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"What Are You Doin Here?" Jen Asked Opening The Door To See Rihanna Standing There. She Was Alone In The House Again, Chris Left Last Night After They Chilled Watching TV And Eating Junk Food.

"Hey.." Rih Smiled "How You Doin?

"What Do You Want Robyn?"

"Can I At Least Come In? Please" She Said, With Her Cute Barbados Accent.

Jen Rolled Her Eyes And Stepped Aside So That She Could Enter, She Told Her To Wait In The Living Room While She Went Upstairs To Wear Some Clothes Since She Only Had A Towel Around Her Body, She Had Took A Shower Earlier.

Minutes Later She Came In The Living Room And Found Rihanna Sitting There Lookin At A Picture Frame That Showed Her And Chris.

"Y'all Look Good Together." Rih Said Smiling.

"Look... Don't Make Small Talks With Me, I'm Really Not In The Mood For Your BS"

"I Ain't Here To Give You No BS Either."

"What Do You Want Then?" Jen Sat On The Couch Next To Her

"I'm Here To Make Peace" She Said And Jen Raised Her Brows. "I Just Wanna Say Sorry For How I've Been Treatin You And Your Friends.... I Never Took The Time To Know Y'all, All I Did Was Look Down On You But The Truth Is I Admire You Jen And Believe It Or Not You Inspire Me, The Kind Of Woman You Are And-"

"How Do I Know That Your Friend Onika Didn't Send You Here To Say All Those Things, You Have An Agenda Right?"

Rih Shook Her Head "Nicki And I Don't Hang Out Anymore If You Don't Believe Me You Can Ask Around, People Will Tell You.... Look Jennifer I'd Really Like For Us To Be Friends, I Know You Don't Trust Me But I'm Gonna Prove To You That I'm Being Genuine, That's What I Told Tina, Ari And Melrose."

Jen Slightly Chuckled "It's Melisa Not Melrose"

Rih Grinned "Yeah, Her.... So What Do You Say?"

"Well....I'm Not Holding Grudges Against You, I Mean I Got A Lot On My Plate Right Now." Jen Sighed  "There's No Place For Grudges So Yeah, I'll Forget You Ever Acted Like A Bitch Towards Me And My Friends"

Rih Smiled "Thank You, That Means A lot"

Jen Nodded

"I Heard What Happened Between You And Chris.... I'm Really Sorry."

"How Did You Know About That?"

"You Should Really Start Watchin Tv.... Its All Over The News, Chris Is A Celebrity His Life Belongs To The Public, This Wasn't Gonna Stay A Secret."

Jen Sighed "I Know."

"How You Holdin Up?"

".....I'm Not Coping At All, This Whole Thing Still Feels Like A Nightmare, I Don't Know If I'm Being In Denial Or What."

"It's Gonna Take Time For It To Sink In... But You Gonna Get Thru It I Know That"

Jen Shook Her Head "I Don't Think So"

"Its The Truth Jennifer, God Never Puts You In A Situation You Can't Get Of. One Day You're Gonna Be Telling All That's Happening Right Now To Your Grandchildren"

They Laughed A Little

Jen Got Serious And Played With Her Fingers "You Know, I Spent The Whole Day With Chris Yesterday.... We Even Did Somethin We Shouldn't Have Done, I Thought The Pain I Felt Would Go Away Or Get Better But.... It Doesn't, I Can't Help But Feel Disgusted With Myself, I Want Him So Bad But I Can't Have Him Because He's My Blood. That Shit Kills Me"

"I Can Imagine How Hard This Is.... But Don't You Dare Feel Disgusted With Yourself Okay? Its Not Your Fault, You Didn't Know He Was Your Brother, This Is All Your Mom's Doings.... Have You Seen Or Talked To Her?"

"No... I Don't Want Anything To Do With Her."

"But You Have To Talk To Her"

Jen Shook Her Head And Looked Down "I Don't Want To."

"Its The Only Way You'll Find Peace Jennifer.... I Know You Probably Ask Your Self Questions Like 'Why Did She Lie' , 'Why Did She Do This To Me' You Know All That Shit... Only Her Can Answer That, You Have To Meet Up With Her, Just To Find Some Kinda Closure Or Somethin."

".....I'm Not Interested In Anymore Of Her Lies Robyn.... That Woman Is Like Poisonous Snake, Every Time I Think Of The Fact That She Carried Me In Her Womb For 9 Fuckin Months I Feel Like Throwing Up, I Hate Her With Every Part Of My Body" Jen Shivered Thinking Of Her Mom.

Rih Nodded "I Understand, What She Did Was Evil Though! Come Here." She Huge Her. "Everything Is Gonna Be Okay, I Just Know It... Just Be Strong And Keep Holding On" She Rubbed Circles On Her Back As She Cried On Her Shoulder.

At That Point Rih Found Tears Escaping Her Eyes Too. . She Felt Bad For Her.... And Jennifer On The Other Hand Felt Safe In Rih's Arms, She Felt Like She Could Trust And Tell Her Anything And Deep Down She Knew That Their Friendship Would Work Out If They Gave It A Go Cause Her Instincts And Heart Never Lies.

"Thanks.." Jen Smiled A Little As They Both Wiped Their Tears.

"Heyyy... You Can Talk To Me Whenever You Want I Mean It." Rih Smiled "I'm Glad That You Actually Trust Me Enough To Tell Me Your Problems...  You're A Great Person Jen."

Jen Shook Her Head Sighing "Trust Me, If I Was A Good Person, I Wouldn't Be Trying To Kill An Innocent Soul." She Looked Down At Her Stomach.

Rih Frowned "Wait... What Do You Mean?"

"Uhm... N-Nothing... Never Mind."

"Oh My Gosh! You're Pregnant.?"

Jen Nods Her Head Slowly. "I Booked An Appointment With A Doctor, I Wanna Know Some Info Bout Abortion... I'm Gonna Do It Without Chris' Knowledge."

"He Wants You To Keep The Baby?"

She Sighed "Yeah... I Can't Believe He Expects Me To Keep This Baby, Its Crazy!"

"Damn! This Is Really Hectic."

"Tell Me Bout It."


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