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After They All Left I Dragged Myself Upstairs And Hopped In The Shower. As I Was Still Washing My Body Images Of Earlier Came Running In My Head.

I Still Can't Believe I've Been Sleeping With My Sister, I Feel Like I'm Losing My Mind... What Do I Do Now? Lord Knows I Love Jennifer With All My Heart, I Never Thought I'd Be Forced To Live Without Her, I Never Dreamed Of A Day Like This.

Why Is This Happening To Me? Why Can't I Just Be Happy For Once In My Life? What Have I Done To Deserve This? I've Been A Curse From The Day I Was Born That's Why My Own 'Mother' Abandoned Me... I Never Thought Life Would Be Like This. Why Is God Punishing Me Like This? Do I Sin Worse Than Everyone Else? Why Do Things Like This Happen To ME!

I Don't Think I'll Be Able To Live Without Jennifer... I Might As Well Die.

After I Took A Shower I Got Out And Went To The Bedroom With A Towel Around My Waist, I Did My Thang And Put On My Boxers. Before I Could But On A Shirt Or Pants I Saw A Photo Frame On The Bedside Table, I Grabbed It And Looked At It.

I Tried Holding Back The Tears That Threatened To Leave My Eyes But They Just Fell Down My Cheeks... I Sat On The Bed And Just Let Them Out With My Head Down.



As Chris Was Still Crying Looking At The Picture Frame, He Heard The Bedroom Door Open And Jen Came In, She Was No Longer Wearing A Wedding Dress She Was Wearing A Hoodie And Sweat Pants With Some Jordan's

Chris Wiped His Eyes Quickly And Stood Up Facing Her, Her Eyes Looked Like She'd Also Been Cryin. She Sped Walked Over To Chris And He Hugged Her Like His Life Depended On It..

"I Was Worried About You... Where Have You Been.?"

"Tina's Place, I Needed Some Air."

Chris Nodded Kissing Her Hand.

"So What Now, Where To From Here?" She Asked Looking At Him. He Sighed.

"I Guess This Is The End Of Us.."

Jen Shook Her Head "I'm Not Gonna Live Without You.... I Can't."

"I Can't Either But.... I Have To, We Have To Just-

"No!" She Raised Her Voice "I Can't Chris! I Love You." She Cried.

"Listen To Me." He Grabbed Her Face Between His Hands "We Have To.... I Hate What's Happening Right Now, I Feel Like Its Just A Stupid Nightmare But It Isn't..... I Love You, I'd Die For You But We Can't Continue This Its Just All Wrong, I Can't Even Look At Myself In The Mirror."

She Nodded Her Head Slowly "I Booked Into A Hotel, I'll Be Sleeping There Tonight. You Know It's Scary How Someone's Life Can Be Ruined In A Matter Of Seconds.... I Thought By This Time I'd Be Callin You My Husband But.. Here We Are. I Don't Think I Wanna Live Anymore, I'm Tired Of Everything Chris, My Mom Has Ruined My Life-

"Don't Say That.... Don't You Dare Talk About Dying... We're Gonna Get Through This I Know It." He Kissed Her Forehead "You're Gonna Meet Someone Else And He's Gonna Love You As Much As I Do"

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