The Living Room And Put It On The Coffee Table.

"What's That?!" Chris Asked.

"I Don't Know, When I Opened The Door, There Was No One There... Only This Box."

"Open It."

"What If Its A Bomb Or Some Shit."

Chris Laughed "Don't Be Silly, Just Open The Goddamn Thing!"Jen Chuckled And Opened It, She Got Even More Confused When She Saw A Small Tape In There. She Took It Out And Pressed Play, That's When She Heard Nicki's Voice.... It Was A Conversion Between Her And Rihanna.

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